Challenge Kit Tournament Result

By Susanooo, in Runewars Miniatures Game

We have played a challenge kit tournament today. I made a mistake durning list building that cost me a lot and i had some very unlucky dice rolls (reanimates attack: 2 blanks, reroll into 2 blanks) but it was very fun overall. Kari Thorne winner list:

kari with fortunas dice

naked hawkthorne

3 trays of crossbowmen (i dont remember what upgrades)

4 trays of latari archers with wind rune and precise 1

2 units (one solo and one 2 tray) of rune golems.

Secon one was waiqar:

4 trays carrions with tempered steel and combat ingenuity,

4 trays of reanimates with dispatch runner,

4 trays of death knights with moment of inspiration and obcasium gauntlet

2 trays of naked archers

ardus with ardus fury

Third one was also waiqar:

9 trays of reanimates

6 tray archers with lower red initiative banner

2 tray death knight

2 trays of carrion lancers

ardus with acient technique

i though that i can use maro in reanimate unit to add trays into that unit and i didnt had enough archers to add more into my big block of them so 20 points that went into that hero was wasted (i could add 1 more carrion for that or increase my unit size) so i was 6th but it was fun anyway :D Still think that runewars is the greatest miniature game ever and cant wait to practise more of it ;)

What do you think about top 3 lists?

I have to say, I'm surprised to see Ardus in both of the top Waiqar lists. I thought people generally agreed he is a liability. I know I feel that way.

What other factions were represented? Were there any Latari or Uthuk?

we are pretty new community, most of us oen core set and only some expansions. There were 5 waiqar, 3 daqan and one of those 3 daqan playet had latari archers unit. But soon it will change as i will start latari and one guy already have uthuk core box and hes waiting for expansions