Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

21 minutes ago, Reinman said:

Can anyone tell me whether or not the dials in 2.0 have ship abbreviations (like "TF" for Tie Fighter or "BW" for B-wing) printed on them? In 1.0, there was an odd mix of some dials having abbreviations and others just using numbers (like "SW57"). Personally, I much preferred the abbreviations for the purpose of swapping dials in and out of the dial upgrade kits. Thanks for your help!

Yes, they all have abbreviations!

2 minutes ago, joefrank87 said:

Yes, they all have abbreviations!

Glad to hear it -- thanks!!

So...squad builder app yet?

15 minutes ago, player1807884 said:

So...squad builder app yet?

The official one is due out on the 13th of Sept. There is a 2.0 varient of YASB out filling in for now.

Why aren't there Barrage Rockets in the Rebel conversion set when K-Wings can use them?

On 5/2/2018 at 10:42 AM, VanderLegion said:

There's a website. If you can access the internet (and you wouldn't be here if you couldn't) you're fine.

"each factions conversion kit" Their wording was fine.

No. The wording is not "fine".

I would need two of two of the kits.

If this site is correct,

Personally I would need to buy 7 of the various kits to upgrade my collection.

Okay, here we go again:

The conversion kits (at least the Rebel, Imperial, and Scum) come with EVERYTHING from wave 1 for their respective faction short of what's in the Core Set (they still want you to buy that). Everything else from waves 2 onward that are in those kits are so you can use those ships right away, even if you can run them at their optimum build since there are no upgrades from wave 2 and up. As for "not being able to convert your entire collection"... yeah, that would be impossible to do as every player has a different size collection. So, personally, I'm going to have 12 TIE Fighters after I buy the core set. After the conversion kit, I'll be able to run 6. FFG has stated they'll also be putting out non-ship expansion packs, so I can grab a 7th TIE Fighter on that list without having to physically have 13 TIE Fighter models and having almost a second list of ships I can't use in a standard game outside of Epic play (which IS coming back eventually).

What they've come up with isn't terrible, but it isn't perfect and it could have been a WHOLE lot worse. What they're letting us do is use ships that would have otherwise been collecting dust in a closet until their new release comes out.

Why is Scum and Villainy being charged a points premium for empty upgrade slots? Examples: Z-95 Scum vs Z-95 Rebel, Scyk vs A-Wing (compare dials and slots...).

This isn't critical, but it is annoying (and it came up today on the wiki): Why are only 4 shield tokens included in the core set, and none in the conversion kits? Looks like people will be using their 1.0 tokens a lot in the coming year. I mean, field a single B-Wing and you've already broken the 4-shield budget.

It seems like the intent here is that people would fill out their tokens by buying the new expansions, e.g. T-65 and Lando. (Saw's Renegades & TIE Reaper won't work, they have no 2.0 tokens) But for those of us who already have lots of those ships, that's not ideal. It's tacky, but I guess we'll have to get out the sharpie and mark one side of the 1.0 tokens?

It'll be some good business for those making nice acrylics though.

Maybe I'm missing something: didn't FFG said that players would have had access to the upgrades without having to buy the other factions packs?

How I'll have Maul as a rebel or 0-0-0 as an imperial?

Also Composture seems to be a Lando Expansion only at the moment.


They never said they'd have access to them at the same time... Those cards will most likely be packed in with future expansions for those factions.

Why didn't we get quick build cards for the wave 14 ships with the 2.0 material in them?

On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 4:03 AM, Hiemfire said:

Even Better than guessing you'll take the time to look up the page, here's the text:

Some upgrade cards have one or more of the following rules in their restrictions box:

• Rebel/Imperial/Scum: This upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified faction.

• Small/Medium/Large/Huge ship: This upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified size.

• Ship-type: If there is a type of ship listed, this upgrade can be equipped only to a ship of the specified type.

• Action: If there is an action icon, this upgrade can be equipped only to a ship with that action on its action bar. This does not include actions on its linked action bar.

• A ship cannot equip more than one copy of the same card.

• A squad’s cards are restricted by the rules of limited cards.

Do you see how it is laid out. The bullet points are subordinate to the condition laid out in the controlling statement, in this case "Some upgrade cards have one or more of the following rules in their restrictions box:".

So for "A ship cannot equip more than one copy of the same card." to be in effect it has to be printed on the card it effects. If this didn't help clarify my concern then I suggest you bring a lawyer with you any time you are presented with a contract of any form...

Have you noticed that the first 4 bullet points began with words ending in colons, which I understood indicated the content of their restriction box. The last two bullet points had no such entry and therefore indicate that the restriction box had a null entry. Anyway that's my take on it.

On 9/2/2018 at 3:19 AM, Медвед said:

Have you noticed that the first 4 bullet points began with words ending in colons, which I understood indicated the content of their restriction box. The last two bullet points had no such entry and therefore indicate that the restriction box had a null entry. Anyway that's my take on it.

The lack of colon in the last two line wouldn't remove the implied requirement that those two lines have to be printed on the card they affect for them to do so. It is a formating error on FFG's part. The poster I was discussing it with was focused on the Squad Building section. The section I'd quoted was from Upgrades. The two sections in effect contradict. Simply dropping the bullet point from the front of the second to last of the bulleted lines fixes this and they no-longer contradict. :)

Just bought my copy of Scum n Villainy convert kit from my FLGS collectors cache. It is awesome! Pictures too big to post right now, but I will figure out how to shrink them.

it is super cool tho...


Edit: Imgur link here

Edited by FeralEvents

Apologies if this was asked already but I couldn't find the answer. With the release of 2.0, do we need to buy 2 starters or will just 1 be enough for the cards and pilots?

8 hours ago, JediJF said:

Apologies if this was asked already but I couldn't find the answer. With the release of 2.0, do we need to buy 2 starters or will just 1 be enough for the cards and pilots?

More starter sets gets you more copies of cards like Afterburners, though most non-unique cards are available from other expansions.

If you want to fly a full 100 point list, you won't be able to fill it with one core set. Buying a couple of expansions or a conversion kit would get you there.

Another thing to keep in mind is the ship baseplates are double-sided, so if you wanted to fly Iden Versio with Black Squadron Ace in a tournament (where you have to have the correct baseplates showing), then you wouldn't have enough with just one core set. However, this too is solvable by buying the TIE/ln expansion. (As you've noticed, the incentive is to grow your collection)

Baseplate pairings:

  • Iden Versio / Black Squadron Ace
  • Valen Rudor / Obsidian Squadron Pilot
  • "Night Beast" / Academy Pilot

There also appears to be an acute shortage of new shield tokens in the core set and conversion kits... unless you're buying other expansions, you'll only have 4 shield tokens for all your ships. Enough for a core set game, but not if you're converting your ships from 1.0. The solution is to take a marker to one side of your old shield tokens so they have a "disabled" side. Or buy an expansion that comes with shields, e.g. T-65 X-Wing, Lando, Slave I, etc. Saw's Renegades and TIE Reaper apparently don't come with second edition shields either.

Visit the Wiki for more info on what's in every expansion.

I hope that helps!

On 8/19/2018 at 1:46 AM, Kehl_Aecea said:

Okay, here we go again:

The conversion kits (at least the Rebel, Imperial, and Scum) come with EVERYTHING from wave 1 for their respective faction short of what's in the Core Set (they still want you to buy that). Everything else from waves 2 onward that are in those kits are so you can use those ships right away, even if you can run them at their optimum build since there are no upgrades from wave 2 and up. As for "not being able to convert your entire collection"... yeah, that would be impossible to do as every player has a different size collection. So, personally, I'm going to have 12 TIE Fighters after I buy the core set. After the conversion kit, I'll be able to run 6. FFG has stated they'll also be putting out non-ship expansion packs, so I can grab a 7th TIE Fighter on that list without having to physically have 13 TIE Fighter models and having almost a second list of ships I can't use in a standard game outside of Epic play (which IS coming back eventually).

What they've come up with isn't terrible, but it isn't perfect and it could have been a WHOLE lot worse. What they're letting us do is use ships that would have otherwise been collecting dust in a closet until their new release comes out.

This is not entirely true. The conversions and starter do not come with everything in the wave 1 expansions. Some upgrades and pilots are not included. Seperately, there is no evidence of non ship expansions in the future outside the faction conversion kits, though I hope they will eventually exist. Until a specific product is described it is pure speculation that non ship expansions will exist at all, as 2 devs have been interviewed and sworn on record that FFG will never release such a product.

At this point conversion costs are already nearing the original costs of many collections, so the idea of paying yet again for components seems crazy. Lets hope FFG give us a pleasant surprise

8 hours ago, Vontoothskie said:

This is not entirely true. The conversions and starter do not come with everything in the wave 1 expansions. Some upgrades and pilots are not included. Seperately, there is no evidence of non ship expansions in the future outside the faction conversion kits, though I hope they will eventually exist. Until a specific product is described it is pure speculation that non ship expansions will exist at all, as 2 devs have been interviewed and sworn on record that FFG will never release such a product.

At this point conversion costs are already nearing the original costs of many collections, so the idea of paying yet again for components seems crazy. Lets hope FFG give us a pleasant surprise

As someone who has opened the starter and the conversion kits, they have all the wave one stuff for that faction outside of the lando expansion kit, reaper, Saw's, and of course the niche cards like 0-0-0 which are currently only in one conversion kit but that is a total of 4 cards. Don't spread rumors.

@FFG: here's a question asked on the wiki that I couldn't answer: "Could you use Cikatro Vizago to put a Cloaking Device on a large ship?"

I haven't seen anything in the rules allowing or banning it. I'd kinda expect Cikatro to have to honor Squad Building rules on cards, but he doesn't say that. And my gut instinct is to say no you can't do that, since it opens the door to abuses, though maybe they're not so bad and that's the whole point of the card?

It's always been the policy that squad building rules go out the door once you start playing the game, so losing a card that grants an upgrade slot, for example, doesn't make that upgrade go away.

Without any clear rules, I'm not sure which way to go.

Will the Squad builder app be available on Amazon Fire products also?

The way I see it, the conversion kits will contains many pilots cards and bases, but few maneuver dials.

For us that already have bought many plastic ships, how can we order "maneuver dials" only?

18 hours ago, MrE78 said:

Will the Squad builder app be available on Amazon Fire products also?

You can run pretty much any android app on fire os if you use some workarounds, it is an android-based system. There appear to be several tutorials for that online.

On 8/18/2018 at 4:40 PM, Witrin said:

No. The wording is not "fine".

I would need two of two of the kits.

If this site is correct,

Personally I would need to buy 7 of the various kits to upgrade my collection.

Yeah, Actually it is fine. I have as large a collection as you do but I realized that A) Epic is probably dead so I don't need that many ships and B) I would never use more than 3 of anything other than TIES, Z-95's and maybe xwings...So who gives a **** if i have a bunch of extra ships with no dials and boards. They weren't going to see the table anyway.

In the end, you can whine or you can play. I whined...alot! Then I played and now... I am fine with it.

8 hours ago, DanL2 said:

The way I see it, the conversion kits will contains many pilots cards and bases, but few maneuver dials.

For us that already have bought many plastic ships, how can we order "maneuver dials" only?

You can get extra dials as a curated lot for $49.95 ;p