you know one of the things i liked about FFG is that we have had the x-wing miniature game out for a while now. it was fun, balance was iffy, but reasonable. and there was lots of content. and the best part. the core rules havent changed in all the itterations. untill now...... WELCOME TO FFG BECOMING A MIRROR TO GAMES WORKSHOP. now expect to see every 2-3 years brand new editions where you will have to buy your ships over again, or buy gracious update packs for 50+ dollars just to keep up with the times. thanks ffg. just what i wanted to do with the money i dont have readily available. do you even know how huge my collection is? i will have to buy at least 3 of those rebelion update packs for all my YT's yes i have 3 of them. im sorry but this really pisses me off. im not investing in this abomination. what is it with my favorite scifi geanra kicking me in the teeth. first the last jedi, now this. thanks ffg. by the way if your releasing 2.0 because your hoping to draw more players back to xwing, that isnt going to do it. you have literally saturated the market with starwars. your players cant keep up with the new games. you have legion, destiny, xwing, armada, the RPG, the CCG, and the list goes on. something my company preaches is something maybe you should listen to FFG, less is more. sorry for the rant everyone this really hit me below the belt.
I hear your brother. Not to mention the upgrade cards. How is that gonna work out. Are used to be a big 40K player and fantasy now I don't play either one Anymore. Just because of this kind of Krapp. My fax I was looking into legion and now I don't think I want to do that either just because I don't want to get into it and then have to buy a whole new set.
4 hours ago, CushionRide said:i will have to buy at least 3 of those rebelion update packs for all my YT's yes i have 3 of them.
Why would you need to buy 3? The conversion kit is good for two YT-2400’s and 2 Falcons. Unless you are playing Epic, you wouldn’t be able to fit more than two in a squad, and two kits would be enough for 3 of either YT.
Each upgrade pack may cost 50 bucks, but if you fly 4 A wings, or 3 B wings, or 3 X-wings, or 3 Y wings, you'll need to buy 2 kits = $100.
Likewise is you use 5 TIEs, 3 TAdv, 3 TDef, then you'll need 2 kits.
Use both factions and you'll need a core set snd 4 upgrade packs. $240 for no new ships except 3 ships in the core set that you probably don't need anyway.
yea i played warhammer and 40k for 17 years, and i think i had to scrap about 6-7 armies because i liked to make theme armies that were fun to play. after 6th ed 40k went to 7th, then 8th i gave it up. the only thing i have for warhammer is necromunda. thats a timeless game for me.
my xwing collection is based on the builds i like to play, not to mention i like options. i did look at the list of upgrades available in the upgrade packs and i am plesently suprised. for the scum i think i could get away with getting one box, but i would be short 2 ywings, as i own 4. the rebels there are a few ships i would need additional templates like the falcon, 2 phantom attack shuttles, a couple z95. so the upgrade packs are not as bad as i initially thought. the imperials are about the same way. the thing that really pisses me off is that i made some builds that i never got to try out. all the players in my area switched games and have no interest in xwing anymore since the major nerf last year. we went from about 12 consistent people in my area playing to 0 and that just floors me. we had a local convention last year and my friend tried to run the xwing tourney for it. no show. i dont want to sell my collection. im not selling it. but i dont know if i can justify dumping more money into it just to keep up. i did watch some of the videos on YouTube. and it actually doesnt look like a bad rework...... but i still have issues with it. like how do you know what kind of upgrades your ships arecapable of. as far as i could see there were no upgrade symbols on the cards. soooooooo what happens there? also what is this going to do with the value of the promos. im sorry but one of my lists was purely a promo card list. i ran ships i only had promo cards for. and it was even a good list. i cant use that anymore if there are any neighboring tourneys in areas an hour away from me. im just not happy with this change.
i stopped playing magic when they started block rotations. it was too much for me to keep track of. will destiny start doing that? if so ill be out of that game as well.
Less is more.
I think they should drop the conversion kits entirely. And replace them with individual ship conversion packs. Sell those at something like $2/each.
That way way people could get exactly what they need and not have to buy large conversion kits that don’t cover our collections.
or do both or offer an online option.
even still. since i dont have a player base in my area, im shelfing my game it will become a nice display on my shelf in my game room
This isn't even sniffing the type of prices that GW charge their customers.
As for new additions every few years, games evolved over time, and FFG is a business. They are not doing anything that every other miniatire company does.
They ARE offering conversion kits - lots of companies, including the above-mentioned GW, would make you buy the many all over again, so I am looking at this as a glass half-full situation myself. ?
On 5/2/2018 at 4:02 PM, player3289775 said:I think they should drop the conversion kits entirely. And replace them with individual ship conversion packs. Sell those at something like $2/each.
That way way people could get exactly what they need and not have to buy large conversion kits that don’t cover our collections.
I'm sure that you will be able to purchase individual cards on EBay.