Help looking for ships please.

By zsavk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Does anyone know if FFG has released stat blocks for the following old Legends Imperial troop ships?

Delta class DX-9 stormtrooper transport

Telgorn Corp Assault shuttle (Gamma class assault shuttle)

i swore I saw them but can’t find them in my library lol

Thanks Elias. That’s a great resource that I should have remembered! Alas no I don’t see either there. All I can find is the wookiepedia entry on the DX-9and the Stat block for the Gamma in my WEG Imperial sourcebook. I might take a stab at creating them using the crafting rules in Fully operational.

20 hours ago, zsavk said:

Thanks Elias. That’s a great resource that I should have remembered! Alas no I don’t see either there. All I can find is the wookiepedia entry on the DX-9and the Stat block for the Gamma in my WEG Imperial sourcebook. I might take a stab at creating them using the crafting rules in Fully operational.

You'd be better off building something based off of the WEG stats as a reference than using FO. The rules there allow things to go overboard pretty easily.

20 hours ago, zsavk said:

Thanks Elias. That’s a great resource that I should have remembered! Alas no I don’t see either there. All I can find is the wookiepedia entry on the DX-9and the Stat block for the Gamma in my WEG Imperial sourcebook. I might take a stab at creating them using the crafting rules in Fully operational.

Another good resource for “unofficial” stats for canon and Legends ships is the shipyard at This is the Blog You’re Looking For .

4 hours ago, Ahrimon said:

You'd be better off building something based off of the WEG stats as a reference than using FO. The rules there allow things to go overboard pretty easily.

You could try using these rules which are nearing v 1.0. I still need people's help building their favorite ships to calibrate how many hp each frame should have, and tell me what else I need to tweak. It handles the hwk series freighters pretty well.

I statted out the DX-9 for my campaign, and the Gamma class assault shuttle is on my to-do list as I need it in another adventure or two.

I'd be happy to share my thoughts if you want them.

Id really appreciate that Ghostofman

Here's what I threw together for the DX9:

Sil: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: +1

Armor: 4

Hull 30

Strain 20

Def 2/2

Hyperdrive 2, Backup 12

Consumables 1 week

Cargo: 400 or 40 troopers or 10 space troopers w armor charging/deployment racks

Linked 1 Medium Lasers, Linked 1 light ions, Linked 1 Torpedo/warhead launchers.

I really debated the Sil. Ultimately I succumbed to peer pressure and made it a low 4 instead of a high 3, but your call.

Hull and Defenses are unusually high to match the source material, the DX9 took an unusual amount of punishment in the old X-wing/TIE Fighter games.

Speed is 3, as the DX9 was silly slow, though 2 is also justifiable if you really want the thing to drag.

Weapons... OK, so I don't really know WTF wookipedia is thinking. It cites the Stele Chronicles as the source of the 8 Lasers and 4 ion cannons, but I've read it, and while it's been a while, I'm 99% sure is says no such thing. All I vaguely recall is a higher resolution render that hat lots of pointy things on the front, but nothing actually identifying them as weapons. So I'm betting someone just decided they were weapons, even though everything else says 2,2,2. Anyway, to avoid a ridiculous Linked 7 weapon, I instead just went with the 2,2,2 that's listed everywhere else, and went with Medium instead of light lasers to up the damage potential a smidge. In hindsight I may downgrade to light lasers, since my build of the ATR carries medium, as again giving the ATR true turbolasers would be overkill.

Now, lets take a look at the Gamma Class Assault Shuttle... which is awesome.

I haven't really decided 100%, but I'm leaning toward:

Sil 4

Speed 4

Handling -2

Armor 4

HT 35

SST 22

Def 3/2

Hyperdrive x2, backup 18

Crew: Pilot, Copilot, 3 gunners

Cargo: 20

Passengers: 40 Spacetroopers in deployment/recharging racks.


Ventral turret electromagnetic harpoon, 1 forward medium tractor beam, concussion missile launcher, two accurate 1 linked 1 laser cannons 1FL/1FR.

Ok... so this one's a little of a mess, but should be a good baseplate for refinement.

Oddballs are: Shields... yes ridiculous, but it fits the description and a lot of the old lore about it's power output, and also allows it to a "tougher" without the need for more disruptive options like increased armor, or stupid high HT.

Weapons... the power harpoon is mentioned off and on, but rarely listed, so I put it back mostly for fluff reasons. The Tractor beams have sometimes been listed as 1, sometimes listed as 2, and usually depicted as two. I decided since 2 tractor beams as redundant in this system, making them work in tandem and count as one bigger one seemed more logical within the mechanics, allowing the shuttle to grab and hold targets more reliably, which is going to be pretty vital for a spacetrooper assault.

Finally the cannons. Went back and forth on this. Blaster Cannons are the term used, but don't really work. Light Turbolasers are too much, and heavy laser's range is also unbalancing. So giving them accurate laser cannons seemed a good middle ground, making them better than medium lasers, but not by much. This is the part I'd toy with the most, probably making a custom cannon in the end. Ideally I'd like cannons that have sufficient power to successfully take aimed component shots against corvette sized ships (typically Armor 5) , but not so powerful there's no reason to use other weaponry... I may try running the numbers on a cannon with slightly better damage, but a worse crit value and see what happens...

Edited by Ghostofman

I can resist sticking my head into these issues...

11 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

Here's what I threw together for the DX9  : 

Sil: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: +1

Armor: 4

Hull 30

Strain 20

Def 2/2

Hyperdrive 2, Backup 12

Consumables 1 week

Cargo: 400 or 40 troopers or 10 space troopers w armor charging/deployment racks

Linked 1 Medium Lasers, Linked 1 light ions, Linked 1 Torpedo/warhead launchers. 

I really debated the Sil. Ultimately I succumbed to peer pressure and made it a low 4 instead of a high 3, but your call.

Hull and Defenses are unusually high to match the source material, the DX9 took an unusual amount of punishment in the old X-wing/TIE Fighter games.

Speed is 3, as the DX9 was silly slow, though 2 is also justifiable if you really want the thing to drag.

Weapons... OK, so I don't really know WTF wookipedia is thinking. It cites the Stele Chronicles as the source of the 8 Lasers and 4 ion cannons, but I've read it, and while it's been a while, I'm 99% sure is says no such thing. All I vaguely recall is a higher resolution render that hat lots of pointy things on the front, but nothing actually identifying them as weapons. So I'm betting someone just decided they were weapons, even though everything else says 2,2,2. Anyway, to avoid a ridiculous Linked 7 weapon, I instead just went with the 2,2,2 that's listed everywhere else, and went with Medium instead of light lasers to up the damage potential a smidge. 

A handling of +1 is very good, to the point of there being a lot of fighters that do not manage it, and this thing is supposed to be a pig in space by all accounts, including my memory. I think a -1 would be the best it could hope for.

The hull trauma is pretty **** high for it's size as well. With it's defense rating and armor 20-25 would still make it quite sturdy. I'd drop the strain a bit too. 15 perhaps?

As for the guns, I think wookieepedia is going with this layout. Arguably, this can be interpreted as four double-barreled guns (8 laser cannons) and four single barreled ones. When it comes down to it, it's all about which design you prefer but most versions seem to suggest a multitude of small guns. Of course, then we have to turn it into rules that makes sense, and neither 4 linked 1 guns nor 1 linked 7 gun makes much sense.

Since Fractalsponge has made quite a gorgeous 3d model that cuts it down to mere six small guns and 4 larger ones, I'd go for a Linked 5 (which is still slightly overkill) light laser and a linked 3 light ion. Since the number of missiles and torpedoes varies from version to version as well, I'd go with a simple linked 1 with no limited ammo, as it should have enough, but you could also make it something like the missile pack attachment from Dangerous Covenants if you really want the thing to rain death upon the rebels.

11 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

Now, lets take a look at the Gamma Class Assault Shuttle  ... which is awesome.

I haven't really decided 100%, but I'm leaning toward:

Sil 4

Speed 4

Handling -2

Armor 4

HT 35

SST 22

Def 3/2

Hyperdrive x2, backup 18

Crew: Pilot, Copilot, 3 gunners

Cargo: 20

Passengers: 40 Spacetroopers in deployment/recharging racks.


Ventral turret electromagnetic harpoon, 1 forward medium tractor beam, concussion missile launcher, two accurate 1 linked 1 laser cannons 1FL/1FR.

Ok... so this one's a little of a mess, but should be a good baseplate for refinement.

Oddballs are: Shields... yes ridiculous, but it fits the description and a lot of the old lore about it's power output, and also allows it to a "tougher" without the need for more disruptive options like increased armor, or stupid high HT.

Weapons... the power harpoon is mentioned off and on, but rarely listed, so I put it back mostly for fluff reasons. The Tractor beams have sometimes been listed as 1, sometimes listed as 2, and usually depicted as two. I decided since 2 tractor beams as redundant in this system, making them work in tandem and count as one bigger one seemed more logical within the mechanics, allowing the shuttle to grab and hold targets more reliably, which is going to be pretty vital for a spacetrooper assault.

Finally the cannons. Went back and forth on this. Blaster Cannons are the term used, but don't really work. Light Turbolasers are too much, and heavy laser's range is also unbalancing. So giving them accurate laser cannons seemed a good middle ground, making them better than medium lasers, but not by much. This is the part I'd toy with the most, probably making a custom cannon in the end. Ideally I'd like cannons that have sufficient power to successfully take aimed component shots against corvette sized ships (typically Armor 5) , but not so powerful there's no reason to use other weaponry...

For this one, I'd actually keep the Shields at 2/2, and up the armor to 5. After all, the Civilian Ghtroc 720 and the sentinel landing craft manages a 5, so why not the stormtrooper bus?

As for the tractor beams, they don't seem to be mounted in a way that gives them a great field of fire, thus neccessating two of them to cover both sides. The gunner simply chooses the one on the side he needs. Rules-wise you could call this a single tractor beam, but for fluff reasons, I'd make it two with L/R or FL/FR fire arcs respectively.

I'd keep the guns as heavy blaster cannons actually. They're not overly large and the only downside towards the lasers would be the worse crit rating. Damage 5 would still be enough to penetrate armor 5 on a hit (at least one success, meaning at least +1 damage). However, I don't see them being more than point defense against fighters or for clearing out landing zones. Since it's specifically mentioned that 1 gunner controls 2 of them each, it would make sense to make them linked, but I can't see any justification for why they would be accurate.

43 minutes ago, penpenpen said:

A handling of +1 is very good, to the point of there being a lot of fighters that do not manage it, and this thing is supposed to be a pig in space by all accounts, including my memory. I think a -1 would be the best it could hope for.

The hull trauma is pretty **** high for it's size as well. With it's defense rating and armor 20-25 would still make it quite sturdy. I'd drop the strain a bit too. 15 perhaps?

I'm kinda breaking one of my own rules with these points and using the mechanics from another unrelated game system to influence my decisions on this one a bit, namely the first appearance of these things in the X-wing space sim games.

While stupid-slow (in sublight, hyperspace isn't really covered) the original appearance of these things could turn on a dime. It's really shocking to see and you can imagine the troopers inside really being slammed into their seats. So it's a pig, but it's an agile as frell pig. So yeah, +1 is usually high, but not horribly so considering the source I'm referencing. This is also why I'm of the opinion that Speed 2 would have been as good of a fit as 3. If you did go with speed 2, dropping the handling to 0 since that would also reduce the base difficulty of Piloting checks.

I may go back and check hull trauma, it seemed like they tended to be able to survive 3 torpedo hits, but I could be confusing it with the ATR. If that's the case I agree hull 20 armor 5 would probably work better.

1 hour ago, penpenpen said:

As  for     the guns, I think wookieepedia is going with this layout. Arguably, this can  be interpreted  as four double-barreled guns (8 laser cannons) and four single barreled ones. When it comes down to it, it's all about which design you prefer but most versions seem to suggest a multitude of small guns. Of course, then we have to turn it into rules  that makes  sense, and neither 4 linked 1 guns nor 1 linked 7 gun makes much  sense  .          

I suspect that you're on roughly the right track for the source, but from both a mechanical standpoint, and reference to the sounce, it's just too much. Illustrations aren't great for making decisions like this (I can show you an official picture of an xg-1 with linked 3 lasers).

All the original stuff had it as 2 lasers and 2 ions, all the tech library entries, game actions, so on.

For game purposes, keeping it close to the source is safer, else the thing is hypothetically able to dump so much damage on a target it doesn't need support.

In this case if you needed some headcanon to balance it out, the lasers are a cluster of lower powered blasers that work in tandem to produce the same end result of a larger weapon, much like how a z-95 has two "triple blasters" on the wintips, but listing them as two light lasers cannons is easier than making linked 5 sane.

1 hour ago, penpenpen said:

For    this one, I'd actually keep the Shields at 2/2, and up the armor to 5. After all, the   Civilian Ghtroc 720  and  the sentinel landing craft manages a 5, so why not the stormtrooper bus  ?      

Ok, this I actually did put a lot of thought into.

So, for starters, the fluff on this thing talks at length about how much power goes to shields, so that's an indication. Older game systems reflected this, with it's shields being comparable to a star destroyer. It's hull by comparison is not that impressive.

Offhand this seems weird, but when you cross reference it with the mission of this craft and the ffg system, it actually works, arguably better than previous systems in fact.

So first, mission.

This isn't a "Stormtrooper bus" that's the DX9 and later ATR. The Gamma shuttle is a spacetrooper delivery vehicle. So by extension you need to look at the spacetrooper mission. That mission is high risk forced entry of transports, Corvettes, frigates, and space stations. So this thing regularly targets opponents that can respond with some heavy turbolaser class weapons.

So, that's where high shields, and ffgs system make a heck of a lot of sense. By loading up on shields, which in this system modify the shooters difficulty, allows the gamma shuttle to totally deflect some pretty serious firepower. When you get on sil 6 frigates and better, it can really get into the thick of it with reliability.

Of course fighters and smaller maneuverable can still pick it apart.

All that said, if you did want to drop the shields, 3/1 would probably yield roughly identical results while making it even more vulnerable to fighter interception.

2 hours ago, penpenpen said:

As  for the tractor beams, they don't seem to be mounted in a way that gives them a great field of fire, thus neccessating two of them to cover both sides. The gunner  simply chooses the one on the side he needs. Rules-wise you could call this a single tractor beam, but for fluff reasons, I'd make it two with L/R or FL/FR fire arcs respectively.  

Eh, tomato, tomato.

The mounting on the dishes is garbage I agree, so I went for an "all front" take, as they didn't seem to be mounted well enough to sufficiently cover left and right enough to grant the fire arc.

For comparison look at the AT-ST and it's head only covering the forward arc.

But this is a rather purpose specific weapon, so it's arc isn't as tricky.

2 hours ago, penpenpen said:

I'd   keep the guns as heavy blaster cannons actuall  y. They're not overly large and the only downside towards the lasers would be the worse crit rating.  

So here's my debate here.

Assuming I remember the rules correctly...

So again I'm thinking mission of high risk boarding operations.

Going for low damage poor crit weapons would be ok for fending off limited Starfighter threats (ok good there) and of course is fine for clearing good entry points of defenders (spray the hanger with heavy blaster fire before the Spacetroopers use it as a beachhead, good there).

The problem, and maybe I'm overthinking it, is I'd also want the cannons of sufficient power to be able to make called shots and target defenses, engines and such.

If I remember correctly, to do this you take the aim action (adding 2 setback) and make your attack. If you deal 4 HT, you also get to add an appropriate component hit effect. (I think, been a while).

So for that, when talking blasters, you'll need a decent damage rating to punch through those Armor 6 frigates... But of course what you don't want is a weapon that can also inflict stupid amounts of hull trauma on smaller craft, or just as easily inflict normal crits on captial starships.

So yeah... I'm probably overthinking it, the shuttle can use the missile launcher to do such things, and normal Heavy Blaster Cannons would be fine.

I think the bottom line is Ive wasted too many brain cells on this stuff...