Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

My only question is; what became of Fel’s Wrath?

14 minutes ago, Smutpedler said:

My only question is; what became of Fel’s Wrath?

I'm breaking the rules here, so don't tell any one, but I think the number of damage cards equaled or exceeded his hull value. ?

Apologies if it has come up earlier (I did do a quick look):

Are the Damage Decks ship specific, or is the bonus deck just a special T-65 style?

Will the official squad builder allow savvy community devs to interface with it and get squadrons in a machine readable format (some sort of API)? I ask because there will always be people who find clever ways to improve on the presentation, sharing methods of a squadron builder. Or input squad usage in a local community into a website that could track ship/pilot/faction stats and performance.

In the same vein, since we know the points value of ships and pilots as well as the allowed upgrade types will seldom change, will there be an automated way (for a programmer) to get to this data? I don't mean in a long pdf thats meant for a person to read, but a structured record someone could download and input elsewhere, say in an excel sheet or something.

Edited by Mu0n729

Even if the bulk conversion kits are the only conversions they end up offering (which seems to be the case), you will undoubtedly be able to buy the broken up parts of the conversion kits on eBay and likely other online stores. People will buy the kits and sell what they don’t need. People will buy the kits with the sole intent of breaking them up into parts to sell. People (like me) will buy one conversion kit for the Rebel Alliance and one for the Galactic Empire, and then, for example, buy the other two T-65 conversions separately on eBay or wherever that I need to run four X’s. Same goes for whatever extra Ties I need.

It’ll be ok. You won’t have to buy five conversion kits, unless you have just an absolutely massive collection, which some people do.

Edited by Piney Tinecones

Can you clarify what is meant in the FAQ by "backwards compatible"? The v2 ships won't work in v1 and the v1 content requires a conversion kit to work in v2. Some v1 content won't work at all in v2, such as Imperial Slave 1 and until future releases the First Order and Resistance content won't work in v2 either.

15 hours ago, Aiwendil said:

In order for the conversion kits to exist, all current ships need to have been redesigned for the second edition at the same time (at least their cards / stats). My question is if this means that all future re-releases of these ships will contain these specific cards or if there will be additional new cards that are still in development (or in future development) that will be exclusive to these packs?

It is being reported (though I don’t know the source) that someone from FFG has said that if/when cards not in the original conversion packs are made and put in old ship update expansions, that they are going to do “mini conversion kits” so veterans won’t need to rebuy models.

12 hours ago, BlodVargarna said:

Where did you learn his and where can I get this groovy new deck?

It’s in the news article on the damage decks

1 hour ago, TheEldarGuy said:

Apologies if it has come up earlier (I did do a quick look):

Are the Damage Decks ship specific, or is the bonus deck just a special T-65 style?

The T-65 promo damage deck is mechanically identical, just different art. According to the DD news article

Yeah, I have some questions.

How can I play if I'm poor and can't afford to buy 3+ conversion kits for my ships?

How can I list build without an I-Phone or App access?

11 minutes ago, madquest8 said:

How can I list build without an I-Phone or App access?

It will all be online as well.

Are all the first edition pilots being converted to 2nd or are some being rotated out. In other words are we losing hobbie to get thane kyrell (xwing version)?

Will we see more changes to pilots such as: Farlander becoming Force Sensitive? (for Rebels and Imperials - I'm sure they had a few Force Sensitive pilots also)

I think you need to clarify the changes to barrel roll more. I am still seeing a lot of people here on the forums who aren't getting exactly how it is changed (esp. regarding medium and large ships). After watching the TC playthrough, I "think" I understand it now, but a lot of people don't.

Will there be another core set with resistance/first order factions, like there was for 1.0?

21 hours ago, gadwag said:

We know that for wave 1, the conversion kit has everything in the expansions. Is this true for future waves (ignoring new ships, of course)?

Following up my own question after watching the stream:

- The conversion kit will have everything in the blister packs for wave 1, and possibly wave 2
- The conversion kit does NOT cover all the content from the reaper or partisans packs (no two-tubes in the conversion kit, for example)
- There will be an upgrade path for re-released 1.0 ships in future waves. This will allow players with a conversion kit to get all the content of that wave without having to re-buy plastic ships. No details have been shared on this as of yet, and FFG are unlikely to say more until we start seeing waves with content not present in the conversion kit. They said "there will be an upgrade path that doesn't force you to buy new plastic" at least three times, but no more detail than that.

17 hours ago, Firespray-32 said:

Why does the Imperial conversion kit have three VT-49 Decimators in it? It seems like the ship least in need of two conversions, let alone three.

- 3 decimators was a mistake, it was meant to be 2 decisions and 3 gunboats. If you want to know all the numbers go read the FAQ about 2.0.

Some other questions answered during the stream:
- Old dials will not be re-usable in tournament play
- Same playmat
- Stay tuned for news on epic. They want to get the base game sorted out first, but are very keen to overhaul epic just like they did for the base game.
- There will be force rated generics. The example given was the TIE/v1 prototype: it has the grand inquisitor and 7th sister (both force sensitive) as uniques, a generic baron of the empire, and a generic force using inquisitor pilot, with a force rating of 1. There is no plans for an upgrade that grants force sensitivity to any pilot, but if the lore sets a precedent for force use then the pilot will probably be have a force rating.
Bear in mind that with inquisitors and Ezra bridge at a force rating of only 1, someone like Maz Kanata (who is merely sensitive to the force) is unlikely to have a force rating. As with 1.0, focus tokens partially represent a pilot's connection with the force. The developers explained that the calculate action replaces focus for droids partly because droids are not in tune with the force.
- Calculate tokens are a strictly worse focus and can only change one eyeball result. However, they are generally easier to acquire multiples of and pass around between ships. Ships may have different action bars - living pilots have a focus and "that one droid pilot [for the ship] has a calculate".

Looks like some of the dials stay the same. Can I keep using the old ones in those cases?

Will we see Pdf for X-wing 2.0 online before the release of the game and if so when?

12 hours ago, Gimgamgoo said:

Even if I have bought only 1 of everything released so far, the rebel conversion kit doesn't have enough X-wings. That's ridiculous considering it's the quintessential ship which the game is named after.

I'm sure I've had an X-wing in the starter set, the individual expansion release and one in the rebel transport ship. 3 x-wings (which I do use in lots of games), but 2 conversions in the kit. Meh. I know ffg can't cater for every collection, but surely enough for someone that's bought 1 of everything.

They put 3 A-wings in, why not enough X-wings?

I am guessing they think that 2 plus a core set and saws renegades will make 4 which is probably enough. Out of all those if you have an extra ship or 2 I would think you would have enough base inserts to field them as long as they are not all the same generic pilots.

I'm off the internet for one day and this happens?

how many copies of unique pilots will be in the conversion kits?

So for example there are 3 tie interceptors will we only get 1 copy of each unique, or will we get more?

The reason for this being important is for those who are considering getting conversion kits - especially if they need more than 1 kit for a faction, and then will be looking to sell off unwanted cards to recoup cost. The value of cards for excess ships would be greatly reduced if you can only sell generics.

Edited by Storgar
11 hours ago, Engineer said:

Kind of like a junkie asking why, after years of buying drugs, they aren't automatically being given the new stuff.

For every 1.0 player that gets mad and walks away, this new model will generate two more new players who, combined, will generate (at least) an equal amount of revenue for the 2.0 product line as you did during 1.0. So, there you have it. Have your petty-mal seizures and throw your temper-tantrums and walk away. Nobody will miss you in the same way that Donald Trump doesn't care that you didn't vote in the last election in protest.

Just don't think for one minute that your verbal protests and threats mean anything to the company's bottom-line. This decision was floated-debated-and finalized last year by the Corporate powers-that-be. What is done is done.

Its not that you are insignificant and that they didn't think about how you might react. Quite the opposite, they considered it, acknowledged it, and created a business model to compensate for it in spite of what you think, say, react, decide to do, or not to do.

There is a finite period of time in which they can capitalize on this Star Wars joy-ride. Get on board, throw your hands up and scream 'woooooot' as you speed forward into the future of this game. Or make a pouty-face, take your plastic crack and go home.

Your analogy is not accurate.

Where do you get your sales projection about how many new players will be generated?

Lost sales are lost sales, I'm pretty sure they don't want people who currently buy their stuff to stop doing so.

In terms of 2.0 for me it's either invest $400+ for a bunch of cardboard to upgrade my modest collection, or spend $400+ dollars on new games and models from another company.

"This decision will be floated-debated-and finalized soon by me."

My face will be all smiley (not pouty at all) at the nice new stuff I have, while people will still be punching out the mountain of coloured cardboard they bought so they can keep using the stuff they already bought! :D

I'm already going to save some cash by not buying the Saw's rebels pack, which I had already decided on buying before this news came out. What new stuff shall I buy instead? :)

10 hours ago, Parakitor said:

I'm breaking the rules here, so don't tell any one, but I think the number of damage cards equaled or exceeded his hull value. ?

Is there a Fel for him to be wrathful about? :D

I’m sorry if these questions have been addressed:

1) Old templates: Will current templates still be usable and/or allowed?

2) How is it determined which ship has upgrades? I don’t see any icons.

Will old EU pilots like Kyle and Corran get to use the Force abilities ?

****, I saw new Y-wing and X-wing pilots, are the EU characters gonna be wiped out of the game ?? :(

I read somewhere that the Imperial conversion kit has a mis-print with 3 decimators which should be 2, and 2 alphas which should be 3. Is there also a mistake with the defenders, which currently state 2? I would expect 3 for defenders given the triple defender build was quite common to see.

What will Deathrains flavour name (like Whispers hilarious "Silent killer") be? This is a most urgent question!