Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing

is the count for decimator dials a typo?

Currently X-wing has some representation of accurate but low damage attacks and damaging but inaccurate attacks, but more often in the game the more powerful an attack the more accurate it becomes. Additionally, none of these apply to primary weapons. Since there will be no new dice like the red, blue, black of Armada, are there plans/thoughts on having more variance in accuracy vs. damage 2.0?

Will the medium base ship packs contain conversion pegs, or will the pegs only be in the conversion kits?

11 minutes ago, Tekore said:

Will the medium base ship packs contain conversion pegs, or will the pegs only be in the conversion kits?


This may have already been answered, but will X wing 1.0 ships continue to be produced?

Will FFG be taking this opportunity to rename the generically named unique pilots (Omega Leader, Blue Ace, etc)?

so if you want to, since we have all of these old upgrade/pilot cards laying around, we can still play "X-Wing Miniatures Classic " if we choose to? We just wont be able to play anything past wave 14 and there won't be any new material being produced. Which may eventually create a higher price on ebay for such things.


Why are there no point costs or upgrade slots printed on cards?

The X-Wing squad-builder app will track the point value of all ships and upgrades, allowing for fast and accurate squad-building. Points will adjust based on the type of game that you are playing, and the cost of a card could vary under very specific criteria. For example, an upgrade card may cost more for one ship to equip than another ship. The X-Wing squad builder app will also track which upgrades a ship is allowed to equip at any given time.

And those of us who don't have phones? We're ******?

Is not the following statement by FFG inaccurate, misleading and annoying?

"veterans can use each faction’s conversion kit to bring their entire collection of first edition ships into the game’s second edition. "

"Kit" is not the correct word, as I'll need "kits" to bring my entire collection of each faction into second edition.

43 minutes ago, Rebelallianceforever said:

This may have already been answered, but will X wing 1.0 ships continue to be produced?

The models will be (unless reworked like the X-wing, Y-wing and Fang) except for the ACes expansion ships as far as I can recalle

Will the next SoS support 2.0 alt art prices and damage deck?

37 minutes ago, Desslok said:

And those of us who don't have phones? We're ******?

There's a website. If you can access the internet (and you wouldn't be here if you couldn't) you're fine.

33 minutes ago, brasidas69 said:

Is not the following statement by FFG inaccurate, misleading and annoying?

"veterans can use each faction’s conversion kit to bring their entire collection of first edition ships into the game’s second edition. "

"Kit" is not the correct word, as I'll need "kits" to bring my entire collection of each faction into second edition.

"each factions conversion kit" Their wording was fine.

Will the app be in a website form? so could you access it using a computer instead of a smart phone?

Is there any consideration for "booster" conversion packs for individual ships not requiring a stand change? Or is there plans to produce some of the conversion components in another fashion?

Context: I have 10x X-Wings and bring them out for large convention games. According to the current Wave 1 that is a $250+ retail investment to convert my collection for Rebels alone. Frankly, I can't afford to transition to 2e with the current scheme and am hoping that Wave 2 includes a different method of converting our collections.

6 minutes ago, VanderLegion said:

There's a website. If you can access the internet (and you wouldn't be here if you couldn't) you're fine.

Well, that's better, but I'm still not a fan of having to bring my laptop along when I want to throw down over at my friends. I already have enough crap to haul when I do.

2 minutes ago, Desslok said:

Well, that's better, but I'm still not a fan of having to bring my laptop along when I want to throw down over at my friends. I already have enough crap to haul when I do.

Do they not have their own internet? And you don't have to carry the squad builder with you. Just build your list and bring the cards, same as you can now...

27 minutes ago, VanderLegion said:

There's a website. If you can access the internet (and you wouldn't be here if you couldn't) you're fine.

"each factions conversion kit" Their wording was fine.

So "kit" singular is correct? I can use one kit to convert my 8 TIE fighters to second edition?

24 minutes ago, VanderLegion said:

Just build your list and bring the cards, same as you can now.

We just play for fun, so when we get together it's usually "So what do you want to be? Good guys or bad guys?" and putting together what we want to play on the fly. I've occasionally picked up a couple of ships on the way to their place on a whim.

Taking the point totals off the cards and forcing people to be tied to the internet seems stupid to me. As a supplimental thing? Sure - that's fantastic. Making it mandatory? That sucks.

Edited by Desslok
On 5/1/2018 at 4:02 PM, AwesomeJedi said:

Do I need to buy a new core set if I am not new to the game therefore I only need to buy conversion kits?

Or do I need to buy a new core set and conversion kits?

You will need the core set for the new templates and the new damage deck.

Edited by BDrafty

When will first edition ships stop being produced?? I still have a few ships left before I have a complete collection.

Even if I have bought only 1 of everything released so far, the rebel conversion kit doesn't have enough X-wings. That's ridiculous considering it's the quintessential ship which the game is named after.

I'm sure I've had an X-wing in the starter set, the individual expansion release and one in the rebel transport ship. 3 x-wings (which I do use in lots of games), but 2 conversions in the kit. Meh. I know ffg can't cater for every collection, but surely enough for someone that's bought 1 of everything.

They put 3 A-wings in, why not enough X-wings?

What kind of special events are being planned?

Will events include special thematic scenarios?

Are large-scale events or campaigns being planned?

17 hours ago, Opsmason said:

Watched the live stream, read the FAQ, still a little confused on the “center line” on the movement templates: will the new templates (and that line) be necessary for Second Edition, or will First Edition templates (particularly custom acrylics) still work?

Thats my question, I got a nice Acrylic set of templates and I would still love to use them!

How does reinforce work in 2.0? Looks like front/rear arc still but are the arcs measured like the 1.0 wookies with a bias towards the front arc? Does it still add a die or change a die like evade? If the latter, how does that work on stuff with 0 agility?

Will the new dials fit/work with existing plastic dial upgrade kits?

Somewhere in the middle of the history of the X-Wing Miniatures game a decision was made, partially for the purposes of generating revenue and partially as a result of the loss of their original design and development team, to create more-and-more expansions.

Those expansions lacked the balance that the game once had, and power-creep entered the system. With that power-creep the meta-game debates and min-max-agents of the interwebs took their toll and once combined with the Organized Play structure exposed not only vulnerabilities in game mechanics but also a clearly defined set of tournament builds to produce the ever-elusive 'W'.

Faced with the inability to retract the sins of the past, and plagued by a continually dwindling revenue stream expansion after expansion - resulting in a blown revenue forecast for 2017 - which then provokes a challenging question to answer to the Asmodee Corporate powers-that-be:

  • How do we generate more product portfolio revenue with the least amount of additional design and manufacturing change and cost?

Answer: Version 2.0 - Re-release everything using the same production processes and molds. Printed cardboard is printed cardboard, just change the graphics. But, how do we explain this in a way that gives us hope of addressing the problems we created in 1.0 and not repeating those mistakes?:

  • How do we mitigate the metagame analysts who will min-max the game for Organized Play?
  • How do we effectively and efficiently course-correct when design oversights are exploited by the same analysts?

Answer: Online Squad-Building App. Remove the point costs from the cards and institute an infinite ability for us to change their values and stack-ups related to potential power-creep through electronic editing (cleverly disguised as patches or updates to correspond with expansion releases). This is not the first time that a game company has tried to incorporate Apps as integral components to board/tabletop games. Maybe they will get it right.

Let's be honest, anyone really surprised? Last time I checked, it was a business. The purpose of business is to grow the business.

The interesting thing that appears to be a recurring theme, is that the people who made 1.0 successful, by purchasing massive amounts of the game, are now complaining about having to spend additional moneys to purchase additional massive amounts on the game. This becomes more insightful when you consider the comments of the people who are questioning why they as the core supporters who made 1.0 successful are not being given special consideration of their initial support and financial backing as the game moves into 2.0.

Get a grip on your first-world problems related to your hard-earned 'entertainment expenditures' woes.

Kind of like a junkie asking why, after years of buying drugs, they aren't automatically being given the new stuff.

For every 1.0 player that gets mad and walks away, this new model will generate two more new players who, combined, will generate (at least) an equal amount of revenue for the 2.0 product line as you did during 1.0. So, there you have it. Have your petty-mal seizures and throw your temper-tantrums and walk away. Nobody will miss you in the same way that Donald Trump doesn't care that you didn't vote in the last election in protest.

Quit, don't quit. Get on board, don't get on board. Continue to play 1.0, or convert to 2.0. The choice is yours and yours alone.

Just don't think for one minute that your verbal protests and threats mean anything to the company's bottom-line. This decision was floated-debated-and finalized last year by the Corporate powers-that-be. What is done is done.

Its not that you are insignificant and that they didn't think about how you might react. Quite the opposite, they considered it, acknowledged it, and created a business model to compensate for it in spite of what you think, say, react, decide to do, or not to do.

There is a finite period of time in which they can capitalize on this Star Wars joy-ride. Get on board, throw your hands up and scream 'woooooot' as you speed forward into the future of this game. Or make a pouty-face, take your plastic crack and go home.