In a greater effort to avoid finals, I am attempting some more math.
I noticed that the Rune Golem is very dependent on rune coins, and their performance can really suffer with bad luck. The Greyhaven Channeler is an interesting upgrade that allows you to reroll 2 coins out of the 5 (4 really, considering one has two identical faces) and I wanted to know how big a difference he makes.
Since Natural Energy has 3 coins and you can only reroll 2, I had to make a rather strange truth table to get the probabilities, and so I'm not entirely sure I got the numbers right, please let me know if you have an idea.
Numbers in blue are iffy.
Ok so here is coin averages per turn and per game, with and without rerolls. Note that the rerolls improve the averages of what you want while possibly lowering the averages of the result you are rerolling. Also note that stable benefits the least because only 1 coin to reroll, while unstable benefits the most because exactly two coins having 2 symbols each.
Edited by hamooding
Averages per round and turn with rerolls added