So, on the Zion's Finest slack channel, we got into a discussion about whether the meta is too restrictive. That got people to talking about how many figures were played at Worlds. We came up with:
In Top 16:
Rebels: ERangers, Han w/RS, Chewbacca w/WA, Drokatta, Jedi Luke, Ahsoka, Hera, Gideon, 3P0, R2-D2, MHD, rSmuggler, Jyn, Mak, Rebel High Command, Balance of the Force, On a Diplomatic Mission
Mercs: IG-88 w/FoK, EQuays, Greedo, Jabba, Vinto, EJawa, rJawa, Clawdite, Onar, Devious Scheme, Black Market
Imperials: Vader w/DBH, Terro, AT-DP, EJets, rJets, rRiots, rOff, Zillo, Rule By Fear, Cross-Training
Neutral: Unshakeable
At Worlds:
Rebels: Ko-Tun, Leia, (Chopper?)
Mercs: Bantha Rider, Shyla, Hired Guns
Imperials: Palpatine, eRiots, BT-1, eSentries
Notably Absent:
Mercs: Ugnaughts
Edited by GottaBadFeelingAboutThis