10 Word Story

By Yogo Rye X, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Well forum is pretty dead when there are no new lore or updates.

I remember long time ago in some very old browser games like Utopia, the lull between events is usually injected with a bit of humor from the game forums like 3 word stories.

So considering we have here a gathering of clans and both humans and non-humans(yeah you guys cant hide), let us see where a 10 word game story can get us. Might be good to make a summary of the posts every week and consider it as a chapter.

Only rule is wait for someone to post first before reposting again if you want to add more to the story.

Anyway here goes, enjoy...

One cold winter night, shivers ran down Isawa Kaede’s spine..

...as she felt the power of the Void calling her...

Edited by Tabris2k

Bracing herself, shoulder to the wind, she set her feet...

... into sandals, with the moonlight beaming across the windy plains....

Then Michael Scarn appeared, with a gun, and shot everyone.

- The End

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I was watching reruns of The Office and saw the one where Michael does improv......... I love that show.

Please forgive me for my interruption and continue the story.

Edited by Ishi Tonu

... her husband was far from their bed, she was lonely...

Memories of her younger worry free years flashed briefly, suddenly ...

she heard a rustle! She knew she wasn't alone...

Three posts above, @Ishi Tonu quoted some obscure gaijin references

The Mantis, like a roll of Thunder chasing the wind....

2 hours ago, Nitenman said:

Three posts above, @Ishi Tonu quoted some obscure gaijin references

I see what you did there, well played.....that's 10. :P

That feeling when....

....one of your socks is inside out.

Yet, even without socks, she was in deep thought about....

whether Toturi prefers looking at her with socks or without.

Edited by Yogo Rye X

And she gives herself away,

and she gives herself away...

Give it away

Give it away

Give it away, now

....... this was going so well too.

5 hours ago, Kaiba6798 said:

....... this was going so well too.

Don't you mean

This was going well. Shame on Ishi Tonu and Nitenman

no. no i do not. it was dead long ago

13 hours ago, Kaiba6798 said:

no. no i do not. it was dead long ago

That's the spirit. Keep it up. Now, back on topic.

Edited by Ishi Tonu
On 4/28/2018 at 4:23 AM, Ishi Tonu said:

Don't you mean

This was going well. Shame on Ishi Tonu and Nitenman

Shame on a forumer who runs game on a forumer!

17 minutes ago, Nitenman said:

Shame on a forumer who runs game on a forumer!

Shame on ninjas who try to run game on ninjas

Shame on trolls trolling trolls. How many trolls was that?

Then Kaede awoke from her dream, wondering what's a forum?

Searching for answers, she went Public about her Forum dreams.