Two Base sets and an AT-ST

By rasmussen81, in Army Building

So I managed to get my hands on two base sets and an AT-ST but this is/will be my very fist miniatures game of any kind. I've read that it's a good one to start with because it isn't to complex. I also LOVE Star Wars so the theme helps.

I own everything for Imperial Assault and I've painted almost all of it, so I'm not worried about the painting part. I can't say that I'm particularly looking forward to painting more Storm Troopers but I guess it is what it is...they'll look good on the battle field.

My question is, what do I need to pick up to make an even list for the Rebel side? If I play with my brother, it seems like whoever gets the AT-ST will win ever battle and that doesn't sound like fun. Any advice?

Thanks in advance and forgive me if this is a stupid question!

You can get the T-47 Airspeeder for about $24 on Amazon. FLGSs also have them for about that price, too. N ot sure if you can scrounge up that amount or not, but pretty cheap for a Heavy unit that is also a pretty sweet model.

If not, double AT RT's, each with the laser cannon, could do some work. Luke can do work against the AT ST as well. Also, the game is pretty well balanced points wise, so as long as you both have 800 point armies, it should be all right. Or do 600 points or something. (For example, at 600 points, the rebels likely could each have extra troopers and Z6s for 4 squads, while if the Imperials take the AT ST, they might only be able to run 3 or 4 lightly upgraded Stormies).

Edited by HanScottFirst

I'm an Imperial player, but from what I've seen the scariest Rebels lists skip the airspeeder and run 6 groups of troopers and 3 AT-RTs, with Luke as a commander.

So that would be my recommendation. Pick up 1 more AT-RT and 2 Rebel Trooper expansions. That's a competitive list, and the AT-RTs with laser canons could be able to pull down the AT-ST. If that's how your bro wants to play - ignoring the AT-ST and trying to slaughter your Troopers with Flamethrowing AT-RTs can be quite effective as well, and prevent you from winning because you can't take objectives!

The ATST isn't that much of a massive threat to be honest... The rebs have all the tools they need to get rid of it with laser canon ATRTs and maybe a couple of ions, and dear Luke. To be honest, I believe the main problem may be because you are new to tabletop gaming, which makes some things seem like walls where more veteran gamers will only see a brick. Look around to see if there are any place where you can face more experienced players, they'll give you hands on advice as you play with your own ATST.

I don't really recommend the speeder: It's a bit of a counter-intuitive unit, both more fragile and less damaging than the ATST, it works completely differently and is more of an overpriced surgical tool than the ATST: Hard to use, and really dependent on the scenario.

IMO, wait a bit and invest in some snowtroopers and the other rebels units that will come later on. Don't hesitate to re-read the rules, and watch what other people do on youtube (some neat tricks can be learned, though remember they can make mistakes too)

Great advice! It's always a good idea to get the lay of the land before buying a bunch of stuff, though it all looks so amazing I want to have everything.

If I'm the only one supplying figures to the table for me and my brother (and our friends) I'm guessing I'll need to invest in a few more unit expansions just to have enough troops to make lists that we want. And like all things FFG, I'm sure there are great cards in the expansions as well!

Thanks for taking the time to help a new player.

I wouldn't worry about playing against the AT-ST, from the play testing I've done and the bat reps I've watched, the game is very balanced and I havent seen an AT-ST totally swing the outcome of a game, it can usually go either way.

Remember, the AT-ST has a fixed front for its weapons, is slow, and cannot capture objectives so you could still win against the Imps with an AT-ST still on the board at the end of round 6.

I've just been adding enough to hit 800 points per side (pretty much one of each expansion), and then Im just going to continue getting one of each expansion as they come, trying them out and seeing where I want to add more of a particular unit.

Like others have said, just build the lists you like/want and have fun learning the game! There is a lot coming out in the coming months and years so as you play and learn, you'll gain access to new stuff and figure out more ways to subdue the AT-ST... and more ways to use it to its full potential ;)

While the AT-ST can't capture objectives he can sit atop of one, sure I can't win the game but you have to move me off.

5 hours ago, Amanal said:

While the AT-ST can't capture objectives he can sit atop of one, sure I can't win the game but you have to move me off.

Sounds like a very Imperial thing to do. "Impressive! Most Impressive!" ?

Edited by rasmussen81