Hi all,
Last month I ordered x-wing and legion for me and the misses to play (and eventually the kids too, fyi we have been working our way through our first campaign in IA and enjoyed it so much I decided to invest in these games for some variation, purchasing ahead of playing to allow time to paint and sort out minis etc...)
Now we haven't played X-wing yet (due to my work rotation) but I spent time sorting out and organising a box for all the fighters and cards and tokens and tokens and tokens!!! while I was home last month (along with starting to paint my legion minis and getting things to make a table mat) Now I see 2.0 is coming and actually I think it will be good for us, ok it's going to cost but it seems like a nice upgrade in some areas and maybe simpler for us to play with all the rule changes coming through the app and small cards being removed.
My current purchases:
Core set
TFA core set
2x game mats (space and death star)
Millennium falcon
Sabines Tie Fighter
Rebel Aces
Tie interceptor
Tie advanced (*2)
Tie fighter
Tie Bomber
Lambda shuttle
Tie Advanced
Imperial veterans
Imperial aces
Slave 1 (basically for eBay now)
+ What is happening with the aces and veterans? I see that I can still use them but I don't understand how that works if we are not using the cards from the other expansions, we are still using the ones from these? They will have points on them etc...
+ Playing for 2 players non tournament, how will I go about working the damage decks? I understand that at the moment I should only use one (TFA apparently is the one to use) and how does that work in a normal game with 2 players and one deck? I assume the new one will just swap with TFA deck?
+ How many cardboard tokens do I need to keep in the box to play? There are millions! Surely we only need to use a few in a game?
+ I have obviously got a few x-wings and tie fighters from both core sets and it looks like I may not get enough conversions. That would mean buying more miniatures I guess?
+ Are the dice all the same? I bought 2 core sets to get 2x the player tools and now it looks like half of those will be useless but I hope the dice are the same, doesn't look like the rulers will be sold separately.
+ Are my TFA minis and most of that core set now basically useless? I'm only thinking of using standard rebels and imperials because I'm not collecting more than 2 factions as I'm paying for it all myself!
I think I'm getting a bit of a headache already trying to work out how to organise all this when it comes out! I'm also annoyed that it looks like I have 2 mats and I won't need them both for a long time because my plan was to buy some epic stuff and now that's a long way off?
Anyway any thoughts or input would be appreciated, I may have more questions when I start to play but at the moment I'm away for another month and I just want to start getting my head round what this 2.0 means for me.
Edited by Niro750Added question