Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

55 minutes ago, Wazat said:

it's fine to equip Daredevil -- S-Foils have given you Boost.

but only when closed, correct? so if you open them, then Daredevil falls off?

1 hour ago, PanchoX1 said:

but only when closed, correct? so if you open them, then Daredevil falls off?

So far as I know, first edition's rule of "once the game starts, equip rules don't matter" has transferred. You don't unequip cards during play just because their equip requirements are no longer met; that only happens during squad building. That said, I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere for second edition so... That's another thing to ask FFG, unless I'm missing it in the rules reference somewhere.

Can Dengar perform his bonus attack even if his turret is facing the wrong way? It seems like the ability would grant the attack independent of turret position, but it's very unclear to me, and other bonus attacks require the attack to follow all attack rules (e.g. Cluster Missiles can't shoot outside of your firing arcs, from what I can tell).

I encountered this in my own game, and again with someone asking on the wiki.

1 hour ago, Wazat said:

Can Dengar perform his bonus attack even if his turret is facing the wrong way? It seems like the ability would grant the attack independent of turret position, but it's very unclear to me, and other bonus attacks require the attack to follow all attack rules (e.g. Cluster Missiles can't shoot outside of your firing arcs, from what I can tell).

I encountered this in my own game, and again with someone asking on the wiki.


*yes if you have a torpedo equipped with charges left, and a lock on the relevant ship.

Also yes if the turret is facing > or < and the ship happens to be on the line between said arc and the V arc.

@FFG: Looks like Loose Cargo no longer stresses/damages when it's dropped on a victim, only when they move through it trying to get out (if their maneuver template touches).

Is that intended?

What is the purpose of the white boarder on the back side of the new 2.0 bomb tokens?

1.0 don’t have the white boarder on one side.

7 hours ago, oldtimer said:

What is the purpose of the white boarder on the back side of the new 2.0 bomb tokens?

1.0 don’t have the white boarder on one side.

Same as all of the number tokens and target lock tokens in 2.0. To distinguish player one’s ships/tokens from player two’s.

Apologies if this has already been asked but:

I got conversions kits for imps and rebels, when I built some squads I found some cards were missing (two tubes for example I think, as well as agile gunner upgrade off the top of my head) does this mean I now have to buy individual ship packs again right from the beginning? (the new x-wing and y-wing packs etc) just to get all the cards ?

Yes. Cards which are published in 2e compatible packs outside wave 1 are not in the conversion kits. Saw's Renegades, the Reaper, and Lando's Falcon, specifically, as well as many cards in the Core Set.

9 minutes ago, thespaceinvader said:

Yes. Cards which are published in 2e compatible packs outside wave 1 are not in the conversion kits. Saw's Renegades, the Reaper, and Lando's Falcon, specifically, as well as many cards in the Core Set.

OK that makes sense, cheers!

If I perform an action that fails, am I able to perform that action at a later time in the round? Example: I fail a barrel roll, but later in the round, I am coordinated. Am I able to attempt another barrel roll?

No, this si in the Rules Reference update that's legal as of today.

@FFG Another one from the wiki that has me stumped:

"Using Advanced Sensors, if you fail the action, do you still lose the ability to perform other actions this phase?"

I'm guessing no, you can do your normal Action Phase action because you didn't perform an action. One of the bullet points in the rules reference says: "An effect that fails does not trigger any effects that would occur after a ship resolves that effect."

But the "stress on a failed red action" shows balance comes before consistency. And also I'm not sure if Advanced Sensors' "if you do" clause really just means "if you try". Whichever way we should rule, hopefully there'll be a FAQ on it?

Something that didn't change between the original Rules Reference and the 9-28-18 update to it. The Squad Building and Upgrade Cards sections contradict each other due to how the Upgrade Cards section is formatted.

Squad Building

Each player builds a squad by choosing ships and upgrades whose total squad point cost does not exceed the total defined by the game mode . The recommended squad point total for a standard dogfight is 200 points.

A player can build a squad using ship and upgrade cards with some restrictions:

  • Each ship has an upgrade bar which is a list of upgrade icons that limit the number of upgrades and types of upgrades that the ship can equip. The X-Wing Squad Builder will enforce these rules. Additionally, a list of all ships' upgrade bars is also available at .
  • Nearly all game modes limit ships to a specific faction to choose from. All ship cards must be from a single faction. Some upgrade cards have faction restrictions listed in their restriction field.
  • Some upgrade cards have ship-size restrictions. Only ships of the given size can equip them.
  • Some upgrade cards have ship-type restrictions. Only ships of that type can equip them.
  • A squad's cards are restricted by the rules of limited cards.
  • A ship cannot equip more than one copy of an upgrade card with the same name.

Upgrade Cards

When building a squad, a player can field upgrades for their ships by paying their associated squad point cost. When building a squad using the Squad Builder, each ship will have a squad point cost and an upgrade bar that shows how many and which types of upgrades that ship can equip. If there is a or available for the ship, it will list that here as well. Upgrades also have their own squad point cost.

Some upgrade cards have one or more of the following rules in their restrictions box:

  • Rebel/Imperial/Scum: This upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified faction.
  • Small/Medium/Large/Huge ship: This upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified size .
  • Ship-type: If there is a type of ship listed, this upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified type.
  • Action: If there is an action icon, this upgrade can be equipped only to a ship with that action on its action bar. This does not include actions on its linked action bar.
  • A ship cannot equip more than one copy of the same card.
  • A squad's cards are restricted by the rules of limited cards.

The second to last bullet point in Upgrade Cards being listed under "Some upgrade cards have one or more of the following rules in their restrictions box:" is subordinate to that statement implying that unless it is printed on the card that you can only have one copy of the upgrade per ship, then you can take as many copies as you have slots available for that specific upgrade. This is in direct contradiction to the last bullet point in Squad Building which is listed as a general restriction. Really only needs a simple fix, removing the bullet point in front of "A ship cannot equip more than one copy of the same card." in the Upgrade Cards section, but as it sits now it can be validly argued either direction and will likely cause (and actually has caused) some confusion.

@FFG: Asked on the wiki: "If the escape pod has a stress token and is locked on to, what happens when it re-docks? Are the tokens removed, Does the falcon get them, or do they stay on the pod when it re-deploys?"

I have the same question in relation to Moralo flying off the board.

21 hours ago, Wazat said:

@FFG: Asked on the wiki: "If the escape pod has a stress token and is locked on to, what happens when it re-docks? Are the tokens removed, Does the falcon get them, or do they stay on the pod when it re-deploys?"

6 hours ago, Hugeman said:

I have the same question in relation to Moralo flying off the board.


This all reeks of Scum ?

@FFG: I'm not sure how to resolve a Condition timing issue. I know that Listening Device activates at the initiative of the ship it's equipped to... but does the condition text trigger as though it's that ship's ability, or the opponent's ability?

For example, Whisper is cloaked and has Listening Device. Does the Whisper player choose the order to resolve Decloak and Listening Device since they're both attached to Whisper (and both refer to Whisper as "you"), or is listening device still "owned" by the other player and thus player order determines which resolves first?

It matters whether Listening Device checks its range before or after that decloak, after all!

Can Dalan Oberos (StarViper) with autoburners do his rotate 90 degrees after he performed a boost action granted by autoburners after 3-4 maneuver speed?

Let's imagine like this - he resolved 3 speed bank -> do boost action by autoburners -> rotate 90 degrees.

I guees yes, because it is the same timing wingow "after you fully execute a maneuver".

@FFG Is it allowed to "chain" Swarm Tactics enabling a squadron to engage at the same initiative or is Swarm Tactics locked to the Initiative printed on the pilot card with the upgrade? For example Serissu and 3 Tansarii Point Veterans all have Swarm Tactics equipped and have a Cartel Spacer in the squadron with them. At the player's turn in the beginning of the engagement phase can they use Swarm Tactics to boost a Tanasarii Point Vet to init 5, have that pilot use Swarm Tactics to boost another Tanasarii Point Vet to init 5 as well and so on ending the "chain" with the Cartel Spacer also engaging at init 5?

Not sure where to post this but as it is 2nd edition related, I guess I will plop it here.....The colored stand sets. They come in a variety of colors and I am sure this is helpful for tournaments and such just as I am sure they will be for my small group when we start playing more. They come with 4 small bases and one large one. I noticed in the conversion boxes that there is now a medium base size. Will the colored base sets be revamped to include the medium base and if so, what combination of bases can we look forward to?

12 hours ago, EVIL INC said:

Not sure where to post this but as it is 2nd edition related, I guess I will plop it here.....The colored stand sets. They come in a variety of colors and I am sure this is helpful for tournaments and such just as I am sure they will be for my small group when we start playing more. They come with 4 small bases and one large one. I noticed in the conversion boxes that there is now a medium base size. Will the colored base sets be revamped to include the medium base and if so, what combination of bases can we look forward to?

FFG isnt likely to answer that before they end up releasing said packs, but I’d tend to think it’s inevitable. As for which bases will come in what numbers, it’s pure speculation. Just adding one medium base to the existing type of pack seems likely, given the ratio of medium ships to other sizes.

If a ship drops a loose carge token on top of another ship, does the other ship immediately suffer the effects of the debris cloud, or only when moving?

17 minutes ago, Eruletho said:

If a ship drops a loose carge token on top of another ship, does the other ship immediately suffer the effects of the debris cloud, or only when moving?

Using the official rules thread entry on doing this with proximity mines as a reference I'd say the ship/ships that have this done to them suffer the effects immediately.