This first list revolves around having a fully buffed AT-ST as a general purpose counter to whatever enemy unit(s) pose the biggest threat, with 4 corps and two speeder bike squads. The 3 corps units with DLTs are meant to push for and hold objectives, while the 4th would mainly stay by Veers as his bodyguard , with impact grenades for anything that tries to take him out at close range. The speeder bikes are there to disrupt the opponents order of command and displace/engage opportune targets, controlled by Veers commanding presence. (snowtroopers aren't taken into account because only veers will be out before the tounament on April 28)
List 1: 793/800
Esteemed Leader [5]
Commanding Presence [10]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
Impact Grenades [5]
General Weiss [10]
88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon [20]
AT-ST Mortar Launcher [10]
DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher [15]
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90]
Comms Jammer [15]
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90]
There are still 2 speeder bike squads with the same purpose. Another trade off with this one is that I am less likely to be the blue player with the higher point cost.
Commanding Presence [10]
Esteemed Leader [5]
Stormtroopers [44]
Stormtrooper [11]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtrooper [11]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtrooper [11]
Stormtroopers [44]
HH-12 Stormtrooper [34]
Stormtrooper [11]
AT-ST Mortar Launcher [10]
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90]
Comms Jammer [15]
74-Z Speeder Bikes [90]