Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

11 minutes ago, ArcHammer said:

I'm setting up for my first game and didn't even realize the pilot ID tokens were two-sided. But to build on my previous question, if I have an another ship it can use any pilot, as long as it has a dial?

I’m not entirely sure what you’re getting at, so to clarify: the X-Wing model that the core set comes with can be flown as any T-65 X-Wing pilot you have the card/cardboard for.

For each ship you want to play with, you need a plastic base and peg(s), the cardboard chit with the firing arc and pilot’s name, the associated pilot card, and a dial.

So that X-Wing can be Luke, yes, but it could also be Jek, or even Wedge if you get his card.

To fly both Luke and Porkins at the same time, you need two dials, so that they can both fly where you want them to go.

Does that help?

Edited by SpiderMana
2 minutes ago, SpiderMana said:

I’m not entirely sure what you’re getting at, so to clarify: the X-Wing model that the core set comes with can be flown as any T-65 X-Wing pilot you have the card/cardboard for.

For each ship you want to play with, you need a plastic base and peg(s), the cardboard chit with the firing arc and pilot’s name, the associated pilot card, and a dial.

So that X-Wing can be Luke, yes, but it could also be Jek, or even Wedge if you get his card.

To fly both Luke and Porkins at the same time, you need two dials, so that they can both fly where you want them to go.

Does that help?

To clarify a little further, can I use any of my pilots for any ship on the side I'm playing? For example, let's say I buy the Y-Wing expansion with all requisite parts- can I use Luke or Porkins as a pilot for that Y-Wing if I so wish?

4 minutes ago, ArcHammer said:

To clarify a little further, can I use any of my pilots for any ship on the side I'm playing? For example, let's say I buy the Y-Wing expansion with all requisite parts- can I use Luke or Porkins as a pilot for that Y-Wing if I so wish?

Ooooooh. Gotcha, sorry.

Unfortunately no. This is necessary for game balance mechanics, as many pilot abilities would be brokenly good on the right chassis. It would also be a pain to cost pilots separately from their ships.

4 minutes ago, ArcHammer said:

To clarify a little further, can I use any of my pilots for any ship on the side I'm playing? For example, let's say I buy the Y-Wing expansion with all requisite parts- can I use Luke or Porkins as a pilot for that Y-Wing if I so wish?

Unfortunately no. The pilot cards are specific to the ship. Luke does not have a pilot card for the Y-wing, so that is not possible. However if you bought the expansion you would get Dutch and Horton pilot cards.

But the bottom of the card indicates which ship they are on. In X-wing the pilot name and abilities are attributes of a ship, there is no pilot as a separate entity to plug into any ship (the way modifications do).

7 hours ago, ArcHammer said:

To clarify a little further, can I use any of my pilots for any ship on the side I'm playing? For example, let's say I buy the Y-Wing expansion with all requisite parts- can I use Luke or Porkins as a pilot for that Y-Wing if I so wish?

With all genuinenss, how did you think that was even a possibility? The pilots are clearly linked to a specific ship and it's specific stats/abilities/load out etc.

Nothing anywhere, in this edition or the previous one, has ever even given the implication that pilots can be switched between ships.

9 minutes ago, Dr Zoidberg said:

Nothing  anywhere,  in this edition or  the previ  ous on  e, 

He said he’s brand new, cut him some slack 😂

11 minutes ago, Dr Zoidberg said:

With all genuinenss, how did you think that was even a possibility? The pilots are clearly linked to a specific ship and it's specific stats/abilities/load out etc.

Nothing anywhere, in this edition or the previous one, has ever even given the implication that pilots can be switched between ships.

I literally bought the Core set yesterday. I hadn't noticed that they were linked when I wrote it.

Am not Rey, need time to learn things.

Edited by ArcHammer
3 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

He said he’s brand new, cut him some slack 😂

I know he's new. Still doesn't answer my question. I'm genuinely interested in the train of throught that led him to believe it was possible. Was it something missing from the rules? Something written in them that was misunderstood?

There's no criticism here; just genuine curiosity to understand how the conclusion was reached.

4 hours ago, Dr Zoidberg said:

With all genuinenss, how did you think that was even a possibility? The pilots are clearly linked to a specific ship and it's specific stats/abilities/load out etc.

Nothing anywhere, in this edition or the previous one, has ever even given the implication that pilots can be switched between ships.

Actually Star Trek Attack Wing uses this concept. Plus the bases dials and template thing from xwing.

16 hours ago, ArcHammer said:

A separate question- I'm planning to focus on Imperial units. My favorite ship visually is the interceptor but I notice it's not available as an expansion in 2.0 right now, is it a good enough ship to justify getting 1e minis and a Conversion Kit, or should I look at the Advanced instead right now?

For a single ship from 1e (ie 1x TIE/In), the Conversion Kit as it stands is simply not cheap enough to warrant its purchase. Whilst I've read advice for new players to buy 2nd edition ships only, which makes sense if you only want to play current Hyperspace format or prefer the newer models and can get them at the 20-25% store discounts a lot of people offer, it can make a big difference if you have access to ships from 1st edition on an even bigger clearance discount.

So ignoring that you might only want 2e ships (new models) should you happen to have a collection of 1e ships, or are about to purchase a bunch of them fairly cheaply, then you could work out the cost of whether it's worth it. Ie, quick dirty maths - so if for example all 2e ships were released and for the sake of basics - 1x TIE/Adv, 1x TIE/Ln, 1x TIE Def = 60 RRP (20 each in UKP), then it would be safe to assume you would be getting a better bargain if you purchased 1x Imperial Conversion kit @ 40 and 3x 1e ships @ 7 each (the price I recently paid for a bunch of NIB 1e ships on discount). The conversion kit gives you a whole host of pilot and upgrade cards, ship cards and ship dials plus tokens for fly numerous ships (Wiki is great for this info) for in this example just a pound more. Obviously if you know you want more ships, you just total up the price of each route and assess the damage on cost.

I went the conversion route as I had a couple of Imperial 1e ships already and was able to source more for the above discounted price. The conversion kit I grabbed was actually a lucky find at half the price but missing a few of the extra dials which I didn't mind as I can always buy the ones I need from sellers online or as part of a new ship purchase.

For the ship itself, the TIE/Ln is one of the few I actually want that I don't yet own (next trip if it's still on discount!). Lots of people use one in an Imperial Aces list with the TIE/Adv, but I understand it does require a chunk of flying skill to get right (powerful but fragile).

One last thought - check the card lists for new expansions when they come out, so far the cards they have come with are in the conversion kits, but eventually I am sure we will see expansions that will bring in newer cards (I'm sure there are already threads about this if you look down the list). Those are the 2e expansions you'll want to consider grabbing if you need what's in them.

3 hours ago, infyrana said:

For a single ship from 1e (ie 1x TIE/In), the Conversion Kit as it stands is simply not cheap enough to warrant its purchase. Whilst I've read advice for new players to buy 2nd edition ships only, which makes sense if you only want to play current Hyperspace format or prefer the newer models and can get them at the 20-25% store discounts a lot of people offer, it can make a big difference if you have access to ships from 1st edition on an even bigger clearance discount.

So ignoring that you might only want 2e ships (new models) should you happen to have a collection of 1e ships, or are about to purchase a bunch of them fairly cheaply, then you could work out the cost of whether it's worth it. Ie, quick dirty maths - so if for example all 2e ships were released and for the sake of basics - 1x TIE/Adv, 1x TIE/Ln, 1x TIE Def = 60 RRP (20 each in UKP), then it would be safe to assume you would be getting a better bargain if you purchased 1x Imperial Conversion kit @ 40 and 3x 1e ships @ 7 each (the price I recently paid for a bunch of NIB 1e ships on discount). The conversion kit gives you a whole host of pilot and upgrade cards, ship cards and ship dials plus tokens for fly numerous ships (Wiki is great for this info) for in this example just a pound more. Obviously if you know you want more ships, you just total up the price of each route and assess the damage on cost.

I went the conversion route as I had a couple of Imperial 1e ships already and was able to source more for the above discounted price. The conversion kit I grabbed was actually a lucky find at half the price but missing a few of the extra dials which I didn't mind as I can always buy the ones I need from sellers online or as part of a new ship purchase.

For the ship itself, the TIE/Ln is one of the few I actually want that I don't yet own (next trip if it's still on discount!). Lots of people use one in an Imperial Aces list with the TIE/Adv, but I understand it does require a chunk of flying skill to get right (powerful but fragile).

One last thought - check the card lists for new expansions when they come out, so far the cards they have come with are in the conversion kits, but eventually I am sure we will see expansions that will bring in newer cards (I'm sure there are already threads about this if you look down the list). Those are the 2e expansions you'll want to consider grabbing if you need what's in them.

I picked up a few TIE Defender minis really cheap so I think I'll go the 1e minis and Conversion kit route where I can. It seems like Empire players aren't exactly spoiled for choice on 2.0 Expansions so it seems like a good way to add some variety.

11 hours ago, Dr Zoidberg said:

I know he's new. Still doesn't answer my question. I'm genuinely interested in the train of throught that led him to believe it was possible. Was it something missing from the rules? Something written in them that was misunderstood?

There's no criticism here; just genuine curiosity to understand how the conclusion was reached.

There's no mystery about what happened, I just had glanced over the first two pages of the Quickstart rules. I hadn't looked at the pilot cards very closely yet and just didn't fully understand. I was sort of flying by the seat of my pants so to speak.

Anybody See, find, or developed any rules for the Large ships to be played, playtested in the second edition. I am wondering if there is a conversion calc we would be able to leverage if not for the small ships and apply them to the big boys. Any insight or interest would be welcome.


1 hour ago, chrisleeingram said:

Anybody See, find, or developed any rules for the Large ships to be played, playtested in the second edition. I am wondering if there is a conversion calc we would be able to leverage if not for the small ships and apply them to the big boys. Any insight or interest would be welcome.


Do you mean huge ships like the Raider?

No news thus far but they would probably fit in largely seamlessly if you just double the points.

Is there a list of all the ffg official alt art cards for the 2.0 game so far? If there is could you please let me know where to look?

Casual play question:

I plan to stick to the Empire for "official" play or whatever the preferred term is, but I know I'll be playing casually at home, too. Therefore I figure I'll be buying Rebel ships too, and some of the Scum ships have my interest, but mostly the larger ones with an associated named character as opposed to the Fang. In a casual game is there any reason I can't stick Slave I in with TIEs or Lando's Falcon in with the X-Wings?

If this would cause any balance issues, is there a good guide for properly balancing a game like that?

Edited by ArcHammer

The balance issues will mostly arrive from crossing faction-specific upgrades? Honestly just try whatever you want to play. If it’s a negative player experience for your opponent, avoid that combo in the future 😜

32 minutes ago, ArcHammer said:

Casual play question:

I plan to stick to the Empire for "official" play or whatever the preferred term is, but I know I'll be playing casually at home, too. Therefore I figure I'll be buying Rebel ships too, and some of the Scum ships have my interest, but mostly the larger ones with an associated named character as opposed to the Fang. In a casual game is there any reason I can't stick Slave I in with TIEs or Lando's Falcon in with the X-Wings?

If this would cause any balance issues, is there a good guide for properly balancing a game like that?

No particular reason, really. A few abilities might get a little unbalanced (basically, ones that provide support to allies, such as Howlrunner) but in casual play it's not gonna make much difference.

Who decided Focus had to be the greatest action in the game, to the point you are penalized for not taking it?

On 3/30/2019 at 4:32 PM, ArcHammer said:

Casual play question:

I plan to stick to the Empire for "official" play or whatever the preferred term is, but I know I'll be playing casually at home, too. Therefore I figure I'll be buying Rebel ships too, and some of the Scum ships have my interest, but mostly the larger ones with an associated named character as opposed to the Fang. In a casual game is there any reason I can't stick Slave I in with TIEs or Lando's Falcon in with the X-Wings?

If this would cause any balance issues, is there a good guide for properly balancing a game like that?

Occasionally at one of my game stores that likes to do casual play, we'll play mixed-faction games. The rules are you may have ships from different factions together, but upgrades on each ship must match the pilot's faction and otherwise be legal for that ship. In other words, each ship has to be built legally on its own, and then you can mix those ships into one fleet. This blunts some of the imbalance issues, so you don't have Ruthless on a YT-2400, for example. Under these rules you can mix factions and even create some funny/wacky scenarios, e.g. Howlrunner flying with Boba Fett and Dash Rendar against Vader + Luke + Maul.

There are some OP combos to be had, but as said above, if you find one, you generally don't use it. Casual games thrive on a friendly agreement to play at a more relaxed meta level so everyone is about even and having fun, and friends/family can usually work that out. Though sometimes someone who has found an OP combo is convinced it's not OP, and it's hard to talk them down from that position without switching fleets and wrecking them with the fleet that's "not that bad", in their words. ;)

On 3/29/2019 at 8:44 PM, 18ecos said:

Is there a list of all the ffg official alt art cards for the 2.0 game so far? If there is could you please let me know where to look?

I haven't seen one, so I usually just browse the FFG news feed, or the sale lists on ebay etc, to see what's out there. But I don't get very excited about alt arts so I'm not the best person to ask. 😕 At some point we ought to create a page on the wiki that lists all the official alt arts.

15 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Who decided Focus had to be the greatest action in the game, to the point you are penalized for not taking it?

Not sure what you're asking here. What scenario did you have in mind when asking ths?

Finally bought into all the 2.0 stuff, what with the new Droid/Republic stuff and sales. I've got all the conversion kits to cover all the 1.0 stuff I have.

Question is which 2.0 packs do I need for new content? I believe I've read that all ships that had 1.0 versions are only packed with cards in the conversion kits, but is that only true for wave 1 or 2 of the Second Edition?

I think I need to buy the Wave 2:

RZ-2 A-Wing (cause its resistance, or new ship)

Mining Guild TIE (cause I dont believe it was in Scum conversion kit)

I don't think I need the Z-95 or TIE Striker cause their articles say the stuff is in the conversion kits.

42 minutes ago, boow said:

Finally bought into all the 2.0 stuff, what with the new Droid/Republic stuff and sales. I've got all the conversion kits to cover all the 1.0 stuff I have.

Question is which 2.0 packs do I need for new content? I believe I've read that all ships that had 1.0 versions are only packed with cards in the conversion kits, but is that only true for wave 1 or 2 of the Second Edition?

I think I need to buy the Wave 2:

RZ-2 A-Wing (cause its resistance, or new ship)

Mining Guild TIE (cause I dont believe it was in Scum conversion kit)

I don't think I need the Z-95 or TIE Striker cause their articles say the stuff is in the conversion kits.

Only the Rz-2 and Scum Tie are new for the non-prequal factions. The Scum Z-95 is only in its paint job and being the first time scum can get one outside of the old Most Wanted pack without trading or buying from the third party market. Resistance is getting a transport in Wave 4 though.

Saw's Renegades too, if you want its U-Wing and X-Wing pilots and some rebel crew cards (Magva, and Saw himself). Saw plus the RZ-2 A-Wing, Mining Guild TIE, (edit: also TIE Reaper, Lando's Falcon), and Resistance Transport are the only expansions (as of this writing) with cards that don't come in the core set and/or conversion kits and/or clone wars factions, if I'm remembering right.

There are some card shortages (where you'd have to buy more copies of a product than you probably need to get enough of that card), though they're getting better (at least for people who buy every faction). Thankfully Afterburners are available in a lot of places now (especially if you buy into the clone wars factions), but for a while it was only in the fang fighter and core set (and only one copy each). Hate used to be only available in the FO conversion kit, and is still not great to access if you're, say, a Scum player who loves Asajj. Brilliant Evasion, Predictive Shot, and a few others are not available in the right conversion kits for players playing other factions, even though their faction would love them. Quadrijets naturally would love Pattern Analyzer, but if you're a scum-only player who hasn't bought into the FO or Resistance factions, tough luck.

The fact that you've bought all the conversion kits and clone wars means you're probably not facing any such shortages, so you're probably sitting pretty. You can check out what's in the remaining expansions with these links to the wiki we run. That may help you decide whether to buy those expansions or let them go.

Saw's Renegades

Mining Guild TIE

Landooooo's Falcon

RZ-2 A-Wing

TIE Reaper

Resistance Transport (still speculative/flirtatious at this time; FFG likes to be coy about its upcoming expansions' content, sometimes right up to release)

Main page: Products

Edited by Wazat
gods, how many expansions am I going to forget!?

Where do you get the T-70 paint at? I bought the t-70 expansion but the paint (can’t think of the actual name) wasn’t in the pack. Do you get it in the resistance conversion kit?

You mean the Orange & Black (Black One) paint job? That's in first edition's Heroes of the Resistance expansion .