I'm trying to make a variant of the app that includes an Imperial Player, but I wasn't sure how down into the nitty-gritty of balance the app got. I've got a few questions about threat level and deployment groups
1. Has anyone noticed if the number of open or reserved groups changes based on how well the Rebels do? I've done speed runs through the first two missions about a dozen times each on Medium, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. For instance, in the first mission, the amount of reinforcements the app brings in doesn't seem to change much whether I bring down those first 3 probe droids in one round or in six. I'm wondering if this is true for all missions.
2. Similarly, does the total threat cost of the units deployed seem to change much (like more than + or - the threat level), based on anything the Rebels do?
3. Approximately how much is the difference in threat cost the app throws at you between Medium and Hard? Or is the difficulty difference all based on special events and more powerful special abilities?