There have been several threads about using the Morality mechanics, but just about all of them come from the assumption that PCs will be striving towards Jedi-like understandings of the Force. I want to look at it from the other direction: how well do the Morality rules work when the PCs are playing antiheroes or villains. In either case, this can certainly include dark side Force users as protagonists.
The first point I'm wondering about is the tendency of Morality scores to increase easily simply by refraining from doing nasty things. I've noticed that, if the dark side were a pool of water, Force users seem to have a "natural buoyancy" and float up unless they actively try to stay under. In light side games, this is the "coasting to Paragon" issue, but in a dark side game, this might have some rather unusual effects on game play. I can see issues if the calculating dark side user resists his urges to do evil and thus avoids the Conflict needed to keep him in his dark side happy place. Has anyone had any experience with this from the perspective of players or gamemasters that want to see dark side characters in play?