Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

Will the app be accessible prior to the Gencon product release?

Be be nice to see whether the lists I want to play/buy are viable before I drop the $$$

Will the app let you know if you are attaching upgrades that are not useful/being used? Will it out right prevent you from doing so, or just let you know and give you the option to do it anyway? (Great example of this is that I almost always equipped Slave 1 to the firespray regardless of if I’m using the torps).

Are Charge tokens pooled like Force tokens are?

I'm a little sad that the Defender has the X7 title built-in rather than the more interesting TIE/D title. I'm hoping it will have some option to take a similar ability.

7 hours ago, dtenchi said:

Are Charge tokens pooled like Force tokens are?

We already know they're not from one of the streams. Which is good because they would be busted to heck and back if they were.

Can we have an api made available for the app? That way third party apps can utilize things like lists and card text.

Does the 2.0 Arc 170 have a gunner slot or a crew slot? Or both? Thanks :)

Are quick-build cards in the conversion kits?

Just now, gadwag said:

Are quick-build cards in the conversion kits?

They answered this in the livestream Friday with "no"

Can I just do the first action of a linked action (to avoid performing a Red action), or must I perform the pair if I want the first one?

Just now, JJ48 said:

Can I just do the first action of a linked action (to avoid performing a Red action), or must I perform the pair if I want the first one?

No, you do not declare the chain until after you have performed the first action, thus, you may perform the first action, then opt to not do the second action.

Can you explain the Gunner Luke Skywalker card? I'm very concerned by the ability to rotate an arc without using an action during the combat phase. Seems to be recreating the full 360 coverage of first edition.

How long will you sell Conversion kits and 1.0 expansion packs? What is best in life?

2 hours ago, Boba Rick said:

What is best in life?

Owning your own house, and having 2.3 children. Apparently

Will you still do errata to card text like Luke gunner that should just not happen at the start of combat when all the information for his very powerful effect is availiable?

(sorry not sorry, system phase would be just so much better)

Given that linked actions are now more limited, is there still the rule saying you can't do the same action twice in a phase - can the A-Wing boost, then red boost?

46 minutes ago, spacebug said:

can the A-Wing Tie Interceptor boost, then red boost?

This is the real question.

That too :)

On 5/21/2018 at 3:49 AM, WookieHairdresser said:

Will the app be accessible prior to the Gencon product release?

I saw this answered by FFG in the comments/chat of unboxing on Twitch. Not until 13th September date.


Edited by spacebug
Pic with source
3 hours ago, spacebug said:

I saw this answered by FFG in the comments/chat of unboxing on Twitch. Not until 13th September date.

That is deeply concerning.


The A-wing ship ability seems to suggest that in Second Edition, you may perform the same action twice in a phase (in the case of an A-wing, perform a WHITE boost, then perform it's special RED boost as it's follow up action.

Is this going to be the case in 2.0?


Dont know if this has been asked but...

When will first edition ships stop being sold in stores?

I just have 2 questions at the moment.

1st will the B-wings get S-Foils in 2e?

And last question.

With calculate tokens being a thing for droid pilots can we see the possibility of the T.I.E/D Fighter coming out?

Why can't the 2nd edition ship's packaging remain the same as the 1st edition ships?

I find it annoying now that as someone who keeps some of their ships still in their packaging, placing the new ones next to them won't match the same design. You could just keep the old package design for the 2nd edition ships and just have a small icon to denote that they're the newer versions.




Unless however that the new design will only remain for the 2nd edition re-releases and any new vessels released after 2.0 launches will still retain the original package design, then I'll be happy.

Edited by Vector

Around how many upgrade cards are in each conversion kit? I sleeve my cards, and while I will have to find another use for all of the extra Yellow FFG sleeves I'll have now, I am curious about how many FFG Gray I will need for each conversion kit.

Any guesses if that info is not being released yet? (putting in an order for Saw's Renegades/TIE Reaper and was going to order more FFG Gray sleeves as well)

Also, does anyone have suggestions for my huge stack of leftover FFG Yellow? I think Battlestar Galactica board game will fit, but maybe I can just give out sleeves to folks who don't get the pre-order damage deck.

Edited by Maizrim