Do players automatically have access to purchase skills and talents from previous ranks on their career path?
I think so, but it's not 100% clear in the rules.
Do players automatically have access to purchase skills and talents from previous ranks on their career path?
I think so, but it's not 100% clear in the rules.
Yes. Any rank a character has previously held is still freely available for them to take advances from.
Neat, thanks for the fast reply.
The exception being when they take Alternate Ranks (which can be a might troublesome with skills that have a 'progression' X, +10, +20 Ect. or prerequsites.) these though are suggested to be allowed as alternate ranks.
It's not an exception, when you take an alternate rank you substitute one rank for the alternate one, thus it's not a rank previously held.
While true from a semantc point in paracice it is often overlooked, especially where you might replace an early rank with an alternate one namely the first. While you will often have the same pool of skills and talents avalible there are some instances where taking the alternate rank, as soon as it is avalble can casue some issues later on down theline. You are correct, I just thought it a good thing to point out here as many people over look that aspects of Alt. Ranks, just as many forgot NOT to count the XP on BGP towards their advancment.