I'm sure you get a thread similar to this on a weekly basis, if not more often ... but who am I to buck a trend?
I'm brand spankin' new to the Call of Cthulhu LCG (and LCGs in general, though I do have CCG experience). I received the core set just last night, a belated birthday gift, which I was happy to unwrap as I've had my eye on it for some time. I'm a long time fan of Lovecraft, Arkham Horror and I totally dig the theme, the artwork and the game mechanics of the card game. I've avoided it to this point due to a potential lack of regular opponents and - more frightening - the potential for investment. When I get involved in a game that offers expansion opportunity, if I enjoy the game even a little bit you can bet my wallet will take a beating.
I also received a random Asylum Pack ("it was the only expansion they had!"), the 5th in the Summons of the Deep, 'The Thing from the Shore'. I have yet to play a match, but having watched the demo video and feeling I have a decent understanding of the turn sequence and some basic combos, I can already feel the itch to buy more (I'll be giving the base game a good play before I drop any cash, though). I realize the LCG format will save me a ton of coin compared to the tradition CCG random booster money sink, but I wonder: Which expansions should I be looking to pick up first? Is it a personal preference thing, or are some simply better than others?
I'm inclined to immediately snap up the Ancient Horrors pack and wait for the new Secrets of Arkham. Mountains of Madness, not sure how necessary that is, but I like the looks of it. The other "serial" expansions are nice, but they could be a real money pit as they don't feature the new card distribution method (won't stop my from buying at least one pack of each, at some point). Thoughts? Tips? Suggestions on which to purchase first, which to avoid? EDIT: Just realized that many of the early Asylum packs are slated for reprint. I suppose it would be best to wait on those.
Also, with regard to FFG LCGs in general, how does CoC stack up against A Game of Thrones and the Warhammer LCG? Is it merely a matter of thematic preference, or does one offer a far superior experience compared to the others?
Thanks in advance!