Up until now, my son (17) and I had either played against each other (no competition for him!) or at a local club where x-wing is one of many games played.
Last night we both went to ibuywargames in Woking, Surrey for the first time. I was aware that they had some very good x-wing players so wasn't expecting much, other than a good lesson or two!
I managed to get two games in, my lad only one.
I flew 3 B-Wings (Keyan, Rage, FCS, E2, Inspiring Recruit / Ibtisam, Wired, Collision Detector, E2, Hera Syndulla / Nera, Deadeye, Extra Munitions, FCS, Guidance Chips, Proton Torps). Played a really nice chap called Nick, who flew two scumm bombers (Sorry don't know the correct name) with Nym and another named pilot. Lots of bombs, harpoons and extra munitions. Nym also had Cad Bane and a TLT I think. Both had the card to launch bombs using the speed 5 template.
First game started oddly (in my limited experience) with the two scum ships facing each other and deliberately bumping (is this a thing?). Once I'd got a bit closer they moved. However, Nick put the wrong move on one dial (a 2 turn) and one of them flew off the board.
First visit, casual/friendly play - I wasn't going to be 'that guy' so said to put it back on the board and change the dial to what was intended. I'm there to play a game, not win at all costs. I think I got a big credit with karma for that.
Although it didn't feel like that to begin with, as I very quickly lost Ibtisam to concentrated fire and he hadn't even fired a shot!
Some of my moves seemed to be a bit surprising to him (I'd like to say this was deliberate, but more likely due to idiocy on my part).
Just after losing Ibtisam I realised that I hadn't told Nick about Nera's ability as I moved pout of arc and then fired a proton torpedo, much to his surprise. If you happen to read this Nick, my apologies!
Well Nera played a blinder, getting two good shots thanks to Proton Torps and Guidance chips. With additional fire from Keyan, the other bomber went down.
Eventually Nym went too, but only after getting Nera first.
Crikey, I'd won my first game (Thank you Karma for some very useful attack dice and on one memorable occasion, 3 evades from 3 defence dice - natural, asteroid and range 3)
As everyone one else was still playing, we set up again.
Different story this time, Keyan went first due to focused fire, Ibtisam next and while both scum ships were damaged, I just wasn't able to kill one off. At the end Nym was down to just one hull, Nera on 3 I think, but firing last and in range of both. Before she could fire the scum ships easily did what was required.
Looking back my flying in the second game wasn't quite as good as the first - I landed on an asteroid, twice I think, and managed to fly out of arc on a couple of occasions too.
Normal service was therefore resumed LOL.
Both games really enjoyable.
My son played in a game of Imps vs Imps.
He used Tie Defender, Rexler Brath, Tie/D, Twin Ion Engine, Expertise, Ion Cannon / Tie Defender, Countess Ryad, TieX7, twin ion engine, Vet Instincts / Tie Bomber, Tie shuttle, fleet officer crew and Lightweight frame.
His oppo had a Lamda shuttle, Cpt Yorr, Emp Palp / Tie Adv Prototype, The Inquisitor, Autothrusters, PTL, Tie v/1 / Tie s/f Fighter, Quickdraw, Expertise, FCS, Sensor Cluster, Spec Ops Training
His oppo did say that his (ie Palp, Inquisitor, Quickdraw) was a top tier list.
I wasn't able to watch the game, but apparently it all came down to one final play - Unfortunately my son's last ship bit the dust, leaving Quickdraw down to 3 hull, having lost 3 shield. Countess Ryad apparently went down to a lucky direct hit, and if his last ship (Brath) had survived he would have going with an Ion Cannon and then four dice primary weapon attack against Quickdraw.
Afterwards he said that it felt like a personal victory for him as he was pleased with how he flew, and with how close he'd come to winning.
I have no idea on points etc but sounded pretty close to me.
Overall a very enjoyable evening and a shop/club we will definitely be returning to in future.
The owner and fellow players made us feel very welcome. Thank you.
Any gamers in Surrey who don't know the store, I'd highly recommend it.
Edited by RedDogReb