Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

Has there been any word on the Academy TIE? Does it still exist?

So I'll have to buy 5 conversion kits, running me about $200?

Bye, X-Wing

Who wants to buy my collection?

I am really hoping FFG puts lots of testing on this new release and, with the help of some great players, tries to break the game with these revised ships. Be careful before you set the ship stats, dials and pilot abilities in the printer's ink for selling units; for you may be able to effect cost in the future, but you will not be able to effect that stinking OP synergy that breaks the game and makes stuff like GhostFenn (which was an uber obvious combo match-up made in gaming heaven that even my youngest nephew could see; the stupid ships go together in the d**n Disney cartoon, WTH FFG?) that squad just sucks the life out of the room. OK, GhostFenn rant over. I am however hopeful about 2.0 even while being very cautious.

That said, on to my only question --now that the Lambda has the rear arc it was always supposed to have-- : will the Punisher in any way live up to its name and punish anything??? That was easily the biggest failure the game has ever had IMO. To add insult to injury, it was issued in the same wave as the crazy powerful, flyable and un-killable K-Wing (like that name inspires fear) which shows players that you guys know how to make a powerful ordinance carrier, just chose not to do it for each faction. Man, I'm still salty about buying that thing (or three....I need intervention I know). Either the Punisher was poorly designed (and it sure as h*ll was) or whoever named it was being comically ironic.

At least get that ship fixed....

I read through this thread but I don’t see an answer to dial size. Are the 2.0 dials larger?

Are all the epic ships going to come in one expansion, or am I also going to buy Epic Rebel, Epic Scum, Epic Imperial?

As a person that only buys one of each release to play the 3 factions with his wife and lad, I need to buy;

  • Rebel Connversion Kit (x2) - Because there's not enough X-Wings in the conversion kit. I also have to bin/sell 90% of the 2nd conversion kit.
  • Imperial Conversion Kit (x2) - Because there's not enough TIE Fighters to cover 1 of every model/set bought.
  • Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit
  • Epic Rebel Conversion - When it comes out
  • Epic Imperial Conversion - When it comes out
  • Epic Scum & Villainy - When it comes out
  • Resistance Conversion Kit - When it comes out
  • First Order Conversion Kit - When it comes out

Without knowing the prices of 5 of those kits, I'm already going to have to spend $250 + $40 Starter kit to keep up.

I don't mind games getting new editions, especially if it has a shelf life of 6 years or so. That's fine. But I'm going to need to spend $290 + 5 more unknown priced kits just to stay up to date when I've only bought one of everything released as a game to play with my family.

Think it's time to call it a day and just play 1st Edition with the family with what we have,

1 minute ago, Gimgamgoo said:

As a person that only buys one of each release to play the 3 factions with his wife and lad, I need to buy;

  • Rebel Connversion Kit (x2) - Because there's not enough X-Wings in the conversion kit. I also have to bin/sell 90% of the 2nd conversion kit.
  • Imperial Conversion Kit (x2) - Because there's not enough TIE Fighters to cover 1 of every model/set bought.

It would be smarter and cheaper to just buy 1 conversion kit of each and wait a little, then buy the missing cards from eBay.

56 minutes ago, RafaelNN said:

It would be smarter and cheaper to just buy 1 conversion kit of each and wait  a little, then buy the missing cards from eBay.

Except I imagine X-Wings and TIE fighters will be the reason people buy those kits and they won't appear for sale - or if they do, the prices will be silly enough that buying a new X-Wing or TIE fighter model would be cheaper. I suppose once I get my hands on one kit, I'll be able to see if it's possible to print/edit a dial that I don't need to make the difference up.

My main gripe is that I would have thought FFG selling a conversion kit at $50 would have put enough to cover 1 of each purchase in, plus some extras for the popular ships.

I thought wrongly.

Will the app put lists into a printable format?

Or will there still be a form we can fill out by hand at tournaments?

This would be so players don't have to have a charged Cell Phone battery for long tournaments. Also, so players who don't own mobile devices can still enter tournaments by printing off a list ahead of time.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?

The FAQ states that none of the Aces expansions will get reprinted, does this include the "Most Wanted" expansion from Wave VI?

Can you rename the Conversion Kits to "Power Converters"?

27 minutes ago, Boba Rick said:

Can you rename the Conversion Kits to "Power Converters"?

But then you could only get them at Toschie Station.

Will I need to buy a starter set to continue playing, or just the appropriate conversion sets?

Edited by Ghenghis Jon
Added s to set at the end of the sentence.

What about the droid attack on the wookies?

8 hours ago, General Kenobi's Chicken said:

I read through this thread but I don’t see an answer to dial size. Are the 2.0 dials larger?

As near as we can tell, the “upper” part of the dial is bigger than before, but the disc with all the actual maneuvers is the same size, so the new dials will work with old dial upgrade kits, but might not fit as neatly into storage space.

1 hour ago, Forgottenlore said:

As near as we can tell, the “upper” part of the dial is bigger than before, but the disc with all the actual maneuvers is the same size, so the new dials will work with old dial upgrade kits, but might not fit as neatly into storage space.

Thanks! Actually, I guess I want to know if the 2.0 maneuver dial upgrade kits will work on 1.0 dials.

5 minutes ago, General Kenobi's Chicken said:

Thanks! Actually, I guess I want to know if the 2.0 maneuver dial upgrade kits will work on 1.0 dials.

Several people (including me) have commented that we don’t think the dial upgrade packs are actually changing at all, just getting repackaged. They should be the exact same product and so cross compatible. I don’t think there has been any official confirmation on that though.

13 hours ago, panpolyqueergeek said:

So I'll have to buy 5 conversion kits, running me about $200?

Bye, X-Wing

Who wants to buy my collection?

Why do you need to cardboard for all those ships? Do you FLY all those at once? :blink:


2 minutes ago, dewbie420 said:

Why do you need to cardboard for all those ships? Do you FLY all those at once? :blink:


5 conversion kits = 1 per faction (they decided The Resistance and FO would be their own Factions and get their own kits later). But now that you mention it, sometimes I do fly more than 4 ties and would need more than one Imperial kit to have enough dials.

I'm not interested in paying $200+ to keep my fleet relevant. I think this is an "okay" move by FFG to keep players in the game who can afford to stay in (and bring in new players with a soft reboot), but I'm not one of them.

Would you like to buy my collection?

9 hours ago, Boba Rick said:

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?

[ Blank look ] "I haven't... Did he hate sand too?"


Will any ships change stats between pilots or factions, or undergo other radical alterations? I'm trying to scheme some of the organization techniques on the wiki, and I'm wondering if I should expect things like Outer Rim Smuggler (totally different stats). Or will changes be more like the Rebel TIE and Z-95 (upgrade options change across factions but the ship's stats and dial remain the same).

(I like the idea of a ship being the same chassis and maneuverability wherever you find it, but it's equipped and piloted uniquely by different factions. We're probably going to organize the wiki mainly by ship, summarizing its base stats, factions, pilots, upgrades, etc on one page (and it splits out from there). It'd be a bit more awkward if ships change drastically, but still do-able. I'm imagining a templates for each ship type that can be included anywhere in the wiki, e.g. a template for a HWK infobox that can be displayed on any page including pilot and expansion pages.)

Another question: Is the YT-1300 going to have Resistance and/or Scum pilots? Or will it be Rebel-only now?

Also, how much do the conversion kits physically weigh?

(Does anyone else expect they'll weigh a metric ton? They'll be almost entirely paper & cardboard, some plastic too. Rebel will have dials, medium bases, baseplates, cards, tokens, etc for about 37 ships. I suspect this is part of the cost. Maybe bring helpers when you go to the game store to pick up your 5 conversion kits + core set!)

We have seen so far in preview videos that tie fighters continue to be ineffective, and serve primarily as recognizable eye candy.

How quickly can the app adjust their points to where a player can field 12 at once so it at least looks like a fair fight to a casual observer?

15 hours ago, Alpha17 said:

But then you could only get them at Toschie Station.

You only find these Power Converters at Toschie Station ...

Edited by Ravenhull
Fighting with autocorrect...

I really want to know what is happening to the K-Wing and Miranda. I know it's going to be a medium ship, but what else is changing? I'm guessing her ability is nerfed

I’m incredibly nervous about Rebellion and Resistance becoming separate factions. How will they balance the equivalents of the Vietnam era USAF against the Desert Storm USAF?

I’m certain they put a lot of time and effort into this and we’ll learn more as we get closer to release. But, man am I worried about how radically the game’s feel is going to change. And how long I’m going to have to wait till I can use my T-70s.