Quest 4 SPoiled Brat - DJitD - Ending Requirements Confusion

By Bladestorm, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help. If the Dragon at the end of this quest has the princess and we kill it. Do we automatically lose because we were not in possession of the princess when we killed the dragon? Or can we then go and pick her up and then end the quest?

Thanks ;)

In this case, it seems to me this is answered by the terms stated at the end of the quest: "If Graaz is dead and a hero has the Princess in his possession..." I would infer from that if a hero did not have her in his possession, that the terms of victory for the quest are not satisfied. I guess the princess would die in the rescue effort, and should have been rescued before the dragon was killed.

I don't have my quest book at the moment, but does it tell you anywhere that the quest ends if the dragon dies and the heroes don't have the princess? If there's no rule telling you the quest ends, and the heroes haven't run out of conquest points, then the quest continues.

"If Graaz is dead and a hero has the Princess in his possession..." is a condition that can theoretically be fulfilled by killing Graaz and then subsequently acquiring the princess.

I'm fairly certain if you kill the dragon with the princess in his possession, it would deposit the princess in the spot where it died and she would be available for either the heros or another monster to grab her, as per the rules in the quest. I do not believe the princess can be killed.

So they just need to grab her and with the dragon dead, the quest is completed.

Thanks guys for your replies,

NO it doesnt state anywhere that if we don't have the princess the quest ends.

There is 2 grey boxes one states..If Graaz is killed.....then the dragon dies but it doesnt say anythng about your quest finishing or the the heroes dying.

Then the second box says If Graaz is killed and the heroes have the princess...then it says you completed your quest.

My take is that if you have the princess and kill the dragon you complete the quest. OR if you kill the dragon your quest is not completed until you pick up the princess but it doesn't mean your heroes automatically die because the princess is not in your possession, you have to go pick her up then your quest finishes.

I assume this would be the way to read it?

Bladestorm said:

Thanks guys for your replies,

NO it doesnt state anywhere that if we don't have the princess the quest ends.

There is 2 grey boxes one states..If Graaz is killed.....then the dragon dies but it doesnt say anythng about your quest finishing or the the heroes dying.

Then the second box says If Graaz is killed and the heroes have the princess...then it says you completed your quest.

My take is that if you have the princess and kill the dragon you complete the quest. OR if you kill the dragon your quest is not completed until you pick up the princess but it doesn't mean your heroes automatically die because the princess is not in your possession, you have to go pick her up then your quest finishes.

I assume this would be the way to read it?

I would agree.

Normally a quest ends as soon as the "boss" is killed, but normally a quest also has some wrap-up flavour text that triggers on the boss's death and says the quest is complete. In the case of this quest, the "ending" doesn't occur until both the boss is dead AND the heroes have the princess. Regardless of which order these two conditions are completed in. This is a case of the specific quest rules changing the normal flow of operations.

That said, I seem to recall it being difficult, if not impossible, for the heroes to get rid of the princess once the quest begins. Someone needs to be carrying her the whole time, IIRC. I also do not have my quest book handy, so I can't point to the specific text, but I would be curious to know how your heroes lost control of the princess in the first place.

The heroes don't have to carry the princess around, but the OL is rewarded every turn that the heroes do not have her in their possession.

I don't remember if the heroes are allowed to set the princess down, but the heroes can definitely lose possession if the hero carrying the princess dies.

mahkra said:

The heroes don't have to carry the princess around, but the OL is rewarded every turn that the heroes do not have her in their possession.

Right. It's been a while since I played this quest, but I remembered something that encouraged the heroes to lug her around.