Terrinoth/Descent : Wandering Orbits of Light and Dark

By Watercolour Dragon, in Your Settings

I've already done lots of work on this project and am hoping to have the first playable adventure for this out soon (still quite a bit to do though).

Embark on an epic adventure through Terrinoth and beyond into Mennara where you'll meet many of the inhabitants of these realms with the hope of doing the impossible, eliminating all evils and uniting Mennara for good. Once you find a way through the tangled, thorny webs of all the conflicts (and their consequences), monsters (literal and metaphorical) and the many corrupt motivations of power hungry adversaries of course. Heroes never do pick the easy choice!

For as long as your determined group of would-be heroes can remember, perhaps longer, you have been fighting the destructive forces that have tainted and corrupted the realms of Mennara. You thought that you'd finally won and that a peaceful future perhaps was now a certainty but it seems your victories may merely have disturbed the hornets nest even further and roused one of your former enemies to go to even darker lengths to fight back. They may not be the only one you have angered to the point of making disturbed and dangerous choices. And conflict may also have its prices for you are soon to learn even your actions may have played their part not only in Mennara's hopeful rise out of darkness, but in it's unexpected journey deeper into it.

The wise elder's words will haunt you for some time:


"When we journey in the dark, sometimes in trying to halt the descent we instead harry it and unintentionally hurry it along"

With a lump in your throat and some regret welling in your eyes you soon may have to seek to try to answer some very difficult questions with perhaps even more difficult answers. Some of the toughest of these may be of yourselves.

Is your uncertain success and questionable victory a sign there is no hope and Mennara is lost, a group of failed worlds beyond rescue, or are these despair-riddled realms where transformation can begin?

If a small group of heroes gather together what little resolve they have left, and fight the hardest fight- that of resisting the urge to give up when circumstances seem of the bleakest nature- maybe you aren't failing, just a little ahead of reality in celebrating success, for if you are still here, still friends, still contemplating that possibility of a better future, then that journey in the dark is still being walked.....

Preview and intro (you can use this as a lead-in for a standalone, out of campaign RPG session if you've got Realms of Terrinoth and do a little prep or already have some fantasy session prep ready so you don't have to wait for my goodies, but it doesn't add all the kit bits I'm working on such as adversaries and the beginnings of the adventure, I'm still putting those together) : https://adobe.ly/2GxF9yr

Main development discussion / Terrinoth 'stuff' thread (feel free to make suggestions!) : https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/268577-fantasy-descent-terrinoth-journeys-in-genesys/

I'll use this one to share actual content for the adventure (now we've got a dedicated 'stuffs what we've made' sub-forum!

Edited by Watercolour Dragon