I had a fantastic time at Worlds, and it was great reconnecting with so many people I've played before and meeting new attendees! I particularly enjoyed hanging out with the UK guys throughout the week.
I just finished listening to the two part Zion's Finest/Fully Armed and Operational podcast of the Worlds experience, and I fully agree with the assessment they made that the meta is currently in the best place it has been since the game started competitively. I also agree that there is some room for improvement, and the future could be tricky. So I wanted to begin a discussion on how we, the IA players, feel the game could be improved within the current framework of the rules (I don't think the game has developed to a point where a new version is needed). Here are some of my observations, as informed by open discussions with the devs and listening to the podcasts:
- Temporary Alliance was initially put into the game as a way to increase options in the early stages of the game, but it has outlived its usefulness and is starting to constrain design space. The biggest example of this is the regular appearance of Gideon and/or Hera in Merc lists, even alongside Jabba. With Elite Jawas, the amount of support available to Mercs is equal to the Rebels, and Mercs have a lot of tricks that are unavailable to Rebels.
- The options for each faction are pretty set. Imperials need Zillo, eJets are must takes, and Vader is nearly a must take. Mercs need IG-88 and eWeequays along with support from Rebels. Rebels need the Care Package, Han, and eRangers are a near auto-include.
- Hunter and Smuggler command cards are dominant, which favors Mercs and Rebels, though the Vehicle cards are part of what makes eJets so good.
- Stacking cards allows huge shifts. I had Onar one-shot my AT-DP in a practice game with four command cards. We had seven dice stacked up on the dice tray (some to represent Assassinate and other modifiers).
- The maps in rotation have a huge effect on the meta, as seen in DT shifting from Vader, eJets, and Riots to his Worlds list as a result of the map change.
- Any changes have a very high bar of proof to put into effect: it's way to easy to make a change that creates way more problems than it fixes.
It is perfectly possible to simply accept that these conditions are part and parcel of the design space and as long as they're considered in the future, new releases can contain balancing forces to bring things back to a balance. For myself, I think the number one change that needs to be made is that Temporary Alliance needs to be retired from the game. Does this significantly disadvantage Mercs compared to the other factions? If so, how would that be addressed? One comment that was made on the podcast is that eWeequays without Focus are still a significant threat, but eRangers without Focus are nothing to write home about. I completely agree, and note that between eJawa/C-3PO and Jabba, Mercs still have access to Focus.
What are your thoughts? Is there a way we can start running some test games to determine how changes would be made? I'd love to do some control tests of top meta lists vs lists without Temporary Alliance and then with Temporary Alliance to see how the game would be affected.