Worlds Lists

By dpuck1998, in Star Wars: Destiny

Are they posted somewhere and/or will they be soon? I have a Kylo2/Anakin deck that I play often and wondering how close it was to the winner.

I have not seen a full list of decks, but Edwin Chen from New Jersey won!

Funny enough he won with Kylo2/Anakin! I believe he faced Rey2/Aayla in the finals.

I am not sure they will post it but you can get a pretty good idea want is in it by watching the stream. There is really nothing special about that deck. It was however played very well.

Edwin was on the stream 3 times in the last few matches. If you watch all 3 and take notes you probably can come up with the list he used.

19 hours ago, dpuck1998 said:

Are they posted somewhere and/or will they be soon? I have a Kylo2/Anakin deck that I play often and wondering how close it was to the winner.

A few decklists have already been posted on I AM hoping for an official post from FFG though with decklists from the top8/16, with possible commentary/thoughts from the players. Will see! I know I've seen a few FB posts already about the decklists though so you'll likely find some/all on there soon enough.