In the second of our 800 point bank holiday games here is a brief battle report.
Rebel Players
: Mad Cat,
Imperial Players
@Lizard Overlord
Rebel List
CR90, TRC, Jiana's Light,
MC80C, Home One, ECM, Boosted Comms, Strat Adviser
MC80B, GT, LS, XI7, XX9
MC80B, GT, LS, XI7, XX9
MC30T, Admonition, APT, OE
GR75T, Comms Net
Jan, Biggs, 3 X-Wing, 2 Scrugg, 2 Z95, Shara
Imperial List
(from memory)
ISD-II Avenger, GT,
, XI7, ECM
ISD-II Relentless, GT, XI7, ECM, Intel Officer, Phylon Q7
VSD-II Spinal, GT, DCaps, Intel Officer
VSD-II, H9, Warlord, GT, DCaps
Quasar-I, Flight Controllers, Boosted Comms, Expanded Hangar
Howlrunner, 4 TIE-I, 4 TIE-D, 3 TIE-F
The rebels had a better bid and chose first player and Planetary Ion Cannon from the missions on offer.
Turn 1
Imperial Deployment on the above picture top to bottom: Relentless, Quasar (with interceptors/Howl close by), Avenger, VSD, Warlord (with Defenders and TIE Fighters nearby.
Rebel Deployment top to bottom: TRC90 (all alone), BCC Flotilla (with all squadrons nearby), Liberty #1, Liberty #2, Admonition, Comms Net Flotilla (just out of view behind Admonition), Home One, Jiana's Light
The Imperials started a great right wheel (from their viewpoint) with the large ships speeding up to 3 and warlord slowing to speed zero. The TRC90 at the top waits for relentless to activate then goes round the top to get in the rear areas. On the other flank Admonition & Jiana's Light go at speed 4 and Liberty #1 accelerates to 3 and we wheel right too. The Defenders gather round the base and Shara pins the pair not on the base itself.
Turn 2
Rebels Delay with Strat Adviser and the Empire launches an alpha-strike with Howlrunner & friends. With Flight Controllers and swarm rerolls too that's a lot of dice. Jan lends Braces and Biggs keeps all but one X-Wing alive. We retaliate trying everything to just about kill Howlrunner. We put a lot of fire into her with both Z95s whiffing with 8 red dice. One Scrugg got a bombing run on Vader's ship. The BCC flotilla flakked the blob and ran for it but was getting in the way of our Liberties. The Ion Cannon hits Admonition and a repair token was called for from the comms net. Avenger gets into position but lands on an asteroid and with Dodona around he lost his strongest (ie front) shield. Nasty. Shara takes 3 damage and the counter fire was vicious but defenders have plenty of hull.
Turn 3
The Top TRC90 softens up Relentless and the Quasar from the side. The fighter battle continues and still the Z95s never get a hit. 3 Tie-Fs join the scrap an we decide to shoot them to save from taking counter(2) with swarm. Biggs keeps the X-wings alive but all look ragged now. Nasty Flak from Avenger kills all of them off leaving only Jan, Scruggs and a Z95 alive. Elsewhere Shara does well killing the Defenders near the base and repairing a hull. Both VSDs D-Cap and Warlord slams Admonition that lost an Evade to Intel Officer and a Redirect using the Admon rule but when the enemy got 2 red double hits you have to do these things. Both VSDs take long range damage but Avenger has to activate before the Liberties and drifts into medium range and is now on 5 hull left. BCC flotilla dies. Liberty #2 looks bad on 3 hull but has repair token and 2 repair commands plotted for later. Admonition, Jianas Light take up position on the flank while the other CR90 keeps stripping shields from the quasar.
Turn 4
Liberty#1 goes first double arcing Avenger and killing Vader's ship. The VSD is in tatters goes next with a nasty GT shot on the Liberties almost killing #2. It goes next doing a crit to Warlord slowing it to speed 0. Sadly it has Nav command getting back to speed 1 immediately and kills Liberty #2. Admonition savages Warlord then Relentless kills the Comms net Flotilla. Shara does well but looses her scatter and has 1 health. The Defenders also take some Flak fire .
Turn 5
Photo missing due to distraction when pizza arrived. Both VSDs die from a GT front shot (and a little softening up by a Scrugg) from our surviving Liberty. Admonition accelerates and jumps over the Liberty lining up on the Quasar who is still pursued by my TRC90. Shara dies as do all imperial fighters from Flak, mainly from Home One. Relentless gets close to Home One but with ECM it should survive.
Turn 6
The Ion Cannon tries to kill the TRC90 who has lost all shields and a hull. Luck was with us and it survived.
We take the risk of home one and activate Admonition instead killing the Quasar. Home one looses shields and 2 hull but this is the last turn so it survives. We take pot shots at Relentless but it still has full hull.
Final Positions
Rebels lost 9 squadrons with a scrug & Jan alive. We also lost a Liberty and both Flotillas
Imperials loose all but the tooled up Relentless