[Provided] New Table for "Psychic Phenomena

By Gregorius21778, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Greetings, brethern.

All of those who have already had any results of the "Psychic Phenomena Table", here comes an alternative. Please take not that this one has not been playtested yet. Experience reports from people using it welcome.



Looks good, will give it a go with my group next session and give some feed back if the use of it comes up.

Normally we stick with warpfrost & cold breezes unless it's a critical moment in game and the stress is pumping.

Saying that though, nothing bad ever seems to happen with any enemy psy users.. ;)

Hi Velvelt,

first, thank you for volunteering for testing "as soon as 9´s come up" happy.gif

Talking "bad things that do not happen to enemy psykers" :
How often have your group faced psi users and how long did they "remained active" gui%C3%B1o.gif . No, seriously: never happend to use any psy our magics against my (rather fresh) group with "real dice roling". To be honest, I need those psykers/wytches to make the situation tight.

...but "Bad things happening to enemy psykers" could be nice as well... depends on how the GM is running things, me guesses.

Looks good, at least at a glance. Dramatic and colourful without being too debilitating. I'll definitely give these a go, thanks a lot!

Gregorius21778 said:

Talking "bad things that do not happen to enemy psykers" :
How often have your group faced psi users and how long did they "remained active" gui%C3%B1o.gif . No, seriously: never happend to use any psy our magics against my (rather fresh) group with "real dice rolling". To be honest, I need those psykers/wytches to make the situation tight.

...but "Bad things happening to enemy psykers" could be nice as well... depends on how the GM is running things, me guesses.

In one of our previous assignments we went up against both a rogue psyker and a Choas Sorcerer of Tzeentch. The rogue actually suffered soul burn. The Tzeentchian Sorcerer was immune to perils due to his particular flavor of Dark Pact. Otherwise, we've not seen a whole lot of enemies with Psy Ratings.

-=Brother Praetus=-

Gregorius21778 said:

Greetings, brethern.

All of those who have already had any results of the "Psychic Phenomena Table", here comes an alternative. Please take not that this one has not been playtested yet. Experience reports from people using it welcome.



I will have to try this. Weeping statues and breezes just aint what it used to be.

I am finishing up my "really big chart of bad things, worse things, and nasty things" these really gives me some great ideas Gregorious, as always great work.

I have just decided that it has to be a d1000 chart for me, 1-750 is Phenomenon, each 50 increment after that invokes one of 5 d100 Perils charts in an ascending order. So 950-000 invoked the worst of the Perils charts.

Thanks as always for a great contribution and it helps in finishing something that has been daunting by reinvigorating my brain with more "warpy" ideas.



Hi Caileg, thanks for the feedback

Cailieg said:

I am finishing up my "really big chart of bad things, worse things, and nasty things" (...)

Mind sharing it? gui%C3%B1o.gif I´m as happy about any piece of input as you are.

Has anyone ever had the quote "I roll too Darn Many NINES!!!" So I just let them pick the number of the beast..... I had one guy that swears he rolls less 3's then nines... So 3 is his "magic" number.... guess how pissed he gets when he rolls four 3's in one roll... once they pick there is no turning back... but I might let them burn a Fate point to change it BACK to 9... what do you guys think?

Calaron said:

Has anyone ever had the quote "I roll too Darn Many NINES!!!" So I just let them pick the number of the beast..... I had one guy that swears he rolls less 3's then nines... So 3 is his "magic" number.... guess how pissed he gets when he rolls four 3's in one roll... once they pick there is no turning back... but I might let them burn a Fate point to change it BACK to 9... what do you guys think?

I like it. The only problem I seem to encounter is almost every game session I'm dealing with a weakened veil issue and see warp phenomenon on 6s, 10s and whatever the hell the GM wants to use at the time. I think my GMs just want extra phenoms to happen, forgetting how much that hamstrings a Psyker, since I'm having to spend Fate Points all the time to avoid problems.

Gregorius21778 said:

Hi Caileg, thanks for the feedback

Cailieg said:

I am finishing up my "really big chart of bad things, worse things, and nasty things" (...)

Mind sharing it? gui%C3%B1o.gif I´m as happy about any piece of input as you are.

Table is about 50% done, is taking 3 writers to avoid too many similarities beyond what we plan for. Each of us is writing and editing the entries and positions as a group, this also helps from having it be just one GMs idea of warp happenstance. Of course we also would not mind hearing other peoples ideas of things to put on it.

The hardest part is classifying the 5 perils tables, however its coming along nicely with the size and spread we have to work with.

But this project and my Sisters of Battle Radical variant are both still in the works, now moreso after having completed successfully my trip to San Diego Comic Con.



so does any one have a "new" Perils of the Warp table yet or is that just wishful thinkin... LoL . I have one player that has memorized the table, just to whine and cry when he rolls something bad. I would love to toss a Different Perils table at him... Please help... thanks much

Oh and by the way Love the new Phenom Table!!! awesomeness, Utter Confusion Reigns!! Muahahaha.

Especially to the guy who has memorized the tables...