I'm breaking this write up into multiple parts because it's getting wayyy to long. Here's Part 1, enjoy!
RollforDamage.net Battle Report- Worlds 2018 Part 1
Only made it through the intro so far, I'm cracking up, so meta. Thanks for posting.
Edit: Just finished the rest, amazing read. Sounds like the meta was a little more complex than just "scum hunters are still the best list".
Sounds like things are not so great for Rebel players right now. Feels like Rebels are just lacking a solid multi-figure 7-8 point generic group that can match the damage of Jets and Pirates without taking up > 1/4 of a squads points or being reliant on long range or focus. When I've tried to play Rangers it feels like they run out of gas before the game is over and just stop doing damage at a certain point. I'm really hoping that the skirmish versions of Sabine and the Clone hero in Lothal are going to be in the 4 point range.
Edited by Tvboy