Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

Missiles use focus to attack?

Droids get Calculate instead of focus?

So can droids use missiles at all?

Will there be "booster kits" to convert individual ships?

Edited by dotrus

First of all, congrats for the awesome work. Looking forward for it.

My question is about the number of TIE Fighters on Conversion Kit. Actually if you own a Core Set, a TIE Expansion and Gozanti Expansion you will have 5 Tie Fighters. Any chance of the conversion kit includes the 5th ?

Thanks again for doing great games and implementations. The only bad thing is show us this awesome thing and make us wait 6 months for it :D

Does anyone know if the dice will remain the same? I want to know if the movement templates will be different as well.

First Order and Resistence. Since there is currently only about 4 or 5 ships for each will their conversion kits be much smaller Or both in one? If not, will there be options to tech up old Rebel and Empire ships?

What is the timeline for when the app will be released? It would be great to start theory crafting lists, etc.

5 hours ago, Marael said:

First of all, congrats for the awesome work. Looking forward for it.

My question is about the number of TIE Fighters on Conversion Kit. Actually if you own a Core Set, a TIE Expansion and Gozanti Expansion you will have 5 Tie Fighters. Any chance of the conversion kit includes the 5th ?

Thanks again for doing great games and implementations. The only bad thing is show us this awesome thing and make us wait 6 months for it :D

Conversion kit numbers are on the product page. 4 tie fighters. You get 2 more in The core set

1 hour ago, VanderLegion said:

Conversion kit numbers are on the product page. 4 tie fighters. You get 2 more in The core set

And 2 more in the rebel kit...

6 minutes ago, Rakaydos said:

And 2 more in the rebel kit...

True, though it won’t give you any imperial generics. You might be able to run a howlrunner 7 tie swarm using a rebel dial. Depends how the imperial bases are broken down

Can you make all the new ships repaints?

Can some light be shed on the HWK-290, please?

How can I pre-order Core 2.0 if there is an Internal Server Error that has been there for 5 days?

23 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Missiles use focus to attack?

Droids get Calculate instead of focus?

So can droids use missiles at all?

Concussion missiles will require a target lock.

I asked already in a thread, noone had a answer, but hopefully someone can clarify it here.

With the new Dial Upgrades coming, will there be the ID-tokens in the new dial upgrade or conversion sets? Espacially from the ships that were released before the first dial upgrade pack.

Can I trade a toddler for ships?

I am curious,

Will FFG sell cool plastic templates/tokens for 2.0 factions?

As a dirty Casual player and 2/2 torny player I would much rather have the option to buy a set from FFG then third parties.

7 hours ago, FalseError said:

Concussion missiles will require a target lock.

As do cluster missiles.

Will my first edition plastic empire dial upgrades work with the second edition maneuver dials?

On 5/2/2018 at 5:11 AM, Storgar said:

also there seem some odd choices, 3 decimator converts seems silly (edit this has now been changed to 2), while 4 tie fighters is limited since there will be a large number of players with more than that. I understand that you can’t cater for everyone’s preference but there could be 1 less deci and add half a dozen other ships to bring up the ship numbers to all be equal. It does seem odd to me that the faction that is best known for large swarms has the smallest number of supported ships in the kit.

TIE Fighters will be 6 (I assume) once you get the core set as well as the conversion. this really just hinders 7 TIE swarm as 8 was always rare.

What will make TIE Punishers more than just a bomber with more HP?

In what ways can a Scyk be kitted in 2.0?

Edited by Pewpewpew BOOM
20 hours ago, Skitchx said:

How can I pre-order Core 2.0 if there is an Internal Server Error that has been there for 5 days?

I hit refresh on the Server Error page and it processed my order. Using Firefox on May 1st.

How long will first edition expansions continue to be reprinted? There are a couple I’d like to pick up copies of, so I’d like to know when I’ll be looking at aftermarket only options?

(I see a few first edition expansions still in the Upcoming list, some even awaiting reprint, so I assume this really isn’t as stupid a question as some might think...)

8 hours ago, Pewpewpew BOOM said:

What will make TIE Punishers more than just a bomber with more HP?

Well they have a different base size, so at the very least, they'll be FASTER.

Will there be some kind of new model print trade-in or purchase option? For example, the visual representation of T-65 S-foils is now really important in game; if I only buy the core 2.0 set and use my existing core 1.0 set, I'll have 1 new and 1 old model in my squad. It'll be fairly terrible when I close/open S-foils and I can't do it on my old model.

Rather than buy a whole new expansion set which shouldn't be necessary if I'm buying the conversion kit, will you provide a service to get just re-printed models?

Some ideas:

  • Pay some smaller amount just for a model e.g. $5 / £4
  • Mail in your old T-65/other re-print to receive a new one, maybe include a payment
  • Send your proof of purchase token from your pack to receive newly printed models, maybe include a payment

I don't want to have to drop $20 on an expansion just to get a 2nd T-65 with moving parts that are visually important to the game. Here's a space where FFG can support veterans of the game who have already invested.

Will there be any missions available for 2.0?