Like many of you, I was interested in the previous post
Unfortunately, I'm not sur where this lead as I was never able to see more cards apart from the one showing as displayed in the post.
So, just like GilGalvanti, I gave it a try. For a couple of months now, I've been modifying The Dearth's template to my liking. I've deconstruct all the boxes to standardize the elements within. I've reorganize the template to give it a design more focused on the text while still keeping enough space for the picture. I've also created new templates for item modifications.
I haven't gotten into planets or npcs yet as I feel there are already a lot of information on the internet and preferred so far to concentrate on the items we may want to buy and use during gameplay. Items that are quiet frankly not fun to search for while gaming as they are spread across all the books at your disposal. I remember asking our GM, what could we upgrade on our YT-1300, after searching for 10 minutes in the books, the discussion ended up with "it will take 3 weeks to upgrade anything" and therefor considering the time table for our mission, we didn't had the time...
As I'm close to 450 cards completed, I've decided to share with the other players my work thus far. Maybe some of you would like to help out which could be interesting. Either pointing out any erratas so that I can fix them, or post detailed information as basic text in this thread for me to work with, even better if a link to an artwork picture. I still have a lot of information in my hand to create more though. Text are ready for many weapons but searching for the proper picture to use may required me some time and therefor delay their creation.
Note that I didn't keep myself to star wars pictures since some of them don't have any picture available while some others are just not good enough. Any pictures (mostly sci-fi considering the world we play in) that could represent the item was fine by me as long as it was a tasteful artwork.
So, down bellow is a preview, note that I'm limited to upload 500 ko on this website which isn't much. I had to compressed and crop the picture I had prepared. The resolution is pretty bad but at least it gives a good idea what the cards looks like. The real pictures are about 500ko per cards though so nothing to worry here.
Pictures available here:
Edited by Mefyrx