World Championship Results 2018

By gabe69velasquez, in X-Wing

Not the lists but the ships from the lists at least:

  • Duncan Howard : Ryad, Inq, Yorr
  • Marco De Scordilli: Miranda, Ezra, Low
  • Jelte de Boer: QD, Inq, Yorr
  • Alex Birt: QD, Inq, Yorr
  • Jan Swirsk  i: Miranda, Jess, Low
  • Keenan Childs: Vader, QD, Rho
  • Paul Heaver: Miranda, Fenn, Low
  • Ryan Staniszewski: Nym, Crimson, Ezra
  • Jeff Berling: Miranda, Fenn Low
  • Simeon Dellapina: IG-88B, IG-88C
  • Nathan Eid   e: Corran, Fenn, Low
  • Josh Holt: Kanan, Fenn, Zeb
  • Mark Grawburg: Lothal, Fenn, Zeb
  • Charles Holcomb: Jess, Ezra, Low, Rex
  • Daniel Fiorentini: Dash, Poe
  • Chris Little: Ghost, Fenn, Zeb???

That should be all the ships, not 100% sure on the last one.

Edited by mcgreag

Some actual squad lists from the FFG twitter:

Paul Heaver

Miranda Doni (29)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Extra Munitions (2)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
C-3PO (3)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Guidance Chips (0)

Fenn Rau (Sheathipede) (20)
Adaptability (0)
"Chopper" (0)
Flight-Assist Astromech (1)

Lowhhrick (28)
Draw Their Fire (1)
Rey (2)
Courier Droid (0)

Total: 99

Jeff Berling

Miranda Doni (29)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
C-3PO (3)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Long-Range Scanners (0)

Fenn Rau (Sheathipede) (20)
Draw Their Fire (1)
Nien Nunb (1)
Pulsed Ray Shield (2)

Lowhhrick (28)
Draw Their Fire (1)
Rey (2)
R2-D2 (Crew) (4)

Total: 100

Nathan Eide

Corran Horn (35)
Push the Limit (3)
Fire-Control System (2)
R2-D2 (4)
Engine Upgrade (4)

Fenn Rau (Sheathipede) (20)
Adaptability (0)
"Chopper" (0)
Flight-Assist Astromech (1)
Guidance Chips (0)

Lowhhrick (28)
Adaptability (0)
Rey (2)
Courier Droid (0)
Guidance Chips (0)

Total: 99

Simeon Dellapina

IG-88B (36)
Push the Limit (3)
Advanced Sensors (3)
Ion Cannon (3)
Tractor Beam (1)
Rigged Cargo Chute (1)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

IG-88C (36)
Push the Limit (3)
Advanced Sensors (3)
Ion Cannon (3)
Tractor Beam (1)
Ion Bombs (2)
Rigged Cargo Chute (1)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

Total: 100

Jan Swirski

Miranda Doni (29)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Intelligence Agent (1)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Long-Range Scanners (0)

Jess Pava (25)
R2-D6 (1)
Selflessness (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Lowhhrick (28)
Draw Their Fire (1)
Wookiee Commandos (1)

Total: 100

Jelte de Boer

"Quickdraw" (29)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Advanced Optics (2)
Lightweight Frame (2)
Special Ops Training (0)

The Inquisitor (25)
Push the Limit (3)
Autothrusters (2)
TIE/v1 (1)

Captain Yorr (24)
Collision Detector (0)
Emperor Palpatine (8)

Total: 99

From the XWing Junkies live stream:

Alexander Birt

"Quickdraw" (29)
Expertise (4)
Fire-Control System (2)
Lightweight Frame (2)
Special Ops Training (0)

The Inquisitor (25)
Push the Limit (3)
Autothrusters (2)
TIE/v1 (1)

Captain Yorr (24)
Collision Detector (0)
Emperor Palpatine (8)

Total: 100

Mark Grawburg

Lothal Rebel (35)
Sensor Jammer (4)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Ezra Bridger (3)
Maul (3)
Engine Upgrade (4)
Ghost (0)

Fenn Rau (Sheathipede) (20)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Hotshot Co-pilot (4)
R3-A2 (2)
Guidance Chips (0)

"Zeb" Orrelios (18)
"Chopper" (0)
Phantom (0)

Total: 100

Ryan Staniszewski (from him self)

Captain Nym (Rebel) (30)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Autoblaster Turret (2)
Extra Munitions (2)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Trajectory Simulator (1)
"Genius" (0)
Guidance Chips (0)
Havoc (0)

Ezra Bridger (Sheathipede) (17)
Snap Shot (2)
Sabine Wren (2)
R3-A2 (2)

"Crimson Specialist" (27)
Trajectory Simulator (1)
Ordnance Silos (2)
Thermal Detonators (3)
Deflective Plating (1)

Total: 100

From Gold Squadron stream.

Charles Holcomb

Jess Pava (25)
M9-G8 (3)
Primed Thrusters (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Ezra Bridger (Sheathipede) (17)
Snap Shot (2)
Operations Specialist (3)
R3-A2 (2)

Lowhhrick (28)
Draw Their Fire (1)
Tactician (2)
Rey (2)

Captain Rex (14)

Total: 100

Marco de Scordilli

Miranda Doni (29)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
C-3PO (3)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Long-Range Scanners (0)

Ezra Bridger (Sheathipede) (17)
Snap Shot (2)
Hera Syndulla (1)
R3-A2 (2)

Lowhhrick (28)
Selflessness (1)
Tactician (2)
Rey (2)

Total: 100

Daniel Fiorentini

Dash Rendar (36)
Lone Wolf (2)
Heavy Laser Cannon (7)
Rey (2)
Burnout SLAM (1)
Smuggling Compartment (0)
Countermeasures (3)
Outrider (5)

Poe Dameron (PS9) (33)
Veteran Instincts (1)
R2-D2 (4)
Advanced Optics (2)
Autothrusters (2)
Black One (1)

Total: 99

Edited by mcgreag

FYI it's Alex Birt , not Brit .

8 hours ago, jesper_h said:

FYI it's Alex Birt , not Brit .

Hi Jesper! I Just wanted to say that while I'm really happy Simeon won (I was rooting for him when I saw you didn't make it to the last rounds), I'm really happy he did it with the "Hillbots"! Or is it "Jesper's Controlbots"? What a masterclass in all the streamed games!

I've been rooting for you since I saw you win your first tournaments (was it a Store Championship?) with the controlbots, and just wanted to give you all the credit you deserve. You invented that list, and have inspired a lot of people, myself included. Good job, and keep those bots on top!

Cool, outside of Nathan Eide and a classic Berling ... I think I have played with or against all those lists during regional preparation.

8 hours ago, RoockieBoy said:

Hi Jesper! I Just wanted to say that while I'm really happy Simeon won (I was rooting for him when I saw you didn't make it to the last rounds), I'm really happy he did it with the "Hillbots"! Or is it "Jesper's Controlbots"? What a masterclass in all the streamed games!

I've been rooting for you since I saw you win your first tournaments (was it a Store Championship?) with the controlbots, and just wanted to give you all the credit you deserve. You invented that list, and have inspired a lot of people, myself included. Good job, and keep those bots on top!

Thanks man, that's a really nice thing to say. I'm also really happy Simeon won. He's an excellent player and honestly, without taking anything away from him, it felt great seeing "my" list make it all the way.

On 5/6/2018 at 7:48 PM, librarian101 said:

Seems that Ryan who was in the top 8, not Paul Kohl. The match between Simeon and Ryan, may have been the best.

Was this match on stream anywhere? I haven't been able to find it..... ?

On 5/6/2018 at 2:48 PM, librarian101 said:

Seems that Ryan who was in the top 8, not Paul Kohl. The match between Simeon and Ryan, may have been the best.

I'm glad to be entertaining for everyone :)

Gold squadron steams are now up on youtube so I have now updated my posts above with 2 more lists. I think I have all the ships for all top 16 but not 100% sure on two of them.

I also have full lists for 11 out of the 16.

Found another list on the GSP youtube (Daniel) so now I am only missing 4: Duncan Howard, Keenan Childs, Chris Little and Josh Holt.

Wouldn't it be easier to get everyone to enter their squads into list juggler? Put out a post on all sites making the request, and things should get filled in pretty quickly. I just looked and saw there isn't a list juggler entry yet.

If it can help, here's what I remember!

1 - Duncan Howard (98 pts: Ryad (LW, x7, Mk.II), Inquisitor (PTL, v1, AT), Yorr (Palpa, Collision))
2 - Nathan Eide (99 pts: Corran Horn (PTL, R2-D2, FCS, Engine), Lowhhrick (Adaptability, Rey, Courier), Fenn (Adaptability, Chopper, FAA))
3 - Jeff Berling (100 pts: Miranda (C-3PO, TLT, Bomblet, Scanners), Lowhhrick (DTF, R2-D2, Rey), Fenn (DTF, Nien Numb, Pulsed Ray Shield))
4 - Jan Swirski (100 pts: Miranda (Int Agent, TLT, Harpoon, Bomblet, Scanners), Lowhhrick (Draw their Fire, Wookiees), Pava (Selflessness, R2-D6, Integrated))
5 - Paul Heaver (99 pts: Miranda (C-3PO, TLT, Harpoon, Bomblet, EM, Scanners), Lowhhrick (Draw their Fire, Rey, Courier), Fenn (Adaptability, FAA, Chopper))
6 - Charles Holcomb (100 pts: Lowhhrick (DTF, Rey, Tactician), Pava (M9-G8, Primed Thrusters, Integrated), Ezra (Snap Shot, Op Specialist, R3-A2), Rex))
7 - Mark Grawburg (100 pts: Lothal-Fenn-Zeb, R3-A2 on Fenn)
8 - Alexander Birt (100 pts: Quickdraw (Expertise, FCS, title, Frame), Inquisitor (PTL, v1, AT), Yorr (Palpa, Collision))
9 - Jelte de Boer (99 pts: Quickdraw (VI, FCS, Optics, title, Frame), Inquisitor (PTL, v1, AT), Yorr (Palpa, Collision))
10 - Chris Little (I think Ghost-Fenn, don't remember the details)
11 - Ryan Staniszewski (100 pts: Nym (VI, Genius, Trajectory, Harpoon, Bomblet, Autoblaster, EM, Havoc, Guidance), Crimson Specialist (Trajectory, Thermal, Ordnance Silos, Plating), Ezra (Snap Shot, Sabine, R3-A2))
12 - Keenan Childs (Vader, Quickdraw, Rho, don't remember the details)
13 - Daniel Fiorentini (99 pts: Dash (LW, Rey, HLC, Burnout SLAM, Outrider, Smuggling, Countermeasures), Poe (VI, R2-D2, Optics, Black One, AT))
14 - Simeon Dellapina (100 pts: IG-88B (PTL, Sensors, Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam, Rigged Cargo, AT), IG-88C (PTL, Sensors, Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam, Rigged Cargo, Ion Bombs, AT))
15 - Josh Holt (Ghost-Fenn with Kanan and FAA on Fenn)
16 - Marco de Scordilli (100 pts: Miranda (C-3PO, TLT, Harpoon, Bomblet, Scanners), Lowhhrick (Selflessness, Rey, Tactician), Ezra (Snap Shot, Hera, R3-A2))