D aranti Warriors
Edited by AetheriacNew article posted!!!
Oh my goodness gracious...!!!
Ok so this is fantastic on Leonx. Being able to advance-shift-shift at initiative 3 means they can dodge virtually any enemy, and it's also great everywhere on their dial. Might not take it every game, but boy howdy will they be flexible with it.
Pretty great on Archers too! With Precise built in they don't care as much about rank discipline, and with multiple sources of off-dial shifting they can be virtually guaranteed to get mileage out of it.
On Darnati... I mean it's not bad, but they're the worst at leveraging it.
Oh goodness it triggers off of wind rune.
Edited by BhelliomCool
Not to mention Corruption Rune!
6 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:
Oh my goodness gracious...!!!
Quick! Fetch my Captivating Hexer! NOW!!!
7 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:
Oh my goodness gracious...!!!
So what color is this shift? Can you shift - shift - charge as if it were blue?
That Lay of the Land; Wooooot! Really like the diversity that gives you as you now choose between this for maneuverability or MOI for more dmg.
2 minutes ago, flightmaster101 said:So what color is this shift? Can you shift - shift - charge as if it were blue?
Modifiers should only be for the first action. You do the shift AFTER so the modifier would already be spent.
Would have been crazy fun to shift charge and disengage, but probably better that you cannot.
17 minutes ago, flightmaster101 said:So what color is this shift? Can you shift - shift - charge as if it were blue?
Actions off the dial have no colour, which means they never match any modifier, even white. Works the same as dispatch runner and white hit on dial (from eg Lance Corporal). It would work with something like Wildcall's Instinct or Dead Sprint, but nothing on the dial.
How does this interact with Wind Rune? Does it interject in the middle, or at the end?
2 minutes ago, Glucose98 said:How does this interact with Wind Rune? Does it interject in the middle, or at the end?
I'm inclined to think Lay of the Land interrupts Wind Rune as soon as the shift is performed.
Shift-natural runes -> shift lay of the land -> reform.
21 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:Actions off the dial have no colour, which means they never match any modifier, even white. Works the same as dispatch runner and white hit on dial (from eg Lance Corporal). It would work with something like Wildcall's Instinct or Dead Sprint, but nothing on the dial.
Good point! Is there a rule or faq section for this?
The unit is so fast! My friend will love them!
Archers with this and an embedded Scion could reasonably shoot and then shift three times (once for surges, once for Scion, and then once for this)....
So wait, with wind rune and lotl you could go forward a max of what 3(dial march)+3 (from natural runes)+1(lotl)+reform?
7 forward on init 6; Sold!
Tabletop Admiral updated
15 minutes ago, Xquer said:So wait, with wind rune and lotl you could go forward a max of what 3(dial march)+3 (from natural runes)+1(lotl)+reform?
7 forward on init 6; Sold!
Add a support scion and a well placed overgrow and you get 8
The shift looks like an awesome upgrade card.
That's two previews this week, so I'm hoping they keep that pace up, and let's hope for a fast boat.
Spring is here at last. The groggy Runewarrior emerges, blinking, from its hibernation den.
This article has me on the verge of switching factions. The Latari are so cool!
Wow! Feels good to finally have an update for the wiki!
Corruption Rune see,s like a legit viable card to run. Status effect and small amounts of damage for a skill. No exhaust. Seems ideal for hitting infantry formations
8 minutes ago, Church14 said:Corruption Rune seems like a legit viable card to run. Status effect and small amounts of damage for a skill. No exhaust. Seems ideal for hitting infantry formations.
I agree. Fire Rune has been hit-and-miss for me (mostly miss), so I'm excited to see how Corruption Rune does. Against infantry, I think I would prefer Corruption Rune.
And if your opponent runs Cursed Signets, like me, you could potentially take out a whole tray with just a skill action using Corruption Rune!
7 hours ago, Budgernaut said:I agree. Fire Rune has been hit-and-miss for me (mostly miss), so I'm excited to see how Corruption Rune does. Against infantry, I think I would prefer Corruption Rune.
It has the advantage of bein usable in melee. The bane handed out is hit-or-miss, though, as is the distance.
Now, if you have some way of knowing what the top of the morale deck is, that’s another story.