Ion trooper

By animattor78, in Army Building

I'm building my lists and am looking at building a 4 trooper build. I have two core sets worth of guys right now. I want to include the Z-6 trooper card and the Rebel trooper card for each unit. Can my "added rebel trooper" be the Ion mini? I know I would be using the ion gun just the mini as a standard trooper? Looked through the rules and reference guide didn't see anything stating I couldn't.


I think you're meant to only use the heavy weapon minis if you have the upgrade.

Otherwise it could confuse your opponent as its not clear what weapons the unit has.

It's a miniature game. Rule number 1 : WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).

No it's pretty clear that you have 4 Rebel Trooper minis, 1 Rebel Trooper Unit Leader mini, 1 MPL-57 Ion Trooper mini, and 1 Z-6 Trooper mini. The upgrade card explicitly states what kind mini you are supposed to add.

Rules, page 44, "upgrade carts",fourth point, first arrow: "trooper upgrades add specific trooper minis to a unit, represented by unique sculpts to easily identify them".

Implicitly, it says you shouldn't.

If your arent playing in an official(or even unofficial) tournament, I'd say it's down to what your opponent and you agree on, if you don't know your opponent until the time ,ask him/her or them at the time, but he prepared to adjust accordingly, if it's a tournament then ultimately I'd steer clear of even asking the question, what might be fine with one player may not be with another.

On ‎21‎.‎04‎.‎2018 at 1:12 PM, animattor78 said:

I'm building my lists and am looking at building a 4 trooper build. I have two core sets worth of guys right now. I want to include the Z-6 trooper card and the Rebel trooper card for each unit. Can my "added rebel trooper" be the Ion mini? I know I would be using the ion gun just the mini as a standard trooper? Looked through the rules and reference guide didn't see anything stating I couldn't.


The rules explicitly say, what you can do. You can add a standard troops mini for the "additional trooper" card, not any other mini.

And why would you want that, except for confusing your opponent? (Which is not allowed.)

Ok good to know I haven’t played a Miniature like this before.