Eternal Night - Nightfall (RtL Advanced Campaign)

By Terragen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Once again, one of my noob questions... and I did search everywhere for this information.

Eternal Night plot in RtL: the first card is Nightfall. After describing the areas plunged into darkness, it states "During any encounter or dungeon... each hero loses 1 fatigue at the end of his turn."

Are they talking about the hero's first turn, or EVERY turn?? because if its every single turn, this seems ridiculously overpowered, but once again this is totally not clear at all.

It's EVERY turn, but only in those dungeons that are within 2 (or 3, don't remember) trails of the OL keep.

Powerful, but the party will prolly just keep from heading into that area.

Wow you all respond so fast every time! Thank you!

That is amazing... they will definitely not go near that area then, unless they have to... thats true power! Gotta love the Overlord! Mwa hahahaha!!!