Share Your Questions About X-Wing™ Second Edition Here

By Lomiat, in X-Wing


The recent announcement of X-Wing Second Edition has generated a lot of excitement—and we are sure it has generated a lot of questions as well.

This thread is a place for you to ask your questions about the second edition products and design, but before you post, please read the thread rules:

  • This thread exists to share your questions with FFG. We will not answer the questions through this thread.
  • This thread is not a place for community discussion of the questions. If you want to answer a fellow community member’s question, you must start a new thread.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the content of the announcement article , the faction articles, and the Organized Play article before you share your question. You will likely find that many of your questions have already been addressed.
  • If your question concerns the second edition Organized Play, please post that in the X-Wing Second Edition Organized Play Questions thread.

We will review this forum to make certain we are addressing all the most pertinent questions to the best of our ability. These answers will not appear in this forum, but rather through the articles published in the months to come as we build toward the release of the new X-Wing Second Edition Core Set and Wave I.

Thank you.

How will the release of 2.0 affect production of 1st Edition products? Will reprints never happen again? Is it time to stock up on old expansions before they cease to be produced?

Is Nym still rebel and scum too? If yes, why, and why wasn't he treated the same way as Boba Fett? What is the reasoning or the goal behind this decision?

How do medium ships differ from small and large bases?

How many pilots will we receive in the conversion kit? Will we get all previously existing pilots for a ship? Will we get the new ones? Will there be any pilots removed from the game (or a faction?)

Will Imperials receive a unique upgrade slot akin to Astromechs or Illicit? If yes what, if not, why not? How do you vision Imperial ships keeping up with future releases if they did not receive such an upgrade? Will they not get a slot that enhances their faction mechanics?

Has the Firespray been removed from the Imperial faction?

Will I need to buy more than one conversion kit to be able to field my collection of 8 tie fighters?

Will my templates from 1.0 work for 2.0?

I have a very nice acrylic set I designed and I'd like to keep using them...

Are 1e templates 2e compatible? A lot of people spent a lot of money on pretty templates (or for that matter won shiny ones in high tier competition). It seems likely that they will be except for bumping and maybe the 1 straight?

2 minutes ago, Cmacaulay said:

Has the Firespray been removed from the Imperial faction?

Will I need to buy more than one conversion kit to be able to field my collection of 8 tie fighters?

Conversion kit numbers are here

You'll need 2 kits for 8 TIEs.

1 minute ago, Cmacaulay said:

Will I need to buy more than one conversion kit to be able to field my collection of 8 tie fighters?

Take a look at the FAQ. there are 4 TIE Fighters in one conversion kit. So yeah. You'll need two. (Same goes for Rebell players who only bought one expansion at any time...)

In some of the images coming out, such as the Tie Advanced for example, it describes the x1 title at the bottom of Stele's pilot card. Are some titles now "auto include" and the stand alone upgrade card is not necessary?

For the specific example of Tie Advanced, can a new player pick up these new cards and use them without having previously bought a raider?

The product site lists games as 30-45 minutes. Will there be a turn limit?

2 minutes ago, RunnerAZ said:

The product site lists games as 30-45 minutes. Will there be a turn limit?

I assume that is a general timing for a "basic" game that most board games have on them. It has no reflection on tournament play.

1. Is there any content in single expansion packs that is not in conversion kit? If yes, what is this content? Do i have do buy every expansion again to get access to all upgrades or is conversion kit enough?

2. Will there be official missions for 2 ed?

Edited by Zura

Will there be new pilot cards that are not included for legacy ships in the conversion kits? Will we need to buy one of both the conversion kit and new ship to get access to all the new pilots, access to all the old pilots, or some combination?

The Upgrade Cards are now the same size as the Pilot cards?

Is there a timeline for when the official X-Wing 2.0 rules reference will be posted?

Now the damage deck will be on every ship?

7 minutes ago, Zura said:

1. Is there any content in single expansion packs that is not in conversion kit? If yes, what is this content? Do i have do buy every expansion again to get access to all upgrades or is conversion kit enough?

2. Will there be official missions for 2 ed?

From what they said in the briefing and in some of the articles, no. Norra in a Y-Wing is in the conversion pack AND the expansion. Says the same under the Firespray part of the Scum article.

For us long-termers, no need to buy a ship we have 5 of.

WOAH. Woah, woah, woah...

Lets just back up here a minute...

There are admin? ?

At the updated 200pt game, what is the anticipated maximum number of ships fielded per squad? (to help address how many conversion kits needed).

  • Answered kind of. Treat base cost of 1.0 as 1/2 of 2.0. Look for lots of tweaks

Will micro-transactions ever factor into the app? We understand that the conversion kits will have *all* the upgrades from those ship packs, but will you be releasing *new* upgrades in a new format?

  • In the streams they have repeatedly insisted that no charge for the app. That does not answer about future micro-transactions, but there is hope.

It has been stated that the conversion kits will contain everything that will be released in the re-prints of the ships contained within the conversion kits. Due to the repeated threads, rumors, or concerns - Please re-state this in a way that makes it absolutely clear that no new content outside of the conversion kits will be included in these blisters.

  • Answered: All of wave 1 is in the conversion kits. In wave 2 as new content is (and will be) released in ships contained in the conversion kits, this new content will be available through *other means* not yet detailed. So no need to buy the ship again.

Will a list of the upgrades in the conversion kits be published?

  • Not Answered: In stream the keep reiterating that they don't want to spoil everything now. We will find out more in the coming months.

What are the new card sizes so we can plan storage in advance?

  • Answered: Regular card size

Should players with extra TIE and X-Wing fighters from the epic expansions hold off on buying additional existing conversion kits for potential future epic kits?
There will be a lot of questions about 'right sizing' the number of conversion kits for players collection size. Will you provide as much detail as possible regarding these and what may be needed to help players assess in advance? (Do to supply issued in the past people may over-order, creating some of those problems again)

  • (Partial answer: I did not realize. In SAW you will potentially have 1 new X-wing dial. New Core (required) 1X-wing and 2 TIE-Fighter dials. But this still does nothing for your existing ships not covered by 1 conversion kit.

Will cross faction ship dials be usable in 2.0? Scum z-95 and rebel z-95 etc? If so, can you cut down on the number of Z-95's and up the X-wings :P.

What material will be required for formal (competitive) Play? Ships/Cardboard + Upgrade Cards? Ships/Cardboard + squad Builder printouts?

  • Answered: Ships, Cardboard, and pilot/upgrade cards will be needed. No info on org play what you need to validate your list printout. Have been told that list printouts will include 1/2 pt value for each ship. (1/2 now on all ships)

What components from 1.0 will carry over to 2.0? Asteroids, dice, tokens, etc.

  • Answered: Asteroids, Yes. Dice, Yes. Tokens, Yes. Range Rulers, Yes. Maneuver Templates, Kind of - you will still need the new 1 strait and 3 turn with the line for barrel rolls and tallon rolls.

When will the app become available?

  • No set date, maybe Gencon

To ease conversion costs, will 1.0 dials be allowed in 2.0? (New blue/green moves must be adhered to and required to provide opponent reference for correct blue/green?)

  • Answered: For casual, go for it. Events, no.

With both large and small base ships migrating to medium base. Will the new medium bases be able to universally accept small and large pegs?

  • Answered: Yes, kind of. Medium base has large peg slot. If small converted to medium, new tapered peg is included in conversion kits for this purpose.

Only one of the questions I came up with not addressed yet. Looking good so far FFG!

Edited by Cr0aker
Compiling relevant questions

Will there still be epic ships or will they be completely removed from the game?

On a more local level, will there be a 2.0 forum section?

Are the Epic Play huge ships included in the Conversion kits?

If new upgrade cards are released in future waves, will we need to buy the individual expansions to collect all the cards, or will there continue to be something akin to the conversion kit, for old timers?

In addition, will you need cardboard cards for official turneys and events?

Edited by Kreen

Custom Games? Custom Cards? What about Epic?

To clarify ,

With the APP am I able to outline custom game rules and share it with fellow players?

In the APP, can I add custom cards to it for casual play?

Is Epic play still available, or will be in the future?

I am really iffy about amorphic/fluid upgrade system depending on the type of game and pilots, and it will be good if the player has some sort of control over this. Especially for us that play casual games more often than tournament style games.

There really should be some kind of "standard" list.

Edited by Jadotch

How many conversions are included for each ship in each conversion kit?

Will I be able to do anything with my promo cards(upgrades or pilots), or are they just Star-Wars themed coasters now?