Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

The new T-65 X-wing preview told us that the Rebellion Conversion Kit will have all the cards coming in the separate X-wing blister. But I'd like to know if the X-wing blister will come with all upgrades useable with T-65 X-wing (as those inside the Conversion Kit) or just a selection of them? I'm a new player and I don't want to buy the Conversion Kit - just the Core and the separate ships.

1 hour ago, Volkomor said:

The new T-65 X-wing preview told us that the Rebellion Conversion Kit will have all the cards coming in the separate X-wing blister. But I'd like to know if the X-wing blister will come with all upgrades useable with T-65 X-wing (as those inside the Conversion Kit) or just a selection of them? I'm a new player and I don't want to buy the Conversion Kit - just the Core and the separate ships.

It will absolutely and definitely NOT contain all x-wing-usable upgrades. Expacs usually contain maybe half a dozen upgrades and there are probably that many or more for each slot the x-wing has except configuration. They will be distributed across wave 1 (some i9n the X and some in the Y) and through many future waves.

FFG's model has never been to supply all things usable with a given ship, in that ship's pack, and never will be.

Edited by thespaceinvader
9 hours ago, Volkomor said:

The new T-65 X-wing preview told us that the Rebellion Conversion Kit will have all the cards coming in the separate X-wing blister. But I'd like to know if the X-wing blister will come with all upgrades useable with T-65 X-wing (as those inside the Conversion Kit) or just a selection of them? I'm a new player and I don't want to buy the Conversion Kit - just the Core and the separate ships.

If you just want the core and separate ships, you'll get all the cards the x-wing can use eventually. Just not a big giant stack of them like the conversion kit will give you all at once. And even that won't include every card as new ones will be developed over the life of the game.

10 hours ago, thespaceinvader said:

It will absolutely and definitely NOT contain all x-wing-usable upgrades. Expacs usually contain maybe half a dozen upgrades and there are probably that many or more for each slot the x-wing has except configuration. They will be distributed across wave 1 (some i9n the X and some in the Y) and through many future waves.

FFG's model has never been to supply all things usable with a given ship, in that ship's pack, and never will be.

1 hour ago, PanchoX1 said:

If you just want the core and separate ships, you'll get all the cards the x-wing can use eventually. Just not a big giant stack of them like the conversion kit will give you all at once. And even that won't include every card as new ones will be developed over the life of the game.

Aw, ok...

Is Mareek Steele a gunboat pilot?

I'm curious if there will be a Scum version(s) of the YT-2400 (Outrider) or possibly a few other Imperial/Rebel ships coming in 2.0 later waves. I think I read somewhere on reddit that the YT-1300 will have a scum version or two, which I think is awesome. My apologies if this has been asked previously, new to the forums.

What is going to happen to EPIC Play?

1 hour ago, fawkestar70 said:

What is going to happen to EPIC Play?

It’s going to remain in 1.0 till it comes out for2.0. The developers said it will eventually come, but it will be awhile.

Just now, fiddybucks said:

It’s going to remain in 1.0 till it comes out for2.0. The developers said it will eventually come, but it will be awhile.

Actually, it’s more likely to be stuck in some sort of 1.5 limbo until it gets updated. I figure most people will be using the 2.0 rules and cards for all the fighters and just using the 1.0 upgrades to hack in the huge ships.

Any idea if Light Weight Frame will continue into 2.0 for the imperials???

Some of these 1 & 2 agility ships they are trying to fix might be DOA if they get rid of it.

On 6/17/2018 at 9:33 AM, tomaxbren said:

Any idea if Light Weight Frame will continue into 2.0 for the imperials???

Some of these 1 & 2 agility ships they are trying to fix might be DOA if they get rid of it.


And unlikely, given that they have control over the prices and have removed a lot of the things that made it necessary.

The text for the "Conversion Kits" says Within this conversion kit, veteran players will find all of the components necessary to upgrade their existing Rebel ship collection from the first edition of X-Wing to the second edition. The conversion kit contains a vast array of new ship cards and tokens, including iconic pilots such as Han Solo, alongside more than one-hundred upgrade cards that give you the power to customize your squad to fit your playstyle. Finally, the conversion kit also includes the second edition maneuver dials for each ship, which makes planning your actions easier than ever before. This implies that the Conversion Kit should work for at least tournament legal squadrons (all components for their existing Rebel ship collections). However, the current make up of the Conversion Kits in may cases will not support full squadrons or only half squadrons. I have supported FFG and own fleets of Imperial, Rebel and Scum& Villainy forces, as well as the new First Order and Resistance Factions. However, I will need to to buy at least two of each of the for a total of 8 conversion kits costs almost $400. Come on FFG/Disney and make each of the Conversion Kits capable of supporting any legal tournament squadrons (so 4 X-wings, 4 Y-wings etc) and also 100 cards is totally inadequate to cover both the range of different cards and the numbers of them. Unless you do this (and for only a little bit more money) you will be showing contempt for veteran players who own many factions and have made X-wing the success that it is now. I would be quite happy, as an alternative to send you a mass of proof of purchase tokens to send out addition copies of the conversion kits for free (though the bigger Conversion kits are probably morally and ethically the better option). SO DO THE RIGHT THING FFG!!!!!!

19 hours ago, thespaceinvader said:


And unlikely, given that they have control over the prices and have removed a lot of the things that made it necessary  .

I’m not sure i’m sold on that idea yet. Yes they’ve brought the red dice power down, but they’ve also brought down the converting green dice power too. Correct me if i’m wrong but that will still keep the green dice being just as unreliable like they are in first edition.

Now that force users are a thing(great regening efficiency) and things like Luke Gunner(perfect knowledge)...look out.

Yes i’m sure prices will be high in these areas, but you’ll probably be able to afford some 2 big ship lists, or a big monster like Dash with a white hot force user that will swat away 2 green dice ships with little of no shields.

I guess we’ll see....

Erido Two Tubes says "Before you activate" in the preview article, and "After you activate" on the card I just got. I assume the physical card is the real version and the preview article was just incorrect (or it was changed shortly before going to the printer). Is that the case, or is "After" a misprint?

1 hour ago, Wazat said:

Erido Two Tubes says "Before you activate" in the preview article, and "After you activate" on the card I just got. I assume the physical card is the real version and the preview article was just incorrect (or it was changed shortly before going to the printer). Is that the case, or is "After" a misprint?

Wow the 2.0 content in the new wave is just a mess. Edrio has been demoed with 'before you activate' in a team covenant video, but who knows what FFG is up to.

My suspicion is their playtesting revealed it was a big problem that he was so hard-locked to Benthic, and the game was better if his ability was more open. It's easier to points-balance the "after" variation of the text too -- if that makes him powerful, adjust to an appropriate cost. But if something is wildly underpowered unless paired with another specific pilot, then that's tricky to manage, and less fun for players too.

Another question for FFG, this time about tournaments in 2.0: I was never clear on this in 1.0 but it came up in our regionals (Utah) and created some hard feelings. Some out-of-state guys did things that we're not sure were against the rules per se, but it was IMO not good sportsmanship. I wonder how this will be handled in 2.0: allowed, disallowed, or indifferent.

Among many issues, the main problem was the players were gaming the MOV:

  • At the end of the main Swiss rounds, my last opponent came to me and lamented, "Man, we should have both agreed to end 100-0 or 0-100 to make sure one of us made it into the top 8!". To me, agreeing to throw a match to help your opponent or yourself is clearly dirty, and I've heard stories of Magic The Gathering players being perma-banned for simply offering to do it. But i don't know what FFG's policy is. It wouldn't be cool to punish a player for doing something that's not clearly against the rules, but it feels like it needs to be a rule.
  • Two friends were assigned to the same table, but didn't want to fight each other because it wasn't a great matchup and would hurt each others' MOVs. So one switched tables with another player (telling that player there had been a mistake and he's actually supposed to be at the other table), giving both of the MOV-gamers great matchups, and they won high-MOV victories. They then claimed it had been an accident, and the TO had to make major adjustments to the matchups that had already been entered to accommodate the mistake. We only later found out it has apparently been a lot less innocent than presented. Is there, or will there be in 2.0, an official policy on how to handle this situation? I get the impression from talking to TOs that it's not a rule, or it's loosely covered under the "no poor sportsmanship allowed" rules but the lack of a clear rule is a problem.

If the TO feels like a player is being overly demanding/abusive, where and how should he draw the line? I'm told some famous players flout their TO abuse as part of their winning strategy, but that can't be right. We had a player calling the TO over to his table every few minutes to check trivial things, and to push for rulings that clearly made no sense, be it on rules interpretations or on table state.

  • "After moving I looked and his ship looked like it was in arc, but later when we measured, it wasn't in arc. I need a ruling from the TO on that." Welp, it's not in arc, what do you want? A redaction of the arc measurement?
  • "Count my deck and make sure I have all my cards." You can count your own deck.
  • Along with making the TO measure everything, including obvious things, because they want to put as much pressure on him as possible until he starts making mistakes.

Our TO laments being too nice, and has committed to never letting that fly again. Even if he's accused of being too harsh etc, he wants to lay down the law. A new edition sounds like a good opportunity to either clarify existing rules to TOs and players, or refactor the rules to address old problems. With arcs, planning, and tactical play becoming a greater focus, TOs are going to be pretty hard-pressed to manage these high-maintenance players (along with suspected cheaters). Any help they can get is appreciated. We like our TO and want his job to be easier on him! And players usually appreciate clear-cut rules so there's fewer gray areas being abused (and that they have to wonder if they should be abusing, just to compete).

Any word on when we can expect news on conversion kits for Resistance and First Order factions?

This is a great opportunity to fix the tie silencer which could do with cannon and missile upgrade slots now that we have official specs confirming the ships armament.

Resistance bomber suggestion: Get rid of turret primary and give it forward and rear facing firing arcs along with a turret upgrade slot (or 2) and the new gunner crew upgrade slot. Official spec has this ship with 2 pairs of fixed forward cannons and a pair facing the rear along with 2-3 turrets. Seems mad that it didn’t even have the crew slot in 1st edition.

Edited by Braddock76ie
1 hour ago, Braddock76ie said:

Seems mad that it didn’t even have the crew slot in 1st edition.

Well, That was because of sabine. imagine it with 8 bombs loaded up with an extra damage each. I imagine it will have a double turret primary, with a cannon slot, and two Gunners, one for a bombardier, and one for an actual gunner. And white reload or a ship ability to increase the charge limit on bombs, or a number of charges on the pilot card to spend instead of the charges on the bomb.

Sorry if this has been asked already:

When will Epic be converted?

We have been told that you can export and print a list from the app.

will the printout from the app be in a format that’s acceptable to use at tournaments to save us from writing out tournament sheets.

I own the square-dish Millennium Falcon and not the original one. Up to this point I've been able to use it in competitive events, but will that model be crammed into the Resistance faction to where it is not legal to fly in the Rebellion?

Also, how come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

As long as you have the correct cardboard and dial, you'll be able to fly it for Rebels and Scum. It's the same scenario for the Scum Y-Wing and Z-95s and using them for the Rebels. As long as they are on top of Rebellion ship cardboard and you have the Rebel pilot cards, you're fine.

What are the upgrade type names, officially? I'm trying to get them right on the wiki.

Is it Talent, Elite Talent, or just Elite?

Force Talent or just Force?














Are these names correct?

(I'd also welcome answers from others who know)

They may not have actual names. I suspect they just have symbols as in 1e.

Modification and Title were the only ones that actually had words assigned to them by RAW.