New Minion Cards

By The Grand Falloon, in Game Masters

Some time ago I put together some Minion Cards, and posted the results here . Since then, I've been tinkering at it, and have made a new version. These ones are designed to be cut out and put into CCG card sleeves, so then you can write on them with dry-erase markers. Here's a couple examples, first of a blank, 5-wound minion group, and then one that's been "written" on, for a group of four Stormtroopers:
5ae24cd2ed461_MinCard5Blank.jpg.9cb52dcaab6a5bab02d695b4c534ef24.jpg 5ae24cd73df1d_MinCard5Used.jpg.bf889002086130e89eb0dbe5a7f9d05b.jpg

You can download a sheet of 9 cards from my Google Drive , feel free to print and use them, and hit me up with any feedback. When I printed them, they did come out just ever so slightly too large for some of my card sleeves, so you may need to trim just a little extra from the sides.

So, uh, anyone use these in their game over the weekend? Any thoughts?

I had never noticed these before - pity I'm not at work where I could freely use their laser printer *ahem*, I would never misappropriate office supplies like that.

I might bang out a page and use them tomorrow. I have a bunch of pirates for the players to mow down, and I'll see if I get an opportunity to field test this for ya.

Edited by Desslok

I'm not running a game right now but I will be using these in the near future. I love the design.

Thanks. In particular I want to make sure that the dice boxes are easy enough to read any numbers written in them. I felt like the cards looked pretty cool (because they're just hacked together from elements of the Living Card Game), but function is more important.

On 5/5/2018 at 1:54 AM, Desslok said:

I had never noticed these before - pity I'm not at work where I could freely use their laser printer *ahem*, I would never misappropriate office supplies like that.

Honestly... in 6th form, myself and three gaming buddies, were THE ONLY four pupils allowed access on our own to the photocopier, to copy sections of reference books for writing essays etc at home... (this was before the tinterweb so you'd have to, like, READ a book and highlight/underline key texts and quotes - oh, the horror) we NEVER TOOK advantage of this privilege AT ALL.... honest! We never took it in turns to loiter at the top of the corridor by Maths 1, and one by the door in case a member of staff was coming.... we never got a textbook and placed a rulebook inside on the character sheet page EVER!!!

HONEST... and we never, EVER EVER EVER photocopied entire rulebooks in stages over a week, like chapter 1, Monday morning, chapter 2 lunch etc etc... EVER....

These days it seems copiers are high-tec with passwords, dept numbers or they log who's sent what with page/ink use.... **** you technology

I could have used these last night. Grrr. I will print some for next time. Thanks GF.

Very cool. Thanks for sharing. Now I just need to pick up some CCG covers and dry erase markers for them. I guess tonight I'll rely on the use and dispose method.