There seems to be a lot of confusion online, what is the definite ruling on When you use Arianne Martell to put into play Ramsay Snow? Does Ramsay's Forced Reaction go off before Arianne returns to hand?
Arianne Martell (Core) & Ramsay Snow
The forced reaction on Ramsay must be resolved before the "then" portion of Arianne's ability. This is all in the rules reference.
2 hours ago, qwertyuiop said:The forced reaction on Ramsay must be resolved before the "then" portion of Arianne's ability. This is all in the rules reference.
The Rules Reference say no such thing. And, although we don't have official word on it, I believe all reactions are resolved after the "then" effect.
So, as of now, the ruling is Arianne brings in Ramsay, Arianne returns to hand, Ramsay's effect goes off.
18 hours ago, Khudzlin said:The Rules Reference say no such thing. And, although we don't have official word on it, I believe all reactions are resolved after the "then" effect.
Nested ability sequences. Forced Reactions. Unless I'm completely misreading.
See also the WotN Jon Snow/Core Robb interaction. You use Jon's ability to sacrifice a Stark character. If you are going to trigger Robb's reaction to stand all your characters, this is when it happens. This interrupts the rest of the resolution of Jon's ability causing either to fizzle or to stand a unique Stark character controlled by the opponent.
Sacrificing a Stark character is the cost of WotN Jon Snow's ability. That's a different step in the Initiating an ability/Marshaling a card sequence. Pre-then and post-then effects are both resolved in the same step of that sequence.
2 hours ago, Khudzlin said:Sacrificing a Stark character is the cost of WotN Jon Snow's ability. That's a different step in the Initiating an ability/Marshaling a card sequence. Pre-then and post-then effects are both resolved in the same step of that sequence.
Seriously, let me know what I'm missing here. I don't see anything to support the forced reaction resolving after the 'then' effect.
Here's what's making me think that when Ramsay enters, you can sac Arianne. If you use Arianne to bring in Areo Hotah (Core) his ability goes off before Arianne is sent back to hand, so wouldn't the same apply to Ramsay?
Ramsey’s reaction resolves after Arianne returns to hand. (c) Danny Schaefer