Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

9 hours ago, thespaceinvader said:

They may not have actual names. I suspect they just have symbols as in 1e.

Modification and Title were the only ones that actually had words assigned to them by RAW.

No, one of the early playthroughs alex mentioned names for them. TFA core set actually assigned names to all the icons too.

I believe EPTs are just “talent”s in 2, not sure about force upgrades though.

I suppose the FFG articles etc are the only source of names for slots. That and things like "Illicit Tokens" that clearly point to Illicit upgrades and imbue a name to them.

edit: didn't see Forgottenlore's post

Question about EPTs then... If elites are "Talents" and force is apparently "Force Talents" (maybe hinting that it's a specialized talent slot), can the force slot equip normal elite talents if you don't want a force talent?

edit 2: Looking through the articles, one refers to "Elite talents". Force is always called a "Force Upgrades".

Edited by Wazat
derpy me

Unlikely. We haven’t seen anything to indicate that yet, though some people have speculated that it may be possible.

I, personally, doubt it very much.

FFG, Advanced Sensors concludes with "If you do, you cannot perform another action during your activation.". Does this mean you cannot perform the red action that links from the action you performed, e.g. Focus -> Roll? Can you not perform free actions granted to you later during activation by other ships or abilities? Or is this only referring to the action you would normally perform at the end of your maneuver?

Seems like the wording is drastically more restrictive than before, and I'm wondering if that is intended. If so, I can understand why -- a lot of the action shenanigans are being tempered in second edition.

So if I need the App to play tournament play; I'm pretty well excluded unless I buy a new phone then? My phone no longer has that functionality. Plus I take it the App won't be free to download?

The app will be free.

You won't need to have it on your phone for tournament play, you'll be fine to make lists online and bring them on paper just like you do now.

17 hours ago, Wazat said:

FFG, Advanced Sensors concludes with "If you do, you cannot perform another action during your activation.". Does this mean you cannot perform the red action that links from the action you performed, e.g. Focus -> Roll? Can you not perform free actions granted to you later during activation by other ships or abilities? Or is this only referring to the action you would normally perform at the end of your maneuver?

Seems like the wording is drastically more restrictive than before, and I'm wondering if that is intended. If so, I can understand why -- a lot of the action shenanigans are being tempered in second edition.

A linked action is perhaps consider one action so you get both but then nothing else that turn. Would seem balanced.

Probably already covered but not been able to get a definitive answer:

I have preordered 2 conversion kits, but do I need the SE core set to be able to play?

1 hour ago, Villan said:

Probably already covered but not been able to get a definitive answer:

I have preordered 2 conversion kits, but do I need the SE core set to be able to play?

Yes. Or at least, the damage deck, and a set of templates. It's also worth noting that there's content in the Core Set that is not in any of the conversion kits.

I really like the idea of the quick build cards and can see a GREAT potential for having a draft game similar to Dota 2 drafting. In order to facilitate the quick build + drafting gameplay, can FFG consider selling generic ship templates that only have the arcs printed for all sizes? This would be for small, medium, and large. The pilot initiative, name, and shaded firing arcs would not be present.

I honestly think this would be better for gameplay in general as the ship Model + ID Token is all the information required. With the app, its easy to lookup any additional information a player needs about that ship. It would also be better for storage management.

Thank you for your consideration and also thank you for continuing to improve on this awesome game!

I love the quickbuild cards. Tournaments using those, yes might bork the list building portion of the game, but those matches will be decided by skill not list building. Winning with what you’re given makes you the top gun not what you can put together.

Edited by LordFajubi
13 hours ago, LordFajubi said:

I love the quickbuild cards. Tournaments using those, yes might bork the list building portion of the game, but those matches will be decided by skill not list building. Winning with what your given makes you the top gun not what you can put together.

I see quickbuild tournaments acting like prebuilt deck tournaments in card games like Magic or Final Fantasy. They won't be the only way to play a tournament, but they are a great option. The only problem is some quickbuilds will inherently be more powerful or easier to win with than others, simply because that's the nature of the beast. So those tournaments will be dominated by their own meta unless FFG or TOs are constantly tweaking that balance.

Which leads to my question: FFG, will quickbuilds be modified as their power changes due to new quickbuilds being introduced, cards getting errata'd, dominant strategies being discovered, etc? Or are they somewhat set in stone and the pilot/upgrade cards themselves will be errata'd to keep all quickbuilds as even as possible?

Can we have conversion kit confirmation regarding the contents please.

specifically in a number of preview articles it states all the contents of the expansion pack are in the conversion kit for that faction.

The unboxing videos we have seen do not contain all the upgrade cards that are in the expansion packs.

can we have confirmation that the upgrades from the expansion packs will be in the conversion kits. Or if they are not please confirm that also.

On 7/15/2018 at 2:12 AM, Storgar said:

Can we have conversion kit confirmation regarding the contents please.

specifically in a number of preview articles it states all the contents of the expansion pack are in the conversion kit for that faction.

The unboxing videos we have seen do not contain all the upgrade cards that are in the expansion packs.

can we have confirmation that the upgrades from the expansion packs will be in the conversion kits. Or if they are not please confirm that also.

This youtube channel has done an unboxing of every conversion kit in the lead up of 2.0

Note* not my channel

3 hours ago, AcexShadow said:

This youtube channel has done an unboxing of every conversion kit in the lead up of 2.0

Note* not my channel

That was actually the videos I was referring to, I should have been more clear. However in the last preview with the tie fighter they changed the wording to be a little more clear.

All of the ship and upgrade cards found in the TIE/ln Fighter Expansion Pack will also be present in this kit.

This I think is thier way of trying to clarify and tell us that the unboxing vids we have seen are not final production and therefore will have more upgrade cards than we have currently seen in them. Specially the upgrade cards that are in wave 1 expansions, these may well come in their own little packet inside the box.

Just got Saw’s Renegades. There is not any tokens for 2.0. New shield tokens, charges, new focus/evades, stress.... none for the second edition. The manifest doesn’t show it, so I know it was a mistake.

but.... why? Why not include these tokens?

2 hours ago, Ccwebb said:

Just got Saw’s Renegades. There is not any tokens for 2.0. New shield tokens, charges, new focus/evades, stress.... none for the second edition. The manifest doesn’t show it, so I know it was a mistake.

but.... why? Why not include these tokens?

From what I can tell... the 2.0 integration of Saw's was RUSHED down to the X-Wing models themselves. The cardboard doesn't even match to other 2.0 cardboard we've seen (it's still legal 2.0 stuff, don't worry). My guess is they hadn't fully locked in what the tokens would look like in 2.0 and pushed Saw's out without that and figured since we need a core set anyway, we would use the tokens from that.

3 hours ago, Kehl_Aecea said:

From what I can tell... the 2.0 integration of Saw's was RUSHED down to the X-Wing models themselves. The cardboard doesn't even match to other 2.0 cardboard we've seen (it's still legal 2.0 stuff, don't worry). My guess is they hadn't fully locked in what the tokens would look like in 2.0 and pushed Saw's out without that and figured since we need a core set anyway, we would use the tokens from that.

Ahh. Makes sense. Thank you.

9 hours ago, Kehl_Aecea said:

From what I can tell... the 2.0 integration of Saw's was RUSHED down to the X-Wing models themselves. The cardboard doesn't even match to other 2.0 cardboard we've seen (it's still legal 2.0 stuff, don't worry). My guess is they hadn't fully locked in what the tokens would look like in 2.0 and pushed Saw's out without that and figured since we need a core set anyway, we would use the tokens from that.

Core set only comes with four shields.

WELP... make due with the 1.0 tokens for now? I really don't know what to tell ya.

A red sharpie on one side should do the trick

14 hours ago, PanchoX1 said:

A red sharpie on one side should do the trick

This, or red stickers.

I hope there will be enough charge tokens and force tokens. I'm a little worried that i'll be super short on these.

About the pose-able S-foils on the new T-65 models:

Has it been discussed when the spongy flappy wings issue will be resolved?

Does anyone else's s-foils work like they do in the videos?

I feel bad now, because I sent Customer Service pics of my over glued T-65 from Saw's Renegades and of course they quickly sent a replacement... BUT the one that was sent is even more spongy (the s-foils return to a half-open/half-closed position no matter how you handle them). I don't wanna notify CS again. I can't return it- I recycled all the packaging and played with the U-wing. ?

I'm holding off to buy any 2.0 stuff until I can see the core set with my own eyes (& hands).....

Edited by dewbie420
3 hours ago, dewbie420 said:

About the pose-able S-foils on the new T-65 models:

Has it been discussed when the spongy flappy wings issue will be resolved?

Does anyone else's s-foils work like they do in the videos?

I feel bad now, because I sent Customer Service pics of my over glued T-65 from Saw's Renegades and of course they quickly sent a replacement... BUT the one that was sent is even more spongy (the s-foils return to a half-open/half-closed position no matter how you handle them). I don't wanna notify CS again. I can't return it- I recycled all the packaging and played with the U-wing. ?

I'm holding off to buy any 2.0 stuff until I can see the core set with my own eyes (& hands).....

This was simply a problem with Saw's Renegades. All actual 2.0 x-wings stay open/closed.

As for the glue, a bit of goo-gone will clean it right up.