Daqan - First Tournament list

By HerrBSahne, in Runewars List Building


on Monday i will play on my first Tournament ever. I am pretty uneperienced, i play this game for one month now, nevertheless i want to try my best.

So here is my list, maybe you could give me some of your thoughts about it:

2x1 Rune Golems (28 Pts.)

First of all a blocking unit, but can even get some good punches out

1x1 Lord Hawthorne (34 Pts.)

+ Might of Daqan (4 Pts.)

Inspiration, Inspiration, good for flanking and also good for blocking, especially with Might of Daqan

3x2 Spearmen (40 Pts.)

+ Lance Corporal (6 Pts.)

+ Shield Wall (5 Pts.)

Center-Unit, very flexible and even more flexible with Lance Corporal, can stand heavy beating, but also deliver some damage. The Spearman will be my Bounty Unit

3x2 Oathsworn Cavalry (46 Pts.)

+Raven Tabards (2Pts.)

+Rank Discipline (4 Pts.)

The "sword" of my army, high damage, high mobility, with raven tabards good chance to get some charges out. The Rank Discipline is for keeping their threat and damage-potential up, even if they lost some trays...and i am

very unlucky with their dices i think :rolleyes:

3x1 Heavy Crossbowmen (27 Pts.)

+Rank Discipline (4 Pts.)

Range-Support, to help my melee-units out or to help them kill some high priority targets. I just got them, so i didn't play them often yet...

200 Pts. Overall

So this is my list, what do you think about it?

Hm. Balanced army with no painfully obvious weakness. You might suffer a bit on objectives.

Confluence of Magic - you don’t have much mobile options to grab tokens, but you also aren’t relying on them. Though this objective has the opportunity to supercharge your Golems. The ones you do get a hold of would be used to deny opponents’ their desired tokens most of the time I would think

Demoralize Their Forces: Hawthorne can flank, Oathsworn can flank, Spearmen aren’t likely to, Golems and Crossbows will almost never flank charge. So you aren’t doing terrible, but you are going to lean heavily on the Oathsworne and later turn charges by Hawthorne. You probably get outscored by a small margin here

Supply Raid: I’m not sure I see your list excelling here. You have a good army that takes care of itself where everything has at least one role and many two. You don’t have a throwaway unit to go and bag two tokens with that can rejoin the fight on turn 3-5 if needed.

You would rock the house in Bounty, but bounty isn’t a tourney objective since April 1st or so.

Also, the current tourney objectives encourage MSU and Uthuk (the team to beat) also are usually MSU-ish. Recent experience has shown me that Shield of Margath and Might of Daqan on Hawthorne absolutely wrecks little units. Just avoid wound inflictors like Ravos and carrion lancers

Edited by Church14

I think it looks like an excellent army to take to your first tournament. I'm a little apprehensive about the 2x1 Rune Golems, but you should try it and form your own opinions.

If it were me, I'd make it a single tray of Golems and give Lord Hawthorne Shield of Margath. Then also slap Tempered Steel on the Crossbowmen for a 198 point list.

I'm not a fan of Hawthorne, I rather prefer Kari for sniping but its up to you. If you are using him to refresh your upgrades, I would use Rallying Cornicen in crossbowmen instead.

I would try to fit Wind Rune in the cavalry, you dont really need too much rerolls on them, they have 3 rows.

Rune Golems are good for blocking but they are weak against direct wounds, and with a 2x1 you are throwing away too many points.

The rest is ok. Spearmen are a very tough unit with Shield Wall and Lance Corporal.

I also had that idea of tempered steel... but I simply don't have got that card... ? Shield of Magath is also a super upgrade for Hawthorne, but I couldn't get it working in every match I tried it... I played him not aggressively enough I think.

The cavalry is 3 trays wide and have only two rows... for this formation I need Hawthorne. Without me relying on my cav, rallying cornicen on my crossbowmen could be a great option, never thought about that, thanks.

Mostly, I like it! It's pretty similar to what I often run. 2x1 Golems is 100% more wounds for 65% more points, and guarantees 3 threat so I definitely think there's a case for it, that Oathsworn package is incredibly efficient, and Crossbows are nice ranged units. Some questions:

  • Have you tried Raven-Pennon Bearer on the Spearmen? 5 point figure upgrades are a bummer, but at least it's defense 3, and it's pretty cool flexibility. Combines well with Lance Corporal to make the dial VERY flexible. Not sure it's worth it overall, but I definitely suggest you try it out.
  • How many Spearmen is Shield Wall saving you in an average game? I've always found I'm more worried about readying Lance Corporal.
  • The Spearmen are 52 points and the Oathsworn 52. Do you find the Spearmen perform as well as the Oathsworn? Certainly they have different strengths, but the Oathsworn have a pretty big edge in the damage and charging department. Keep an eye out for it.
  • How much do you like Hawthorne? He enables the 3x2 Oathsworn, so as far as I'm concerned this is a good use for him, but lately I've been finding I don't really WANT the larger unit. He usually ends up screwing with my deployment a little, spending the first turn Inspiring, then catching up and trying to find a unit to tar pit. With no reroll, his personal damage is quite low, so in game all he tends to do is be a tough nuisance.
  • As Church points out above, you do suffer a bit on objectives. Might be worth fitting in another, smaller unit.

I ran that list with some changes:

Only 1 golem, no shieldwall for the spears but Shield of Margath for the Lord, additionally a Wind Rune for the Cav and the Rallying Cornicen for the Crossbows...

I finished second of 9 players, i could have won that torunament but got too gready in the last match and lost that round against the tournament-winner... but therfore that this was my first tournament, it went pretty great ?

Edited by HerrBSahne
3 hours ago, HerrBSahne said:

I ran that list with some changes:

Only 1 golem, no shieldwall for the spears but Shield of Margath for the Lord, additionally a Wind Rune for the Cav and the Rallying Cornicen for the Crossbows...

I finished second of 9 players, i could have won that torunament but got too gready in the last match and lost that round against the tournament-winner... but therfore that this was my first tournament, it went pretty great ?

I like your changes, very wise decision. Congratulations! 2nd in a 9-player tournament sound pretty good.

Congrats! (A bit late here i guess) Windrune for the cav is in my oppinion almost a must i guess. What units preformed good?

My spearmans and Crossbowman use Fire Rune too. Some extra ranged damage,works pretty well :)