I have tried to change my profile pic from two devices, both on chrome. When Iopen up the menus, all of the image links for profile pictures are broken. Please advise.
Broken Image Links for profile pics
same here.
Same here also... Did anyone get an answer for this? I see your post is nearly 2 months old...
Still broken.
Still broken for me, too. Have to play the guessing game to find a good profile pic.
This has been broken for long enough that FFG is clearly not going to fix it. This is just how it is now.
Eventually something irreparable will break and they'll have to wipe and start over, and maybe then they'll replace it with something that works, but until then I guess this is where we are.
Oh wow
I hope they fix the X-Wing Squad Builder faster than the profile image selector!
This is still broken.
Could a staff member at least confirm that they're aware of the problem?
I've been wanting to change mine for some time as well. Hopefully will be fixed soon or give an option to upload an image