NPC stealing from PC

By AhsokaRadiian, in Game Masters

Hi all! New GM here

Im planning a campaign and Im thinking of having 2 NPCs (theyre small monkey type creatures) sneak up behind two unsuspecting PCs and stealing a holstered weapon from their belts and the running in two different directions to cause the PCs to split up briefly what needs to be rolled for this to possibly happen?

Thank you in advance!

Opposed Skulduggery (the NPC) vs Vigilance (PC), I’d say.

There's an example in the Trouble Brewing scenario in the back of the Core Rulebook; where it happens to the PC's while they are being distracted by someone, although they only attempt tp steal a small item/ few credits. The only preventative chance the PC's get is if one of them is on the look out for trouble, and then they have to make either a Vigilance or Perception check (not sure which or the difficulty). Seems like a good little encounter/hook to use.

I would do it unopposed so it doesn't feel railroaded. If the PC succeeds, they catch the NPC in the act. If not, they know as soon as their belt weight changes. Either way, there are plenty of ways to play it out. Odds are, even if they catch them in the act, the PC's aren't going to be able to detain your NPC's because they're caught off guard so you still get your chase.

You guys are great! thank you so much! @crashnburninc I will dedefinitely check out that scenario!

Absolutely nothing. If it is a narrative effect then it is a narrative effect not a die roll. If you dont give them their guns back at the end the players will hate it tho, so take that into account.

If someone has a problem with that, tell them it is a cutscene, so deal with it. Make the chase the encounter, not the theft

I like that make the chase the encounter not the theft

Thats a really great way to look at it I think I might do it that way thanks!

Edited by AhsokaRadiian

Assuming your goal is to initiate the chase encounter at all costs, I think I'd do this: Flip a Destiny point, probably two, and start the encounter immediately.

Make the PCs' Vigilance check their initiative check. Use the DP flip as justification for adding a difficulty die to the pool. The monkey-lizards roll Cool with a boost or two and the chase begins!

This keeps excessive rolling at a minimum and drives you right into the fun part. Otherwise you could end up with two Vigilance rolls in a row, which feels cumbersome.

The players shouldn't be too put out since they just got two Destiny points in their favor. One of the best aspects of the Destiny point mechanic is it allows you to pull the usual GMBS without as much BS since you're rewarding the players.