I've been trying to figure out how to handle the situation where a player looks at a check and says "I'm going to do something crazy, because I don't think I'll make that check normally" and describes some risky "pushing it to the limit" addition to the description of their action. Here's an example:
The player is being pursued by the police while he is on a motorcycle, ducking and weaving to try and escape. The challenge [one red, two purples] looks a bit intimidating so the player says "Actually, I'm not just going to go fast, I'm going to go really fast, and cut into the oncoming traffic lane a few times to shake them." I say sure, and upgrade the check twice, now it's [three reds].
Here's the question: What kind of reward should that player get for taking a "riskier but higher chance of success" initiative? Blue dice? Check upgrades? Additional greens?
Too low of a bump and it just washes out (and this discourages fun, creative solutions) but too high and it breaks the game.
If I were to guess, it would be [blues] equal to the number of [purples]>[reds] that the player voluntarily takes.
Edited by dresdinseven