Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

28 minutes ago, Maizrim said:

Around how many upgrade cards are in each conversion kit? I sleeve my cards, and while I will have to find another use for all of the extra Yellow FFG sleeves I'll have now, I am curious about how many FFG Gray I will need for each conversion kit.

Any guesses if that info is not being released yet? (putting in an order for Saw's Renegades/TIE Reaper and was going to order more FFG Gray sleeves as well)

Also, does anyone have suggestions for my huge stack of leftover FFG Yellow? I think Battlestar Galactica board game will fit, but maybe I can just give out sleeves to folks who don't get the pre-order damage deck.

We know the pilot and upgrade numbers somewhere (total is around 700) but there are no more Mini American sized upgrades - they're now full sized cards.

The only Mini American cards left are the damage deck cards. Maybe also condition cards, I don't think we've seen one.

4 hours ago, Vector said:

Why can't the 2nd edition ship's packaging remain the same as the 1st edition ships?

I find it annoying now that as someone who keeps some of their ships still in their packaging, placing the new ones next to them won't match the same design. You could just keep the old package design for the 2nd edition ships and just have a small icon to denote that they're the newer versions.




Unless however that the new design will only remain for the 2nd edition re-releases and any new vessels released after 2.0 launches will still retain the original package design, then I'll be happy.

Confusion. They don't want people who start playing with 2.0 to accidentally buy 1.0 ships that they can't use without a conversion kit. By updating the packaging it makes it obvious which ships are for 1e and which are for 2e.

4 hours ago, Vector said:

Why can't the 2nd edition ship's packaging remain the same as the 1st edition ships?

I find it annoying now that as someone who keeps some of their ships still in their packaging, placing the new ones next to them won't match the same design. You could just keep the old package design for the 2nd edition ships and just have a small icon to denote that they're the newer versions.




Unless however that the new design will only remain for the 2nd edition re-releases and any new vessels released after 2.0 launches will still retain the original package design, then I'll be happy.

Confusion. They don't want people who start playing with 2.0 to accidentally buy 1.0 ships that they can't use without a conversion kit. By updating the packaging it makes it obvious which ships are for 1e and which are for 2e.

7 hours ago, VanderLegion said:

Confusion. They don't want people who start playing with 2.0 to accidentally buy 1.0 ships that they can't use without a conversion kit. By updating the packaging it makes it obvious which ships are for 1e and which are for 2e.

Not to mention the fact that the new packaging sure SEEMS like it will be easier to open. In addition, it looks like you will be able to remove the ship, and still leave the box for storing the cards, etc. if desired. In 1.0, you often had to destroy it all just to get it open.

Not sure if this has been brought up, but there is quite a bit of concern and uncertainty regarding the special damage deck that is supposed to come with pre-orders.

No retailer, whether online or flgs, seems to be able to say for sure that they will get us the special damage deck. If you could clarify, at least to distributors and retailers, how and when they will get them that would be much appreciated.

5 hours ago, DXCrazytrain said:

Not sure if this has been brought up, but there is quite a bit of concern and uncertainty regarding the special damage deck that is supposed to come with pre-orders.

No retailer, whether online or flgs, seems to be able to say for sure that they will get us the special damage deck. If you could clarify, at least to distributors and retailers, how and when they will get them that would be much appreciated.

Yeah it would be good if they even made this a seperate purchase option.

On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 10:48 AM, any2cards said:

Not to mention the fact that the new packaging sure SEEMS like it will be easier to open. In addition, it looks like you will be able to remove the ship, and still leave the box for storing the cards, etc. if desired. In 1.0, you often had to destroy it all just to get it open.

If they just changed the design of the plastic packaging to allow people to place their ships back into it, that's fine. My concern is more with the inside design; the text and graphics. The plain black design in contrast to the original gray, yellow, red and brown of the previous packaging just doesn't look good at all.

Edited by Vector
On 5/25/2018 at 6:48 PM, any2cards said:

Not to mention the fact that the new packaging sure SEEMS like it will be easier to open. In addition, it looks like you will be able to remove the ship, and still leave the box for storing the cards, etc. if desired. In 1.0, you often had to destroy it all just to get it open.

After opening my 2.0 X-Wing... it's not ? the blister part is like sealed in the cardboard so you kinda have to destroy the box to get it open.

Will coloured base packs be updated to include some Medium bases, or indeed, will individual coloured medium bases be made available so that people can continue to have matching bases for all their ships without having to spend money on excess small and large ones?

How often will you release new waves to get all the 14 waves of current ships back out again? What bear is best?

I'm curious if there is a program for FLGS to deal with their stock of Xwing 1.0 stuff? There's a store near me with a wall of stuff. It's great for us players as we can usually get whatever we want.. but are they just gonna take a hit there when no one wants to buy that stuff anymore? I don't want my store punished for 2.0.

20 hours ago, homedrone said:

I'm curious if there is a program for FLGS to deal with their stock of Xwing 1.0 stuff? There's a store near me with a wall of stuff. It's great for us players as we can usually get whatever we want.. but are they just gonna take a hit there when no one wants to buy that stuff anymore? I don't want my store punished for 2.0.

I second this; I know the guys at a couple of stores and I'm hoping for the best for them. I'm optimistic though. For a while, 1.0 expansions will be the only way to get *most* ships in 2.0 (buy the 1.0 expansions and the 2.0 conversion kits, since there's no 2.0 expansion announced yet for, say, the Shadow Caster, Hound's Tooth, Ghost, etc). I think the game stores will be fine selling the 1.0 expansions, IMO, save for the ships like Fang Fighter, X-Wing and TIE Fighter (where it may be better to buy the 2.0 expansion instead since it'll be out already).

On 5/29/2018 at 10:45 PM, homedrone said:

I'm curious if there is a program for FLGS to deal with their stock of Xwing 1.0 stuff? There's a store near me with a wall of stuff. It's great for us players as we can usually get whatever we want.. but are they just gonna take a hit there when no one wants to buy that stuff anymore? I don't want my store punished for 2.0.

It's going to be a while until the majority of 1.0 expansions gets replaced by 2.0 skus. If stores stopped ordering 1.0 content at the beginning of May when 2.0 was announced, they'll likely sell most of their 1.0 stock (if there's a healthy player base) by September of 2019.

Hopefully in 2.0, people will actually be buying those OG ships to win games with them on the table, not just for the upgrade cards.

How's the dev team doing? All the polarization about the new edition must be tiring at best.

Will the 2.0 app have a super cool way of listing the closest events to your current location so I don't have to be constantly using googlemaps to see how far away all this stuff is?

Also, what do you call it when fat people swim naked?

Just now, Boba Rick said:

Will the 2.0 app have a super cool way of listing the closest events to your current location so I don't have to be constantly using googlemaps to see how far away all this stuff is?

Also, what do you call it when fat people swim naked?


I have heard rumors that there aren't enough components to run the same number of all generics as there are dials. Is that true? Because I think everybody knows from this thread that I love flying groups of generics, and I would be heartbroken if I couldn't fly three matching generic TIE strikers or TIE interceptors with the three dials that come in the conversion kit. Will there be enough ship tokens and pilot cards to run, for example, three Scarif Defenders with the cool TIE Reaper I will be picking up for Second Edition?

On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:48 AM, VanderLegion said:

Confusion. They don't want people who start playing with 2.0 to accidentally buy 1.0 ships that they can't use without a conversion kit. By updating the packaging it makes it obvious which ships are for 1e and which are for 2e.

They could retain the original packaging design whilst simply having a "2.0" logo displayed somewhere, similar to what they've done with the Saw's Renegades Expansion Pack. Just have a black box with 2.0 marked on it.

2 hours ago, Vector said:

They could retain the original packaging design whilst simply having a "2.0" logo displayed somewhere, similar to what they've done with the Saw's Renegades Expansion Pack. Just have a black box with 2.0 marked on it.

Retaining the original packaging still makes it way more confusing for people, even if they mark it with a 2e logo somewhere. The new packaging makes it super obvious what ships are for 2e and which are for 1e. Personally I actually like the new ones.

On 5/28/2018 at 10:30 AM, acegard said:

After opening my 2.0 X-Wing... it's not ? the blister part is like sealed in the cardboard so you kinda have to destroy the box to get it open.

Sealed into cardboard is way easier to open then sealed into plastic.

Hi Guys,

I don't want to get off on a rant or sound like a negative Nancy but...

Looks like a really great time to either jump into the game or get out. Completely changing the game from bases, cards, tokens to dials. I can see the cards or dials being updated or changed to add a mechanic or to fix the wording on how things interact. Buying multiple ships to build swarm teams or that one card are all for not. Now having to spend quite a bit to upgrade my fleet to the 2.0 is expensive.

Now seeing that the same ships in the 2.0 package are to have NEW exclusive cards in them really makes want to think if I want to do this anymore. For months before this announcement I've seen other players in my area selling their collection. Lucky, current gameplay interaction, bored or knew a big change was coming. If they come up with the idea that I can Proxy a 2.0 card that I own for my whole squad would be great. Having to buy multiple conversion kits to fly multiple versions of the same ship or the upgrades.

For now I am taking the whole wait and see approach. I'm not preordering anything until I see or hear content and ruling's in the Rulebook on multiple Upgrade and Ship proxies. I may just play with what I have at home, which is half the fun or playing the game or just sell.

This has been more of a concern wrapped as one big question mark.

On 5/21/2018 at 3:56 PM, Arc170Chris said:

Does the 2.0 Arc 170 have a gunner slot or a crew slot? Or both? Thanks :)

Both! (My bet, since the YT2400 is not fairly certain to have both).

11 hours ago, Qui-Jan said:

For now I am taking the whole wait and see approach. I'm not preordering anything until I see or hear content and ruling's in the Rulebook on multiple Upgrade and Ship proxies. I may just play with what I have at home, which is half the fun or playing the game or just sell.

This has been more of a concern wrapped as one big question mark.

Hey, dude. Welcome to the forums!

Proxy-ing is usually totally cool for most local play. The only time it's usually an issue if for formal, ffg events/tournaments.

I have allowed temp cards at informal competetive events in our community before.

If you love the ships and/or core game mechanics, I'd stick with it.

I've watched a few previews for 2.0 and have noticed that there are some events that occur at "range 0". Is "range 0" only if ships bump or does this include ships whose bases are right beside each other without bumping?

1 hour ago, brooksk76 said:

I've watched a few previews for 2.0 and have noticed that there are some events that occur at "range 0". Is "range 0" only if ships bump or does this include ships whose bases are right beside each other without bumping?

Range 0 is self and things that have bumped into each other and not moved away.