Want to play more Star Wars Armada on Oahu? Then join the SALLY--the Summer Armada League?
This will be a fun, casual Armada league using 400-point fleets and full tournament rules. Players schedule their own matchups, at the store (or home) of their choice.
Why play in the SALLY?
- "Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational 400-point fleet." A 400-point fleet can pack so much firepower, and so many interesting options for list-building: from dual ISDs to a Hammerhead swarm, from an Imperial aces swarm to a Rebel bomber wing.
- "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought." Unlike a tournament or a Corellian Campaign, you can fly a different list against each opponent. Which means that you, like me, can waste countless hours each week list-building more fleets than you can ever possibly hope to fly, let alone master. You can try out some Thrawn goodness, passing out commands; or try to make Konstantine work with VSDs and an Interdictor; or even build your own Raddus bomb.
- "The Emperor has made a critical error, and the time for our attack has some." I will publish a complete league schedule once registration closes, with a two-week window for each match, but those dates are just guidelines to keep you on track to complete the league. You are free to schedule your matches anytime during the league, giving you the flexibility to plan your matches around vacations, busy times at work, and the real world.
- "Someone must have told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab." With tournament scoring, it matters how much you beat your opponent by--or how much you mitigate your losses-as your VP margin will determine your tournament points for each match (from 1 to 10). Your reward for beating Matt Inouye by getting one more Superior Positions token on the very last roll (it happened!) will pale compared to the payoff for aggressive play and tabling your opponent.
- "An elegant game for a more civilized age." Come out and play Armada!
(Registration will be open through 15 MAY. Once registration is closed, I will publish a schedule of 4-6 games [8-12 weeks] on Google Docs, along with everyone's contact information. You are then responsible for contacting your opponents to schedule matches as well as reporting match results to me. I will try to arrange some prize/participation support [$5 donations appreciated but not required] and possibly an end-of-season tournament or finale, but I want to get the league up and running first. Please pass this on to anyone in the area interested in Armada, even those who aren't members of our Facebook group.)
Registering is simple: Just send me, Treb Courie, your name and contact information (email and phone #) by commenting on this post, messaging me through Facebook, or emailing me at treb@courie.com.