Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

This will be a simple one I'm sure... Linked actions - am I forced to carry out the second action in a link (and therefore may be red) or, can I just do the first action of a link (as this may be the only place it appears on my action bar) and not continue on to the second action

1 hour ago, SoontirFel said:

This will be a simple one I'm sure... Linked actions - am I forced to carry out the second action in a link (and therefore may be red) or, can I just do the first action of a link (as this may be the only place it appears on my action bar) and not continue on to the second action

You know I’m not actually finding it stated in the rules reference off hand—it might be in the core rules?—but I’m fairly certain no, linking is always a choice.

12 hours ago, SoontirFel said:

This will be a simple one I'm sure... Linked actions - am I forced to carry out the second action in a link (and therefore may be red) or, can I just do the first action of a link (as this may be the only place it appears on my action bar) and not continue on to the second action

From Ye Olde Rules Reference, Linked Action section:


Linked actions allow a ship to perform an action after performing another action. Linked actions can appear on a ship or upgrade card in the linked action bar just to the right of the action bar. After the ship performs the action from its action bar, it can perform the attached action listed on the linked action bar.

  • After a ship performs an action with an attached linked action, if the player wants to resolve the linked action , it is added to the ability queue.
  • A linked action can be performed after performing the action it is attached to even if that action was granted by a card effect or other game effect.

Bold added by me to show that linked actions are optional. In fact, they always are; the word "must" would be used if it was non-optional. I hope that helps ya!

Hey FFG, in case you’ve missed it, this question is being hotly debated : does “Null” deploy at I0 or I7? EDIT: there are compelling cases for both sides.

Thank you.

Edited by Herowannabe

Question for FFG: E-Wing says you "cannot" acquire locks at range 1. Dutch Vander says you can acquire a lock, "ignoring range restrictions". Who wins? The rules reference paints the "cannot" rule as really strong, winning all fights. But does Dutch bypass that entirely by not addressing range 1 directly (e.g. "you can acquire locks at range 1"), but instead simply saying to ignore all the range restrictions entirely?

I've seen it argued both ways and it would help to get an official ruling that made it clear how these types of rules interact.

Pertinent to the Hyperspace Tracking Data Tech upgrade.

"Setup: Before placing forces, you may choose a number between 0 and 6. Treat your initiative as the chosen value during Setup."

Is the "between 0 and 6" inclusive of 0 and 6 or exclusive of (meaning pick from 1 to 5)?

So I'm probably going to feel the heat after asking this so late in the game's conversion... but there's only so much black and white reading I can do before I pull my hair out :)

I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to convert some of my X-Wing collection into 2nd Edition, specifically my First Order models to keep conversion cost down (2x TIE/FO, 1x TIE/SF and 1x Upsilon). At some point I will consider converting Scum and Imperial when I have the funding, but for my future focus I'll look into the new Clone Wars Republic stuff due out soon as I can trade in for that (trying to keep up with the thread on these!).

Here's the question please: Got the chance to pick up some split items from the 2nd Ed Core Starter Set so I don't have to spend on excess models - apart from the Rules/Quick-start books, Damage deck, 1-straight and barrel roll movement templates, is there any other bits people recommend I grab while I have the chance - upgrade cards, other movement templates, medium bases etc?

11 hours ago, infyrana said:

So I'm probably going to feel the heat after asking this so late in the game's conversion... but there's only so much black and white reading I can do before I pull my hair out :)

I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to convert some of my X-Wing collection into 2nd Edition, specifically my First Order models to keep conversion cost down (2x TIE/FO, 1x TIE/SF and 1x Upsilon). At some point I will consider converting Scum and Imperial when I have the funding, but for my future focus I'll look into the new Clone Wars Republic stuff due out soon as I can trade in for that (trying to keep up with the thread on these!).

Here's the question please: Got the chance to pick up some split items from the 2nd Ed Core Starter Set so I don't have to spend on excess models - apart  from the Rules/Quick-start books, Damage deck, 1-straight and barrel roll movement templates, is there any other bits people recommend I grab while I have the chance - upgrade cards, other movement templates, medium bases etc?


Afterburners is the most valuable, as it's only available either in the core set or in the fang fighter expansion. If you fail to grab anything else, I'd say that's a worthy prize. I still use it in my fleets; it's a very useful effect if you can afford to equip it.

The three talents (elusive, outmaneuver, predator) and Proton Torpedoes are good choices if you need more than the 2 copies of each you got from the first order conversion kit. My suspicion is you won't need more torps since only one FO ship can use them (silencer), but the talents are great for swarms, particularly Predator.

The force upgrades might be valuable (heightened perception, instinctive aim, sense, supernatural reflexes) since they didn't come in the kit. However, you have Hate and Predictive Shot, both of which are excellent for Kylo (and probably any future factions you branch out into). Of the four in the core, instinctive aim is the one I'd consider grabbing for kylo, but I wouldn't be too worried about not getting a copy unless you have a specific need.

What you absolutely must have access to are the maneuver templates (with the center lines on them) and damage deck. Rules and quick builds are available online. You need the center lines not just for barrel rolling, but for following the rules for bumping (keeping your ship's center lines aligned with the line on the maneuver template) You can actually get very nice acrylic maneuver templates online (and many players do), though they might not be allowed at important & official tournaments (honestly not sure there).

I hope that helps!

Thank you @Wazat for your reply!

I managed to grab more than I bargained for thanks to a little assistance. I picked up the FO and Scum Conv Kits, another SF+Upsilon, the promo damage deck and a 1 forward for the lines (anything more and I'll wait to get a nice acrylic set!). I asked about the individual cards but after the price of Afterburners I said no - it'll be cheaper for me to grab a third Fang and hope that the Force cards are in the newer Republic sets.

Is there currently no other way than to buy Lando's spanky Falcon to get the cards to play that in Scum? might just have to use my model in friendly games as a counts as hounds tooth or something hehe :)

5 hours ago, infyrana said:

Thank you @Wazat for your reply!

I managed to grab more than I bargained for thanks to a little assistance. I picked up the FO and Scum Conv Kits, another SF+Upsilon, the promo damage deck and a 1 forward for the lines (anything more and I'll wait to get a nice acrylic set!). I asked about the individual cards but after the price of Afterburners I said no - it'll be cheaper for me to grab a third Fang and hope that the Force cards are in the newer Republic sets.

Is there currently no other way than to buy Lando's spanky Falcon to get the cards to play that in Scum? might  just have to use my model in friendly games as a counts as hounds tooth or something hehe :)

Sadly, at this time you do have to buy Lando's falcon to get its cards, both upgrades and pilots. Composure and scum Han gunner are the ones that interest me most (I haven't picked it up yet). But you get 2 ships with it (different looking falcon, and an escape shuttle that physically attaches to it while docked), and a decent number of cards unique to the expansion.

Why can't the B-Wing use S-foils ?

B-Wing has laser guided bomb, so how about lock on target and during system phase you spend that lock to place a bomb next to target?

B-Wing should be able to attack twice, first 1 weapon that does little damage and adds a effect like ion cannon or jaming beam, then another attack from cannon or primary attack. To be able to do so, you need a lock on defender - FCS would help here...

You don't have torpedoes on B-Wing because the B-Wing dies to fast and won't be able to use torpedoes. Also can't reload. Best would be:

1. Red maneuver recover 1 charge on Torpedoes.

2. If defender is in Bullseye firing arc, B-Wing can fire Torpedoes without a lock.

Where's the crew/gunner slot on B-Wing?

7 hours ago, JimbonX said:

Why can't the B-Wing use S-foils ?

B-Wing has laser guided bomb, so how about lock on target and during system phase you spend that lock to place a bomb next to target?

B-Wing should be able to attack twice, first 1 weapon that does little damage and adds a effect like ion cannon or jaming beam, then another attack from cannon or primary attack. To be able to do so, you need a lock on defender - FCS would help here...

You don't have torpedoes on B-Wing because the B-Wing dies to fast and won't be able to use torpedoes. Also can't reload. Best would be:

1. Red maneuver recover 1 charge on Torpedoes.

2. If defender is in Bullseye firing arc, B-Wing can fire Torpedoes without a lock.

Where's the crew/gunner slot on B-Wing?

This release of the B-Wing is to match what came in the conversion kit... which, yeah, isn't exactly fantastic. My personal belief is sooner or later we'll be getting a squadron/reinforcement pack for the B-Wing and A-Wing with more pilots for both and some new cards to give the B-Wing some extra oomph. Just look what they're doing with the Jedi Starfighter to get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Hi, can someone tell me what expansions the Trick Shot card comes in? I think I lost mine :/

On 2/18/2019 at 11:37 PM, Saag_Paneer said:

Hi, can someone tell me what expansions the Trick Shot card comes in? I think I lost mine 😕

It's in all the conversion kits and Saw's Renegades.

It's also in the Mining Guild TIE Fighter... it'll also be in the TIE Striker and Servants of Strife Squadron pack.

On 2/18/2019 at 4:37 PM, Saag_Paneer said:

Hi, can someone tell me what expansions the Trick Shot card comes in? I think I lost mine 😕

We try to keep the wiki's availability section on each card page up-to-date, so it's a great place to look when hunting down a card.

You can get Trick Shot from 9 different sources: each of the 5 conversion kits, and the 4 expansions already listed by others. Most conversion kits have 2 copies; galactic empire has 3. Most of the expansions only have one copy each, while Saw's Renegades has 2 copies.

If you're one of the damned fools like me that bought two copies of each of the 3 main factions' conversion kits, plus resistance and first order, and saw's renegades, then you have approximately... (doing some quick calculus in my head) 3 billion copies of Trick Shot... and a host of other cards. Storing the **** things is a bear. ;) I say this because it's very likely that friends or other players at the game store have lots of extra copies they're not using. If you've lost yours, maybe someone will give you one of their spares, or sell it to you for very cheap. Kinda depends on those stores' culture; maybe people will try to overcharge you, so watch for that. Your local area's x-wing facebook group is also a great place to ask if anyone has spare copies they're willing to give or sell. I know there are cards for sale online too... though it's very easy to spend more money buying singles than you would if you just bought an expansion containing the cards you want, so be wary of that! Often it's just better to save up and buy the expansion, because in addition to cards, you get a ship. ^_^

Finally, I'd be remiss to not mention that you can also proxy cards if you're not playing a tournament. Proxy means using some substitute for the card, like a printout of it or just writing down on a piece of paper what's in your fleet. Most people don't bat an eye if you just print out a list from the official Squad Builder website or YASB 2.0, instead of fishing out all your cards before playing. The squad builders are actually wonderful for that, as most of them print the text on the card, including any errata'd wording.

And if you don't own certain cards, people usually don't care. They just want to know what's in your list so they know what they're facing. Only tournaments explicitly require you to own everything you're using.

I hope that helps!

Hi all, I'm a super newbie. I have just purchased X-Wing 2.0 to play with my son and I just had a question about the factions. Can I fly Rebel Alliance and Resistance pilots and craft in the same squad? The Same goes for Galactic Empire and first order? I really just want to know this for future purchases.

I have currently purchased:

2.0 Core set

2nd Ed T65 X-Wing

2nd Ed BTL-A4 Y-Wing

2nd Ed Tie Advanced x1


On 2/23/2019 at 7:39 AM, gh0std0g_ said:

Hi all, I'm a super newbie. I have just purchased X-Wing 2.0 to play with my son and I just had a question about the factions. Can I fly Rebel Alliance and Resistance pilots and craft in the same squad? The Same goes for Galactic Empire and first order? I really just want to know this for future purchases.

I have currently purchased:

2.0 Core set

2nd Ed T65 X-Wing

2nd Ed BTL-A4 Y-Wing

2nd Ed Tie Advanced x1


No, these are four separate factions in 2e.

On 2/23/2019 at 1:39 AM, gh0std0g_ said:

Hi all, I'm a super newbie. I have just purchased X-Wing 2.0 to play with my son and I just had a question about the factions. Can I fly Rebel Alliance and Resistance pilots and craft in the same squad? The Same goes for Galactic Empire and first order? I really just want to know this for future purchases.

While @thespaceinvader is correct in that they are all separate factions, it should be noted that so long as it’s just you and your son, you can really mix and match however you like.

I will note that there may be some unbalanced combos playing that way, and I don’t know of any squadbuilders that will allow you to do such, but quickbuilds might be the thing for you anyways. Depends on how complicated or simple you want your game to be.

If you want to stick to the faction squadbuilding rules, you’ve got a nice chunk of the 2.0 Empire and Rebel products already. If you want to get into more factions, aside from just the costs of buying new factions, I would note for you that the Clone Wars stuff will be out within another month or so. And Scum brings something unique to the table, where Resistance/First Order are overall quite similar to their predecessors (though they have their own uniqueness and plenty of names characters you might end up wanting.)

Edited by SpiderMana
On 2/26/2019 at 2:31 PM, SpiderMana said:

While @thespaceinvader is correct in that they are all separate factions, it should be noted that so long as it’s just you and your son, you can really mix and match however you like.

I will note that there may be some unbalanced combos playing that way, and I don’t know of any squadbuilders that will allow you to do such, but quickbuilds might be the thing for you anyways. Depends on how complicated or simple you want your game to be.

If you want to stick to the faction squadbuilding rules, you’ve got a nice chunk of the 2.0 Empire and Rebel products already. If you want to get into more factions, aside from just the costs of buying new factions, I would note for you that the Clone Wars stuff will be out within another month or so. And Scum brings something unique to the table, where Resistance/First Order are overall quite similar to their predecessors (though they have their own uniqueness and plenty of names characters you might end up wanting.)

Thanks very much for that. Good to know you can mix and match. Thanks for the help.

1 hour ago, gh0std0g_ said:

Thanks very much for that. Good to know you can mix and match. Thanks for the help.

(In case I wasn't clear, that's not the norm/not allowed at tournaments and the like. But at home, by all means, play whatever way makes the game most fun for you :) )

So, I'm brand new and just bought the 2.0 Starter. I notice the box includes two rebel pilots in Luke and Porkins, do I need any additional materials to play the second pilot if I, say, found a secondhand X-Wing mini?

So I bought the Rebels conversion kit as my boy wanted some of the ships from Star Wars Rebels. I have purchased the Ghost, Phantom ii and Sabine's Tie Fighter. The question is why did FFG leave the Ahsoka Tano pilot card out of the Rebels Conversion Kit? Would this be because they are releasing her with The Aethersprite in Wave III Galactic Republic Expansion? And being that we are complete casual players will the game still work out fine if we play with the Ahsoka v1 pilot card and down grade her pilot skill to 6? As it is 7 on the original card.


On 3/23/2019 at 11:24 PM, ArcHammer said:

So, I'm brand new and just bought the 2.0 Starter. I notice the box includes two rebel pilots in Luke and Porkins, do I need any additional materials to play the second pilot if I, say, found a secondhand X-Wing mini?

To play both of them at the same time, you'd need a second dial, technically. That would be the hardest part in your case, though I have substituted a 3x5 card with the maneuvers written out and a paperclip to show which maneuver you're going for.

10 hours ago, gh0std0g_ said:

So I bought the Rebels conversion kit as my boy wanted some of the ships from Star Wars Rebels. I have purchased the Ghost, Phantom ii and Sabine's Tie Fighter. The question is why did FFG leave the Ahsoka Tano pilot card out of the  Rebels Conversion Kit? Would this be because they are releasing her with The Aethersprite in Wave III Galactic Republic Expansion? And being that we are complete casual players will the game still work out fine if we play with the Ahsoka v1 pilot card and down grade her pilot skill to 6? As it is 7 on the original card.


She was most likely left out due to the addition of the Clone Wars era to 2.0, yes.

Casually, do whatever you like! Absolutely! That said, if you were to try porting her into 2.0 her Initiative would translate better to 4. 7 was the third-best in 1st edition, whereas bumping her down to 6 for 2.0 would make her the absolute best of the best, which realistically... she's not.

3 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

To play both of them at the same time, you'd need a second dial, technically. That would be the hardest part in your case, though I have substituted a 3x5 card with the maneuvers written out and a paperclip to show which maneuver you're going for.

She was most likely left out due to the addition of the Clone Wars era to 2.0, yes.

Casually, do whatever you like! Absolutely! That said, if you were to try porting her into 2.0 her Initiative would translate better to 4. 7 was the third-best in 1st edition, whereas bumping her down to 6 for 2.0 would make her the absolute best of the best, which realistically... she's not.

I'm setting up for my first game and didn't even realize the pilot ID tokens were two-sided. But to build on my previous question, if I have an another ship it can use any pilot, as long as it has a dial?

A separate question- I'm planning to focus on Imperial units. My favorite ship visually is the interceptor but I notice it's not available as an expansion in 2.0 right now, is it a good enough ship to justify getting 1e minis and a Conversion Kit, or should I look at the Advanced instead right now?

Edited by ArcHammer
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