Two-Handed Deck Combination (any suggestions welcome).

By silverthorn, in Strategy and deck-building

Since I'm going to give all the quests after the Dwarrowdelf Cycle a try again I decided to post up the decks as I make changes. Any suggestions or changes are welcome.



  • Aragorn (Tactics).

  • Gimli (Leadership).

  • Legolas (Spirit).

ALLIES (21).

  • Arwen Undomiel x2.

  • Defender of Rammas x3.

  • Dunedain Hunter x3.

  • Errand-Rider x3.

  • Faramir x2.

  • Galadriel x2.

  • Honour Guard x3.

  • Weather Hills Watchman x3.


  • Armoured Destrier x3.

  • Black Arrow x1.

  • Celebrian's Stone x1.

  • Dwarven Shield x3.

  • Ring of Barahir x1.

  • Rivendell Blade x1.

  • Roheryn x2.

  • Steward of Gondor x2.

  • Sword That Was Broken x2.

EVENTS (13).

  • Hunting Party x3.

  • Feint x2.

  • Sneak Attack x2.

  • Unlikely Friendship x3.

  • Ranger Summons x3.



  • Elrond.

  • Gandalf.

  • Glorfindel (Spirit).

ALLIES (17).

  • Bilbo Baggins x3.

  • Dunedain Pathfinder x3.

  • Ethir Swordsman x3.

  • Henamarth Riversong x1.

  • Miner of the Iron Hills x2.

  • Northern Tracker x2.

  • Warden of Healing x3.


  • Asfaloth x1.

  • Cloak Of Lorien x1.

  • Dunedain Pipe x1.

  • Gandalf's Staff x2.

  • Light of Valinor x3.

  • Narya x1.

  • Shadowfax x1.

  • Silver Harp x2.

  • Unexpected Courage x1.

  • Vilya x3.

  • Warden of Arnor x1.

  • Wingfoot x1.

  • Wizard Pipe x1.

EVENTS (14).

  • A Test of Will x2.

  • Elrond's Counsel x3.

  • Flame of Arnor x2.

  • Hasty Stroke x2.

  • The Galadhrim's Greeting x2.

  • Waters of Nimrodel x3.

Just glanced through it. I do not know how much of suggestion you seek, how much you intend to keep either way. I had been playing Glorfindel, Elrond, Gandalf for ages. Then I freed Glorfindel for other decks and put Spirit Beregond instead. Not as thematic, perhaps, but you might not be looking for that given your decks, but very good to start with such a defender who keeps your threat at the opening level (if things go well). But certainly, in that deck, I would recommend big allies: Beorn, Boromir, Gildor, also Glorfindel if you are not going to use him as a hero, Erestor, etc. That is how Vilya is most efficient, I find. Certainly more allies, just less than half the deck, I would say...

Thanks for the advice. I ran the two decks through a practice run of Massing At Osgiliath and noted that I was doing very little with Legolas's resources so I may move some of the cheaper Spirit allies over to the Hunters deck and put more high-end allies into the Wise deck (since I should finally be getting my hands on Crossing of Poros this week I'll make some changes after that comes out and finalise the starting decks then).

Yes , more bomb allies for Vilya. Also, the Weather Hills Whiffman has no targets. I'd swap them out for the Andrath Guardsmen. Otherwise, they look quite good.


A lot of great cards are missing in your decklist. Imladris stargazer, Daeron's rune, black arrow, unexpected courage, magic ring, double back, galadhrim greeting, legacy of numenor, deep knowledge, some big allies (not 25 like @Fingolfin Fate says, but more 5/7 like Boromir, Jubayr, Firyal, Beorn, Gildor, enventually Faramir), envoy of pelargir...

Here is a fellowship I was really happy with some time ago with the same line-up (except Boromir instead of Aragorn):

If I have to play it now I will be doing some modification (-1 Gildor, -1 Haldir, -1 Ioreth for 1 Magic ring and 1 warden of healing, I wasn't play Haldir and have 60 cars anyway). If you want to do a decklist closest to this but remove the card you don't have (you seem not willing to have proxies so 6 test of will is not okay for you ^^) we can look at this together.

Here is a plain text of the fellowship linked below:

Hero (3)
Boromir (The Dead Marshes)
Gimli (The Sands of Harad)
Legolas (The Sands of Harad)

Ally (3)
3x Envoy of Pelargir (Heirs of Númenor)

Attachment (25)
1x Black Arrow (On the Doorstep)
3x Bow of the Galadhrim (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
2x Captain of Gondor (The Antlered Crown)
2x Dwarven Shield (The Sands of Harad)
3x Gondorian Shield (The Steward's Fear)
1x Heir of Mardil (Celebrimbor's Secret)
3x Rivendell Blade (Road to Rivendell)
1x Rivendell Bow (The Watcher in the Water)
2x Secret Vigil (The Lost Realm)
3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
2x Sword of Númenor (The Dread Realm)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (21)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
2x Elven-light (The Dread Realm)
3x Feint (Core Set)
3x Foe-hammer (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Legacy of Númenor (The Voice of Isengard)
1x Sterner than Steel (The Flame of the West)
3x Unlikely Friendship (The Sands of Harad)
3x We Are Not Idle (Shadow and Flame)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards

Hero (3)
Elrond (Shadow and Flame)
Gandalf (The Road Darkens)
Glorfindel (Foundations of Stone)

Ally (19)
2x Arwen Undómiel (The Watcher in the Water)
1x Beorn (Core Set)
1x Bilbo Baggins (The Road Darkens)
3x Envoy of Pelargir (Heirs of Númenor)
1x Firyal (The Mûmakil)
1x Gildor Inglorion (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
1x Haldir of Lórien (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Imladris Stargazer (Foundations of Stone)
1x Ioreth (A Storm on Cobas Haven)
1x Jubayr (The Mûmakil)
1x Mablung (The Land of Shadow)
1x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
2x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)

Attachment (14)
2x Asfaloth (Foundations of Stone)
2x Gandalf's Staff (The Road Darkens)
3x Light of Valinor (Foundations of Stone)
3x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)
3x Vilya (Shadow and Flame)
1x Wizard Pipe (The Road Darkens)

Event (17)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron's Runes (Foundations of Stone)
2x Deep Knowledge (The Voice of Isengard)
3x Elrond's Counsel (The Watcher in the Water)
3x Hasty Stroke (Core Set)
3x The Galadhrim's Greeting (Core Set)

Player Side Quest (1)
1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram)

3 Heroes, 51 Cards

In the finest tradition of how putting deck lists on this board seems to go for me I've had to make a couple of changes to my plans since I've been invited to a (with me there) four player run-through of the saga campaign. Since apparently Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are all taken already I'm going to be using the Elrond/Gandalf/Glorfy deck for the campaign. As a result I'm switching to solo play with the modified Seekers deck I'm working on.

Nope, the Seekers was mostly because the Elrond Gandalf Glorfindel was going to do the lions share of the questing in a two-handed game. Now I'm rebuilding it as a solo deck which will double as part of a four-player campaign.

Mark II – 63 Cards.


  • Elrond.

  • Gandalf.

  • Glorfindel (Spirit).

ALLIES (28).

  • Arwen Undomiel x2.

  • Beorn x1.

  • Bilbo Baggins x3.

  • Ethir Swordsman x3.

  • Faramir x1.

  • Galadriel x1.

  • Gildor Inglorion x1.

  • Haldir Of Lorien x1.

  • Henamarth Riversong x1.

  • Imladris Stargazer x3.

  • Miner of the Iron Hills x2.

  • Northern Tracker x2.

  • Prince Imrahil x1.

  • Warden of Healing x3.

  • Westfold Horse-Breeder x3.


  • Asfaloth x3 (Glorfindel).

  • Cloak Of Lorien x1 (Elrond).

  • Gandalf's Staff x2 (Gandalf).

  • Light of Valinor x3 (Glorfindel).

  • Narya x1 (Gandalf).

  • Shadowfax x2 (Gandalf).

  • Silver Harp x3 (Glorfindel).

  • Unexpected Courage x1 (Elrond).

  • Vilya x3 (Elrond).

  • Wizard Pipe x1 (Gandalf).

EVENTS (14).

  • A Test Of Will x2.

  • Daeron's Runes x3.

  • Elrond's Counsel x3.

  • Flame of Arnor x2.

  • Hasty Stroke x2.

  • The Galadhrim's Greeting x2.


  • Double Back x1.

On 4/23/2018 at 8:21 PM, Rouxxor said:


A lot of great cards are missing in your decklist. Imladris stargazer, Daeron's rune, black arrow, unexpected courage, magic ring, double back, galadhrim greeting, legacy of numenor, deep knowledge, some big allies (not 25 like @Fingolfin Fate says, but more 5/7 like Boromir, Jubayr, Firyal, Beorn, Gildor, enventually Faramir), envoy of pelargir...

Are you really kidding-like? I get it that you have problems with English, and that is no shame in that, but mis-quoting people just because you do not understand is a bit too much, maybe? Well, not really. It is ok. But I said 25 allies in total. Or do you really think there should only be 5 or 7 in the whole deck?

If there is no shame why don't you bother, or even pointing that? My bad english is a bigger concern for me than it is for you. If you really were willing to be cool with that you will no be pointing at it every time. You know for sure, but you're not looking comprehensive to me.

Though, I never mean to offense you by me message. It is my bad. After take another read to your post I understand that you spoke about half of the deck being allies, not big allies. I don't even thought that playing half of the deck as big allies was a non-sense, I saw this kind of decklist (with eagles, northern trackers...) a few years ago.

For my own post I was trying to be clear that the 5/7 was for "big allies". Some others allies as like some attachment (unexpected courage is the best for this) with a reasonable price (2 or 1) are both good for being putting in play using vilya or pay from hand. But I'm not worried anymore after having enough of them. Since we have Gandalf we can't fail any vilya: we always know what is there on the top of the deck. There is nothing bad playing a lot of cheap events, you will play them from the top using Gandalf abilities for the best. I'm actually at 5 big allies, 17 events and 27 cards at 1 or 2 plus 1 double back that don't fit in any of those categories.

You know what, I just thought what you were doing at first was a big strange, and not cool at all. I said something, and then you basically said the same, but in the same sentence mentioned how I was wrong and you were right. It really looked that way, why else would you be mentioning me in the first place? If you meant no offense, why writing 'not 25 as Fingolfin says.' That really was the only problem I had. And of course, it is nothing to jump up about. And I do apologize if I sounded harsh in response.

From now on, let us both communicate in the best possible (and friendly manner), understanding that each is different, and both can be right (in their own right) at the same time. Sounds good?

As for the original post, the one card that I find the most efficient in the entire Elrond/Gandalf/Vilya set up, is The Free Peoples. It literally wins games for me, almost every time I play the deck. I try to play it three times a game, and it is certainly no stretch to see it twice in most. The nine traits requirement is really no deal at all in this deck.

As for the deck distribution, I usually go 22 allies, 14 attachments, 14 events with my Gandalf, Beregond, Elrond line-up.