Bandit's Shipyard - Starship Crafting

By Banditks, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

The preamble:
The overall premise of these systems is keeping in mind you are making a ship from the -blueprint- forward. Meaning these systems are meant to be there and are designed to be there. This should translate into your designed ship having key characteristics that the players choose. Spend the time, money, and resources on designing a ship should result in a worthwhile and desirable end result. While triumphs, and advantage should lead to breakthroughs and better than average ships.

These designs are based off the idea that these are -blueprints- being made. The frame, power source/engines, and hull are all parts of a whole blueprint. So, when you put this together picking a frame, and so on. That will be something akin to a first draft, allowing players to come back to the blueprint and do more rolls to add in some of those mods before it goes to the shipyard to be actually made.

The last note I will make here is this. I am requiring any GM that is looking at this to have common sense, I haven’t included an exhaustive list of limitations because I believe the GM should know that a massive shield generator, breaching pod, or other very large ship upgrade can’t fit onto a fighter or personal speeder.

I encourage GMs to take this list and modify it where you think, cost, HP, rarity, or limitations or whatever in your house rules should be put into place. Unless something is glaringly wrong I probably won’t adjust the numbers found here.

This is a foundation GMs can build from so their players can custom design ships with many choices to really make a personal craft or capital ship.

Thank you.

Edited by Banditks

General Idea:

Players spend time, rolls, sessions, ect crafting the blueprints, the Frame, Engine, Hull, and finally all the things that chew up the rest of the HP currency. Thats how the GM sessions should go this is in my mind built for people who want to spend the RP time doing this and not for people who want a wiz-bang ship yesterday to one shot star destroyers.

Rolls and RP time should follow this, though GMs can shuffle things about as players make choices
Roll or RP for frame design = results
Roll or RP for engine design = results
Roll or RP for hull design = results
All three of things combine together to create a first draft blueprint

Then roll to design in features and start spending what is left of the HPs this can be done each feature at a time or by groups, categories, or player choice combinations if the players are really into it left them have some fun here this is where are the goodies are put on the ship of their dreams.
The results here make a second draft blueprint and is ready to be sent off to the shipyard or wherever to be built. assuming players have already acquired the money or resources to make it. also great story and RP opportunists to get those resources.

Then the players can have one final crack at the blueprint to make a few more rolls to go after those mods and really put the cherry on top of a really fun ship.
This results in a final blueprint that is really ready to be crafted.

Generally speaking the frame should dictate what the ship is. Because the frame is the foundation everything is built on top of. With that in mind I am keeping it that way. I am just adjusting the HP values to those frames so that players can actually craft something worthwhile.

HP = 14

HP = 14

HP = 20

HP = 25

HP = 30

HP= 32

HP= 34

Edited by Banditks

Rarity is up to the GM, price is up to the GM
The reasoning with hyperdrives, because there are so many different companies making so many different ship types there has got to be many companies making hyperdrives as well and many different types. So here is a short list of a few I have come up with.


Base Hyperdrive
Pg 82 Fully Operational
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive (Class 4 or Class 8 costs below)
and droid socket (Fighters only)
Mods: 4 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min .5)
1 Add Secondary hyperdrive class 14
4 Reduce Secondary hyperdrive rating by 1
HP: 1
Price: 3000 – Class 8
6000 – Class 3

Hardened Hyperdrive
The hyperdrive is specially designed to make sure it continues to function even if ship systems are starting to fail
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive Class 5 Resists critical damage once per scene (or once per 3 rounds)
Mods: 2 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min 1)
1 Add Secondary hyperdrive class 14
4 Reduce Secondary hyperdrive rating by 1
HP: 1
Price: 5000

Fighter Hyperdrive
Purpose made hyperdrive for any fighter
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive Class 5
Mods: 3 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min 2)
HP: 1
Price: 2000

Redundant circuity Hyperdrive
Resists Ion Damage, ship can jump to hyperspace for a short time even if other systems are disabled.
Silhouette 5+ only
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive Class 5 Ion energy is converted and shunted to the hyperdrive reducing Ion damage by ½ (or by 3 points)
Mods: 3 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min 2)
1 Reduce Silhouette requirement by 1 (Min 4)
1 Increase System Strain by Silhouette
HP: 1
Price: 5000

Offensive Hyperdrive
Energy is transferred from a hyperspace jump into one weapon system. That system gains 4 boost die on its next combat roll, that same systems is disabled for 3 rounds.
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive Class 3
Mods: 1 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min 2)
2 replace 1 boost die with an ability die
HP: 1
Price: 5000

Defensive Hyperdrive
Energy is transferred from a hyperspace jump into shields. Shields are completely replenished and add 4 defense to 1 zone the PC chooses. After 4 rounds shields malfunction for 4 rounds.
Base: Add one primary hyperdrive Class 3
Mods: 1 Reduce Primary hyperdrive rating by 1 (Min 2)
2 +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 1
Price: 5000

Edited by Banditks

These are all meant to be paired with the engines so yes they are all somewhat weak but can be stronger when applied to the proper power source. Rarity is up to the GM, price is up to the GM.
The reason why I have made new shield generators is this, the base power source cant produce the same sort of shields that basic ships have most of the time so instead of jury rigging in a “Reinforced Shield Generator” chewing up extra HP and having to sometimes put it more than one of these just to equal other ships why not from the blueprints just put in a actual shield generator[or better] in the first place?


Reinforced Shield Generator
EOTE Core Rulebook page 270
Base: +1 defense to 1 zone
Mods: 2 +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 2
Price: 3800

Shield Generator
Add a full shield Generator to you ship.
Base: +1 to all applicable zones
Mods: 2 +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Hardened Shield Generator
The Generator is given backup systems and specially made to resist being disabled
Base: +1 to all applicable zones, shields cannot suffer critical damage from rolls, reroll any result dealing with ship shields
Mods: +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 1
Price: 6000

Reactive Shield Generator
Quickly Shunt defense to vulnerable parts of the ship.
Base: +1 to all applicable zones, PC can add setback die as if the defense zone was one stronger by reducing it from another available undepleted zone. After the roll is complete that defense point is lost for 1 round.
Mods: None
HP: 1
Price: 7000

Mon Calamari Shield Generator
Some of the best shields in the galaxy, and not easy or cheap to get.
Base: +2 to all applicable zones
Mods: 4 +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 1
Price: 10000

Fighter Shield Generator
Special made for fighters, max Silhouette of 3
Base: +1 to fore shields
Mods: +1 defense to 1 zone
HP: 1
Price 1000

Edited by Banditks

Ship Systems
The reasoning here is there has to be different sorts of Navicomputers, coms, sensors and other special things that go into designing a ship from the ground up. So I looked up the basic point of these systems in the book and make some extra ones here that you can choose if you so desire.



Basic Navicomputer
The very basic but well tested Navicomputer to fit any system.
Base: Allows the ship to calculate travel through the many hazards of space
Mods: none
HP: 0
Price 100

Corporate Navicomputer
Faster calculations and more hamsters inside, even some red tape to free you of some extra creds
Base: Adds 1 boost die to Astrogations checks.
Mods: 2 +1 boost die to Astrogation checks.
Price 500

Navicomputer Array
Several calculation processors work together to get you going faster
Base: +1 Ability Die to Astrogation checks
Mods: 2 +1 boost die to Astrogation checks.
HP: 1
Price: 1000

Sorosuub Navicomputer
A high end Sorosuub design to help the PC navigate the more dicey lanes
Base: Upgrades Astrogation Checks
Mods: 2 +1 boost die to Astrogation checks.
1 +1 Ability Die to Astrogation checks
1 Upgrades Astrogation Checks
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Escape Pods, Ejection Systems, Breaching Pods


Basic Escape Pod, Ejection System
Safe your life if your ship is going down
Base: Adds an Ejection System to the fighter saving the pilot, Adds an Escape Pod for 10 people if larger than a fighter. There are enough pods for the full crew compliment.
Mods: 2 +1 to crew saved by the system
HP: 0
Price: 275

Advanced Escape Pod, Ejection System
Be able to move around and possible escape damage with these small pods with engines!
Base: Adds an Ejection System to the fighter saving the pilot, Adds an Escape Pod for 12 people if larger than a fighter. Can move around at speed 1 for 24 hours
Mods: 4 +1 to crew saved by the system
2 +24 hours to movement
HP: 0
Price: 2000

Reinforced Escape Pod, Ejection System
Keeps the crew safe from natural or combat related hazards
Base: Adds an Ejection System to the fighter saving the pilot, Adds an Escape Pod for 12 people if larger than a fighter. The crew is also immune to the natural hazards of space radiation.
Mods: Add resistance to battle debris, and Asteroids
Add +1 defense for temporary shield protection
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Atmosphere ready Escape Pod, Ejection System
Allows the crew to safely land on a nearby planet in hopes to survive
Base: Adds an Ejection System to the fighter saving the pilot, Adds an Escape Pod for 12 people if larger than a fighter. The Escape Pod, Ejection System can survive re-entry and safely crash land on a planets surface:
Mods: Adds water ready feature
Adds Toxic, Hot, frozen adaptability.
HP: 1
Price: 3500


Basic Breaching Pod
Allows what should have been an escape pod launcher to be changed to a breaching pod launcher
Base: 6 Crew can be fired from a Silhouette 5+ ship and breach a ship up to armor 5. Requires a Hard piloting check
Mods: None
HP: 1
Price: 2000

Medium Breaching Pod
A purpose-built launcher and pod to breaching larger ships and delivering an angry cargo.
Base: 12 Crew Can be fired from a Silhouette 5+ ship and breach a ship up to armor 6 Requires an Average piloting check.
Mods: 1 +6 Crew to pod
1 Increase armor breached by 1
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Heavy Breaching Pod
Place a large number of very gutsy and now completely dedicated Marines on an enemy ship to cause some havoc
Base: 24 Crew Can be fired from a Silhouette 5+ ship and breach a ship up to armor 8 Requires an Average piloting check.
Mods 2 +6 Crew to pod
2 increase armor breached by 1
HP: 2
Price: 5000

Atmospheric Assault Pod [AAP]
When you need to get a squad on the surface right now.
Base: 12 Crew Can be fired from a Silhouette 5+ ship into the atmosphere of a planet or at a large enough asteroid [OK GMS time to work you house rule magic here!]
Mods: 4 2 +6 Crew to pod
HP: 2
Price: 4000



Basic Sensors:
Basic system sensors, simple by reliable.
Base: Uses the frame range
Mods: None
Hp: 0
Price: 100

Sweep Sensors:
A new take an Sensors instead of the constant passive or direct active mode this version makes a constant sweep around the ship to detect objects.
Base: Ship sensors are now max frame range +1 but only actively search one facing per 2 rounds and goes around clockwise
Mods: Reduce round time by 1
HP: 1
Price: 300

Hardened Sensors
These Sensors have backups and redundancies, allowing the ship to see in even the most dire of circumstances.
Base: Ship sensors resist being taken offline once per scene
Mods: None
HP: 1
Price: 400

Combat Sensors
These sensors are made for combat and quickly work through friend or foe signatures by combining transponder codes and the ships Silhouette to have a two level check for accuracy.
Basic: Adds 1 difficulty to any deception checks or attempts to fool the sensors identifying friend or foe in combat situations.
Mods: +1 Setback die to any deception checks or attempts to fool the sensors
HP: 1
Price: 700



Upgraded Comms Array
AOE Core Rulebook PG 287
Base: Increase Comms range by 1 range band
Mods: 2 Increase Comms range by 1 range band
HP: 1
Price: 4800

Basic Comms
The ability to communicate is very important
Base: The ship can communicate with anyone in sensors range
Mods: None
HP: 0
Price: 1000

Long Range Comms
When you really need to talk to someone far far away
Base: Long Range Comms allows the ship to communicate up to 1 system jump away.
Mods: 1 Increase range by 1 additional system.
HP: 1
Price: 5000

Encrypted Comms
speak privately at a distance
Base: The outgoing comms of this ship are kept safe by encoding them anyone listening in cant understand unless they decrypt them with a hard computers check.
Mods: 1 increase the difficulty of the computers check
HP: 1
Price: 6000

Hardened Comms
When your blanket jamming the region you might need to still communicate, this system will allow you to breach jamming you are creating.
Base: If you or an allie are jamming all comms in an area this ship can still send out clear messages to other Hardened Comms in other ships or personal gear.
Mods: 1 Communicate out of a system when being jammed by friendlies
HP: 1
Price: 7000

Droids [more ideas?]


Basic Maintenance Units
A small number of droids are assigned duties on the ship for smoother operation and potential for smaller minimum crew.
Base: The ship can make 2 additional self repair actions [core rule book]
Mods: None
HP: 1
Price: 2000

Edited by Banditks

Hanger bays

Retrofitted Hanger Bay
AOE Core Rulebook PG 287


Small Hanger Bay
For ships with Silhouette 5
Base: Can carry up to 8 fighters or half as many shuttles/freighters.
Mods: 2 +1 fighters to the Hanger Bay
HP: 2
Price: 4000

Medium Hanger Bay
For ships with Silhouette 6 to 7
Base: Can carry up to 12 fighters or half as many shuttles/freighters.
Mods: 2 +6 fighters to the Hanger Bay
HP: 2
Price: 8000

Heavy Hanger Bay
For ships with Silhouette 8
Base: Can carry up to 30 fighters or half as many shuttles/freighters.
Mods: 3 +10 fighters to the Hanger Bay
HP: 2
Price: 12000

Dropship Bay
This ship is purpose built to get vehicles to and from a planet’s surface
Base: Sil 3 ships can carry 2 personal speeders, sil 4 ships can carry 6 personal speeders. [or equivalent, GMs work your magic]
Mods: 2 +1 Vehicles to the Dropship Bay
HP: 2
Price: 5000

Edited by Banditks

Special Decks
These are purpose-built decks inside a ship designed to fulfill special purposes. This allows players to customize some ships for special duties, like a medical frigate, command ship, prison ship, Cargo or other duties the players may need in long term campaigns. I did not include a Sil requirement because I am requiring GMs to work common sense and know that massive Medical or security decks can’t fit on the freighter that can only have a crew of less than 15.

Medical Decks


Medical suite
A few rooms are set aside for medical purposes and are stocked with all the basic supplies to deal with basic injuries and to care for already stabilized patients.
Base: The medical Suite can handle up to 4 patients at once, player can role medical checks with no set back, and a single Bacta tank with a supply of bacta.
Mods: 2 +2 patients +1 Bacta tank with supply of bacta
HP: 1
Price: 2500

Small Medical Deck
A quarter [portion] of the this deck is set aside for medical needs, it can handle any injury, and is very well stocked with medical supplies and bacta.
Base: The medical Suite can handle up to 20 patients at once, player can role medical checks with no set back, and 5 Bacta tanks with supplies of bacta.
Mods: 2 +4 patients +1 Bacta tank with supply of bacta
HP: 2
Price: 5000

Medium Medical Deck
Half of the deck is purpose built for medical needs, full operations can take place here and long term wards are possible.
Base: The medical Suite can handle up to 40 patients at once, player can role medical checks with no set back, and 10 Bacta tanks with supplies of bacta. A single surgical suit is present for the direst of patients.
Mods: 2 +2 Bacta tank with supply of bacta
1 +1 Surgical Suite
1 +1 Long term ward +10 patients
HP: 3
Price: 8000

Large Medical Deck
A full deck is purpose built for medical needs, full operations can take place here and long term wards are standard. Huge supplies of medicine to deal with wounds, diseases, and other major medical events can be handled
Base: The medical Suite can handle up to 100 patients at once, player can role medical checks with no set back, and 20 Bacta tanks with supplies of bacta. 4 surgical suites are present for the direst of patients.
Mods: 2 +10 Bacta tank with supply of bacta
6 +1 Surgical Suite
4 +1 Long term ward +10 patients
HP: 4
Price: 15000

Edited by Banditks

Security Decks


Security Suite
A few rooms are set aside for internal ship security.
Base: Basic blaster pistols, are present in the weapons locker. One Camera it set up which can be monitored from the security suite. Two doors are reinforced with 1 Armor, and electronic locks [Average Computers, or Average Skullduggery check]
Mods: 2 +1 Doors secured
2 +1 Cameras
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Small Security Deck
A quarter of the deck is purpose-built for internal ship security and is generally considered light to average security coverage.
Base: Basic blaster rifles, are present in the weapons Armory. 5 Cameras it set up which can be monitored from security. 5 doors are reinforced with 1 Armor, and electronic locks [Average Computers, or Average Skullduggery check] 25 NPC guards are houses inside the security deck
Mods: 5 +1 Doors secured
5 +1 Cameras
HP: 2
Price: 6000

Medium Security Deck
Half of the deck is purpose-built for internal ship security and is generally considered Average to High security coverage. This deck has a small barracks for internal security to live in.
Base: Basic blaster rifles, and armor [Soak +1] are present in the Armory. 15 Cameras it set up which can be monitored from security. 15 doors are reinforced with 1.5 Armor, and electronic locks [Average Computers, or Average Skullduggery check]. 75 NPC guards are houses inside the security deck.
Mods: 5 +2 Doors secured
5 +2 Cameras
1 Increase Door security to hard
1 Increase Door Armor by .5
1 +25 NPC guards barracks
HP: 3
Price: 6000

Large Security Deck
The full deck is purpose-built for internal ship security and is generally considered Average to High security coverage. This deck has a barracks for internal security to live in.
Base: Heavy blaster rifles, and armor [Soak +1] are present in the Armory. 30 Cameras it set up which can be monitored from security. 30 doors are reinforced with 1.5 Armor, and electronic locks [Average Computers, or Average Skullduggery check]. 250 NPC guards are houses inside the security deck.
Mods: 5 +5 Doors secured
5 +5 Cameras
1 Increase Door security to hard
1 Increase Door Armor by .5
1 Increase Door Security to daunting [hard must be purchased first]
1 Increase Door Armor by 1 [.5 must be purchased first]
2 +25 NPC guards barracks
1 Add automatic blaster rifle turrets
HP: 4
Price: 12000

Command Decks


Command suites and decks in my mind are not on the bridge where the captain fly’s but deeper inside or nearby the bridge. These rooms are made to take in battle data, compile, and then deal out orders from commanders overseeing the battle as a whole. This looks very similar to the command room inside the Hoth base before the battle.

Command Suite
A few rooms on the ship are set aside for command and control purposes. Basic communication, sensor, and computer upgrades have been made.
Base: Base ECCM Suite [Page 59 Lead by example]. Ship can take in data from 4 other ships and compile it for commanders inside the suite [upgrade battle related, Cool or Vigilance checks]
Mods: 1 upgrade to perception checks
HP: 1
Cost: 4000

Small Command Deck
Outside the bridge the command deck serves as the heart of any small fleet operations. They allow coordination between a few capital ships and a group of fighters to increase combat efficiency. A quarter of the deck is purpose built for C&C needs.
Base: Base ECCM Suite + Mod [Page 59 Lead by example]. Ship can take in data from 8 other capital ships and 1 wing of fighters and compile it for commanders inside the suite [upgrade battle related, Cool or Vigilance checks] All included ships benefit from upgrades. Upgrade Mass combat checks once.
Mods: 1 upgrade to perception checks
2 +1 capital ships
2 +1 Fighter Wings
HP: 2
Cost: 8000

Medium Command Deck
Outside the bridge the command deck serves as the heart of any Medium fleet operations. They allow coordination between capital ships and groups of fighters to increase combat efficiency. Half of the deck is purpose built for C&C needs.
Base: Base ECCM Suite + Mod [Page 59 Lead by example]. Ship can take in data from 16 other capital ships and 4 wings of fighters and compile it for commanders inside the suite [upgrade battle related, Cool or Vigilance checks] All included ships benefit from upgrades. Upgrade Mass combat checks once.
Mods: 1 to include Upgrades to perception checks
1 to add 1 boost to gunnery checks
1 to add 1 boost to ranged, and melee checks
10 +1 capital ships
4 +1 Fighter Wings
HP: 3
Cost: 16000

Large Command Deck
Outside the bridge the command deck serves as the heart of any Large fleet operations. They allow coordination between a many capital ships and many groups of fighters to increase combat efficiency. The full deck is purpose built for C&C needs.
Base: Base ECCM Suite + Mod [Page 59 Lead by example]. Ship can take in data from 50 other capital ships and 20 wings of fighters and compile it for commanders inside the suite [upgrade battle related, Cool or Vigilance checks] All included ships benefit from upgrades. Upgrade Mass combat checks once.
Mods: 1 to include Upgrades to perception checks
1 to add 2 boost to gunnery checks
1 to add 2 boost to ranged, and melee checks
1 to add 1 boost to piloting checks
10 +1 capital ships
4 +1 Fighter Wings
HP: 4
Cost: 25000

Edited by Banditks

Prison Deck


Prison Lockup
A few rooms are connected into one large secured cell. Two cameras, and two reinforced doors are added to the cell make sure who you put in stays there. Prisoners have a few beds and the basics to get by until they are handed over to more permanent accommodations. The cameras can be monitored from the cockpit or an attached security room.
Base: 8 prisoners can be held for up to a week.
[Hard Skullduggery check to break locks]
Mods: 2 +1 prisoners
2 +1 setback to Skullduggery checks
HP: 1
Price: 3000

Prison Block Deck
a portion of the deck is reinforced, secured and separated electronically from the rest of the ship. one long hallway accesses the prison block, the other hallway is set aside for prisoner cafeteria, and activity room. Also, a security room is added with 20 NPC guards armed with blaster pistols and allows monitoring of cameras and secure doors.
Base: 140 prisoners can be held for up to a month.
[Hard Skullduggery check to break locks]
Mods: 1 +50 prisoners
1 Upgrade to Skullduggery checks
2 +1 setback to Skullduggery checks
HP: 2
Price: 5000

Medium Prison Block Deck
Half of a deck is reinforced, secured and separated electronically from the rest of the ship. Two long hallway accesses the prison block, the other hallway is set aside for prisoner cafeteria, and activity room. Also, a security room is added with 50 NPC guards armed with blaster pistols, and armor [Soak +1]. They also monitor cameras and secure doors.
Base: 200 prisoners can be held for up to a month.
[Hard Skullduggery and easy computers check to break locks]
Mods: 2 +50 prisoners
1 upgrade to Skullduggery checks
2 +1 setback to Skullduggery checks
1 increase computers check to average
HP: 3
Price: 8000

Large Prison Block Deck
a full deck is reinforced, secured and separated electronically from the rest of the ship. Two long hallway accesses the prison block, the other hallway is set aside for prisoner cafeteria, open workout space, and activity room. Also, a security barracks is added with 75 NPC guards armed with blaster rifles, and armor [Soak +1]. They also monitor cameras and secure doors.
Base: 500 prisoners can be held for up to a month.
[Hard Skullduggery and Average computers check to break locks]
Mods: 4 +50 prisoners
1 upgrade to Skullduggery checks
2 +1 setback to Skullduggery checks
1 increase computers check to hard
1 Add automatic blaster rifle turrets
2 +10 NPC guards
HP: 4
Price: 15000

Repair Deck


Repair Suite
A few rooms are set aside to repair gear or do basic maintenance to the interior of the ship or ships systems that can be accessed from inside. The suit has, tools, spare parts, and other items to effectively complete these jobs
Base: Characters can perform mechanics checks to repair or modify weapons and armor without penalty. Two advantage can be spent as a success on such checks. The GM may use despair or disadvantage to exhaust or hamper the characters attempt. Repairs to internal ship systems can be made.
Mods: none
HP: 1
Cost: 500

Small Repair Deck
a portion of the deck near the hull of the ship is set aside for repair and maintenance duties. A small hanger bay is also designed to accept a few fighters or shuttle for repair so the main hanger bay is clear of damaged ships. Deeper inside the ship the facilities are used for internal repair crews. The repair facilities include all the needed tools, equipment and replacement parts for fighters or the odd shuttle.
Base: Characters repair an additional 2 Hull Trauma or additional 2 system strain on a successful check.
Can have 4 fighters or 2 shuttles at any single time. This includes housing for NPC repair crews.
Characters can repair 2x sil hull trauma of the ship the repair bay is built into with a hard
Mods: 1 to add 1 boost to mechanic checks.
HP: 2
Cost: 2500

Medium Repair Deck
Half of the deck near the hull of the ship is set aside for repair and maintenance duties. A hanger bay is also designed to accept fighters or shuttles for repair so the main hanger bay is clear of damaged ships. Deeper inside the ship the facilities are used for internal repair crews. The repair facilities include all the needed tools, equipment and replacement parts for fighters or shuttles. This includes housing for NPC repair crews.
Base: Characters repair an additional 2 Hull Trauma or additional 2 system strain on a successful check.
Can have 8 fighters or 4 shuttles at any single time.
Characters can repair 2x sil hull trauma of the ship the repair bay is built into with a hard mechanic check.
Mods: 1 to add 1 boost to mechanic checks.
2 +2 fighters or 1 shuttle to repair bay
1 Oil bath to repair droids
HP: 3
Cost: 5000

Large Repair Deck
a full deck near the hull of the ship is set aside for repair and maintenance duties. A large hanger bay is also designed to accept fighters or shuttles for repair so the main hanger bay is clear of damaged ships. Deeper inside the ship the facilities are used for internal repair crews. The repair facilities include all the needed tools, equipment and replacement parts for fighters or shuttles. This includes housing for NPC repair crews.
Base: Characters repair an additional 2 Hull Trauma or additional 2 system strain on a successful check.
Can have 16 fighters or 8 shuttles at any single time.
Characters can repair 2x sil hull trauma of the ship the repair bay is built into with a hard mechanic check.
Mods: 4 to add 1 boost to mechanic checks.
5 +2 fighters or 1 shuttle to repair bay
2 Oil bath to repair droids
1 Upgrade to Mechanic checks
HP: 3
Cost: 8000

Massive Repair Deck
serval decks near the hull of the ship is set aside for repair and maintenance duties. A massive hanger bay is also designed to accept fighters, shuttles or a single corvette for repair so the main hanger bay is clear of damaged ships. Deeper inside the ship the facilities are used for internal repair crews. The repair facilities include all the needed tools, equipment and replacement parts for fighters or shuttles. This includes housing for NPC repair crews.
Base: Characters repair an additional 10 Hull Trauma or additional 10 system strain on a successful check.
Can have 28 fighters or 14 shuttles at any single time.
Can have 1 corvette docked for repairs
Characters can repair 3x sil hull trauma of the ship the repair bay is built into with a hard mechanic check.
Mods: 5 to add 1 boost to mechanic checks.
10 +2 fighters or 1 shuttle to repair bay
4 Oil bath to repair droids
2 Upgrade to Mechanic checks
1 +1 Corvettes for repairs
HP: 4
Cost: 18000

Edited by Banditks

Cargo Deck


Small Cargo Bay
A portion of the ship is designed to be hollow, floor reinforced, and bulkheads moved to make a large open space perfect for holding cargo. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall exits the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables.
Base: Ship can carry 75 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 2 + 5 Encumbrance of cargo
2 +10 Encumbrance of cargo [+5 upgrades must be purchased first.]
1 15 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance Hard perception, Average computers, Average mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage Customization
HP: 1
Cost: 500

Medium Cargo Bay
Larger freighters afford more space to be allocated to cargo space. Two sections have been designed to hold cargo. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall can be added to the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables for each cargo section
Base: Ship can carry 100 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 2 + 25 Encumbrance of cargo
1 +50 Encumbrance of cargo [+25 upgrades must be purchased first.]
2 15 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance Hard perception, Average computers, Average mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage customization
1 Reinforced cargo space [1 armor]
1 Upgrade perception check to daunting
HP: 2
Cost: 1000

Large Cargo Bay
Large freighters and shuttles designed for cargo transport can move quite a lot of goods. Four sections have been designed to hold cargo. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall can be added to the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables for each cargo section. Or one large cargo ramp or elevator can be designed to allow movement.
Base: Ship can carry 400 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 2 + 50 Encumbrance of cargo
1 +200 Encumbrance of cargo [+50 upgrades must be purchased first.]
2 30 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance daunting perception, Hard computers, hard mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage customization
1 Reinforced cargo space [1 armor]
1 Upgrade perception check to daunting
1 Upgrade mechanics check to hard
HP: 3
Cost: 2500

Small Cargo Deck
Dedicated cargo transport ships the size of corvettes and up are designed with full cargo decks. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall can be added to the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables for each cargo section. Or one large cargo ramp or central elevator can be designed to allow movement.
Base: Ship can carry 800 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 2 + 50 Encumbrance of cargo
1 +200 Encumbrance of cargo [+50 upgrades must be purchased first.]
2 30 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance daunting perception, Hard computers, hard mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage customization
1 Reinforced cargo space [1 armor]
1 Upgrade perception check to daunting
1 Upgrade mechanics check to hard
1 Upgrade Computers check to hard
HP: 4
Cost: 4000

Medium Cargo Deck
Dedicated cargo transport ships the size of corvettes and up are designed with full cargo decks. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall can be added to the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables for each cargo section. Or one large cargo ramp or central elevator can be designed to allow movement.
Base: Ship can carry 1000 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 5 + 100 Encumbrance of cargo
2 +200 Encumbrance of cargo [+100 upgrades must be purchased first.]
2 60 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance daunting perception, Hard computers, hard mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage customization
1 Reinforced cargo space [1 armor]
1 Upgrade perception check to daunting
1 Upgrade mechanics check to hard
1 Upgrade Computers check to hard
HP: 4
Cost: 5000

Large Cargo Deck
Dedicated cargo transport ships the size of corvettes and up are designed with full cargo decks. A hatch, in the floor or nearby wall can be added to the ship to allow for quick loading and unloading of valuables for each cargo section. Or one large cargo ramp or central elevator can be designed to allow movement.
Base: Ship can carry 3000 encumbrance of cargo
Mods: 2 + 1000 Encumbrance of cargo
2 +2500 Encumbrance of cargo [+1000 upgrades must be purchased first.]
2 60 Encumbrance smuggling compartments [subtracted from overall encumbrance daunting perception, Hard computers, hard mechanics, check to find]
1 Cold Storage customization
1 Heated Storage customization
1 Reinforced cargo space [1 armor]
1 Upgrade perception check to daunting
2 +1 setbacks to perception checks
1 Upgrade mechanics check to hard
2 +1 setbacks to perception checks
1 Upgrade Computers check to hard
2 +1 setbacks to perception checks
HP: 4
Cost: 10000

Edited by Banditks

MISC Attachments

Fighter Hull Reinforcement
Some of the fighters my group found in the book seemed to have extremely high hull trauma. So use this to get similar numbers
Base: +2HT
Mods: 2 +2 HT
HP: 2
Cost: 3000

Capital Ship Hull Reinforcement
Again we found some of the capital ships had high HT so here is a way to grasp at those numbers.
Base: +4HT
Mods: 3 +2 HT
HP: 2
Cost: 8000


Gun Batteries
As some of you have noticed, some capital ships have a number of offensive systems alone sometimes nearly breaking 50 HP or more. So here is a thought my group has come up with. Once you get Sil + 6 or larger you are so big buying and putting on a single gun isn’t going to work, full batteries of weapons is on the table
Base: 3 weapons of the same type set up in a battery, +1 gun per sil over 6
Cost: weapon original cost x2 for buying in bulk!

Edited by Banditks

Fighter Attachments

Anyone have some ideas for fighter attachments that would go into the blueprint designs that we have yet to see as attachments? special kits or gear that would make the fighter stand out or make it a special task fighter?
Would a rear gunner position be redundant[HP wise] after adding a second weapon that is rear facing?
[boosts, accuracy, or other item quality that could be added to a base weapon stats?]

Things i have seen that are different,
"Alternating-fire" Concussion Missile Launcher [to avoid cool down] Heavy 95

Recon Package:
This senor package is set up very much like a torpedo tube however the sensor probes that are launched are attached to the fighter via cables. These long cables with the sensor probes when deployed greatly increase the sensor range of the fighter and allow a single ship to snoop on distant targets. The main drawbacks when deployed the fighter cant move and would have to spool in or eject the cables if discovered, all the data also has to be sent through a specially programmed astromech or purpose built internal computer system.
Base: Once fully deployed the fighter sensor range in increased to extreme range.
Mods: Internal computer system is added.
HP: 1
Price: 1000

"infiltrator Package" could be some sort of built in camo to make it easy to hide it if landing on a non-civilized world?
The ships outer hull is configured to accept a number of attachments, netting, and other equipment to help conceal it when landed on a planet. This system can be easily and quickly set up or broken down. also it can easily be adapted for any climate, forest, sand, snow or other wilderness settings.
Base: Perception checks to see the fighter is set to hard. Computer scans are set to average.
Mods Increase perception check to daunting
Increase computers check to hard
Price: 500

Edited by Banditks

Anyone have any ideas of other decks, systems or other things that would make for good parts on starships?
I will update this post with any input that is currently up for discussion and once finalized i will add it to the above posts.

Edited by Banditks