Hypothetical IA 2nd edition

By Pollux85, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

After several years of writing, developing, testing, and thinking about this game, I'm sure the IA gurus have a lot of nifty thoughts that could go into a 2nd ed. of Imperial Assault. Just because we haven't seen huge amounts of fixes and improvements and tweaks doesn't mean the developers doesn't have drawer-fulls of that stuff rolling around in their heads. I for one thing an IA2 could be very interesting indeed :D

Edited by angelman2

Hey all, 🙂

We're currently playing The Bespin Gambit , and I had an idea for a potential new easy-to-implement rule that could add another strategic dimension to the game, for a potential 2nd edition (or even your own home rules). I'm sure something like this has been discussed before, but I haven't seen it so here goes.

" Cover : RANGED attacks targeting a space enclosed by more than one black and/or red line applies -1 Accuracy."
==This means you can give your figures some protection by placing them in corners and between red lines and black lines, and whatever. Large/Massive figures could theoretically take cover as well, although in most cases a character can simply target a different space. Cool?

Varriant #1 -- add : "MELEE attacks targeting a space enclosed by more than one black and/or red line requires 1 or more Accuracy to not miss."
==Here, the effect is expanded to also affect melee attacks (similarly to the Stealth skill of the Imperial Black Ops deck).

Varriant #2 -- expand both texts : "...more than one black and/or red line and/or space occupied by a Massive figure..."
==This allows figures to also seek cover near Massive figures. This makes Walkers and the like more powerful.

Varriant #3 -- add a final sentence : "The cover penalties do not apply to attacks made by Mobile figures"
==The idea here is that Probe Droids & Jet Troopers could just fly overhead and shoot down at the figure in cover... Probably the worst of these ideas.

Any thoughts on these? Thanks!

Edited by angelman2

Thematically melee attacks should hit more easily when the opponent is against a corner and you're adjacent.

While there are some uses for this type of cover, I think it loses it's luster when you've got a figure in a corner but they get a cover bonus even though there's no reason they should be. Or when a figure is up against a wall with nowhere to hide but they still get a cover bonus.

I do like variant 2 a lot and I like variant 3 in your scenario.

The best cover variant I can remember seeing read something like: When determining line of sight, if you can draw a line to all 4 corners of the space a unit occupies, then no accuracy penalty shall be incurred. For every corner that you cannot draw a line to, apply -1 accuracy to the attack. You still must be able to draw a line to at least 2 corners, otherwise you do not have line of sight.

I haven't played that way myself, but it does add that cover aspect you might be looking for. I'd only recommend it for veteran players as it can get a little complicated.

On 5/2/2018 at 6:49 PM, thestag said:

I don't want to see a second edition of IA.

I see the release of X-Wing 2.0 to be a cash grab of the highest offense. XW is currently their best seller, I don't see how this doesn't offend the majority of their base players...

Well, where I live, since the 2ed, XWing has completely disappeared from local stores. And nobody is playing Legion either.