Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

7 hours ago, Jugdishian said:

I play all three current factions and with many ships I have multiple copies (i.e. 3 jumpmasters, 10 tie fighters, 3 tie SF, 4 defenders, etc...) how is the expansion kits going to address people with multiple copies of the same ships ? Since there is no way for FFG to know how many ships a person has in each faction of will this be addressed ??

There is a list about what is covered by each kit.

basically you'll need two per faction. There are 4 TIEs so if you use more than 4 you need 2 kits. If you use 3 Y-wings or B-wings then you'll need 2 rebel kits.

Since the app will be free and ultimately be the only source of truth for rebalanced point costs and such - is it conceivable to publish an api for third party apps? There are some fairly nice squad builders and other user-generated mobile and web apps out there and giving those independent tools easy access and supporting new applications could enrich the community and the game in general. Eventually this might even help sell more x-wing products ? .

2 hours ago, morphelia said:

Since the app will be free and ultimately be the only source of truth for rebalanced point costs and such - is it conceivable to publish an api for third party apps? There are some fairly nice squad builders and other user-generated mobile and web apps out there and giving those independent tools easy access and supporting new applications could enrich the community and the game in general. Eventually this might even help sell more x-wing products ? .

Just a warning, even if there is an api I don’t know how many of the builders will still be available. I don’t plan to move aurora to second edition unless the official builder is terrible. Geordan has said he doesn’t plan to move over YASB. Dunno about the other apps/sites

Hello, first time caller, long time listener, so every time I think about 2.0 I smile. 1 little thing though, with Resistance and First Order as new factions and the belief that current EU characters in the game are being renamed current cannon characters, where are the new Imperial and Rebel ships coming from? After Solo later this month are those two faction's basically complete? A stand alone movie every two or three years?

How long did it take you to develop 2.0?

Can we get a subforum for 2.0 so this forum does not flood with irrelevant topics?

There is no chance the damage deck and templates will be availble not in the new Core set?

How long can I officially participate/organise 1.0 tournaments? If 2.0 comes out in September, will it be immidialty?

Why change names of cards that do the same thing in both editions? e.g. Recon specialist and advanced sensors.

And all in all, the game seems way more punishing for errors now.

Edited by Wibs

It is mentioned that the Aces expansions won't be reprinted. Does this include Heroes of the Resistance?

Is it a definite that the re-released expansions will also be released with only cards and card board?

Will we get a card and card board only pack for TFA YT-1300? as opposed to buying a whole Resistance Upgrade set?

We know Epic mode is coming later. But do you know if the large epic models will also be getting resculpts?

I scanned the whole thread before posting, so I am very sorry if this is a question already made.

I am planning my purchases, and in this is very important to me consider a factor: the conversion kits will be available forever or they are just a limited production for the launch of the 2nd Edition, available until exausted?

Will every existing expansion be rereleased in a X-Wing 2.0 version? And will that be when a model goes out-of-print? Or will it be rereleased as part of a new wave?

No doubt a new Falcon will be released; will that be the OT or ST Falcon? (or one with both interchangable discs?)

they said that the ace expansions will not reprinted. So no Imperial/Rebel Aces, and no Heroes of Resistance and so on.

23 minutes ago, Jedi Bendu said:

Will every existing expansion be rereleased in a X-Wing 2.0 version? And will that be when a model goes out-of-print? Or will it be rereleased as part of a new wave?

No doubt a new Falcon will be released; will that be the OT or ST Falcon? (or one with both interchangable discs?)

What is the reasoning behind only including 2 defender dials in the conversion kit when triple defenders has been a popular imperial list for the last couple years? Which lead most imperial players to have 3 defenders and not want to spend another $50 for one dial.

2 hours ago, TheGhillieSnail said:

What is the reasoning behind only including 2 defender dials in the conversion kit when triple defenders has been a popular imperial list for the last couple years? Which lead most imperial players to have 3 defenders and not want to spend another $50 for one dial.

I've got 5. Managed to ruin a few so I'll probably cover two with the Conversion Kit, then wait and see how Defenders fair in 2.0. Might be enough.

But I know I'll end up buy myself a nice new shiny one when it's released ;)

Could we have some more information on the droid's calculate action, upgrades and such? Actually, scratch that, can I have a nice article about IG-88 sooner rather than later? IG-88 was one of the initial scum pilots and the one that sold me in on scum. I'm excited to play them again and would love some additional information concerning them. Thank you!

21 hours ago, DeathstarII said:

Not to worry, FFG has said they would be releasing indiviual conversion kits to match 1.0 when those ships release

Where did they give this information? This is my biggest concern at this point because I don't want to buy multiple conversion kits.

Will there be a TFA Starter set to go with the release of FO and Resistance "stand alone" factions?

So, 11 pages, 265 replies and no answers from FFG.

Way to sell 2.0 to your existing customer base guys.



On 5/1/2018 at 2:30 PM, ffgjosh said:

This  thre  ad exists to share your questions with FFG. We will not answer the questions through this thread.  

@Baaa From the first post of this thread. Note the second sentence.

Edited by Forgottenlore
6 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

@Baaa From the first post of this thread. Note the second sentence.

So when are they going to answer them?

There's a lot of valid questions being asked.

Are their answers on the boat?



Will the Mission Control builder be updated for X-wing 2.0? Will there be any support for designing your own narrative/Epic/Cinematic missions and campaigns for us who doesn´t really get this fixed 100/6 format?

They are collecting data on what needs answered in future news articles. We’ll probably get another article next week and I bet it will answer some of the most pressing questions.

Plus, at least half the “questions” in this thread are things that have already been answered or patently absurd suggestions that are a year too late to be implemented.

5 hours ago, TheGhillieSnail said:

What is the reasoning behind only including 2 defender dials in the conversion kit when triple defenders has been a popular imperial list for the last couple years? Which lead most imperial players to have 3 defenders and not want to spend another $50 for one dial.

The same reasonin behind not hvaing 5 x-wings or 8 tie fighters, etc. They give you half of a full list of spammed generics (rounded up) for every ship, minimum of 2 copies of each ship.

1 hour ago, Mud Turkey 13 said:

Where did they give this information? This is my biggest concern at this point because I don't want to buy multiple conversion kits.

They said on stream you woan't have to re-buy ships when they're rereleased, there'll be a way to get just the new stuff instead of the whole thing. No specificis on what form that will take yet.

Just now, Forgottenlore said:

They are collecting data on what needs answered in future news articles. We’ll probably get another article next week and I bet it will answer some of the most pressing questions.

So why not say "We'll produce yet another FAQ which we'll publish in an article" instead of letting people think we actually care about ripping them off?

Of course, it's the much vaunted FFG customer service we're talking about here. Sorry.



When is Maul coming? And does he have a badass force ability?

"spend one force charge to choose an opponents ship. Pick that ship up and throw it off the table, you must yell 'Kenobi' and make an angry face whilst doing so" ?

With resistance/first order becoming factions in the future are my T-70’s and TIE/fo useless until the factions are added or do the corresponding conversion kits upgrade them for Rebel/Empire?